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LA DEVOTEE / o, trespassing - Printable Version

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LA DEVOTEE / o, trespassing - Lust, - 05-14-2018

Don't be cautious, don't be kind
You committed, I'm your crime
It was a quiet afternoon. Storm clouds had gathered over the territory while thunder rolled in the distance and lightning danced across the far horizons and it poured heavily onto the ground. Red eyes could be seen from afar, as they appeared to be glowing. A tall melanistic wildcat stood on the outskirts of the territory, a smirk on the figure's maw.

Death had claimed the female once, but it wouldn't this time around. She'd get her revenge on that stupid Flame Alchemist and his friends somehow- even if she was alone. Lust was a smart one, unlike the rest of the morons she had practically watched. A bunch of fools they were. Always acting like children and arguing among themselves.

The female would soon reach the Pebble Coast, her red gaze searching the area around here- for any possible signs of life.
© madi

Re: LA DEVOTEE / o, trespassing - Warringkingdoms - 05-14-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]The storm gathering on the edge of the territory didn't bother Rin that much, which part of her found strange. Perhaps it was because the sound of rain pattering on the land below was calming, or because the humidity in the air soothed her senses, or because of the lower levels of light naturally dulling the senses. Heck, maybe it represented a cleansing of both the land and of her mind, after all the worries of the past few days.

  What did bother Rin was the sight of a melanistic wildcat- that she was fairly certain wasn't Roy, given their red eyes- standing far within the territory. "Hey," she called out, maintaining a neutral tone, as she approached the wildcat. She had no clue what the stranger could want, but until she was sure of their intentions, she didn't need to start a fight. "This is Ascendants territory. Who are you?"

Re: LA DEVOTEE / o, trespassing - Suiteheart - 05-14-2018

[align=center][div style="width: ##px; height: ##px;"][Image: E8agfv5.png]
Suiteheart was never fond of trespassers. Now, as her normal personality began to chip away into her primal state, she especially was not fond of those who crossed clearly marked borders. For the life of her, she couldn't understand why others just didn't stop and fucking wait.

To say she was in a bad mood would be an understatement. She was pissed, and the storm helped none. Suite usually enjoyed a good thunderstorm here and there, but today was another story. The thunder and lightning hurt her head. The only relief in all of this was the rain which was soothing. However, the calming effects of the shower would be disregarded when she happened upon the trespasser.

Coming to stand beside Warringkingdoms, the large polar bear shot daggers at the wildcat. "You're trespassing," she growled as if it weren't blatantly obvious. "You either give us a good reason for it or get the hell out of here."

Re: LA DEVOTEE / o, trespassing - ghostpact - 05-14-2018

Yeesh, talk about ominous. ImmortalHD was on his usual rounds, getting back into his routine when he'd spotted that little scene and two clanmates already approaching the stranger. After adjusting his hat, he bounded over to join Suite and Rin. He assumed they already got down to the business of questioning so he just offered his usual smirk and a quiet, "Yo." to announce himself.

Re: LA DEVOTEE / o, trespassing - ★ HAZEL - 05-14-2018

Hazel had never been presented with the opportunity to face a trespasser before. They'd had plenty in her old clan, sure, but she had always been shoved aside or batted away, ears ringing with the words "This is no place for a nuisance like you." She'd tried, though; she wanted to know how to handle the situation, if the need to deal with it ever arose.

From what she could gather, there were two types of trespassers: the types that were lost and tired and turned into new clan mates, and the types that were enemies and came looking for blood. All one had to do was identify the motive of the stranger.

In this case, Hazel found the fur along her spine ripple with apprehension and impending violence as she tugged Arion to a stop next to Suite. The air was already uncomfortably hot and tense with Suite's threat and the immense amount of her poor mood mingling with the electricity tingling underneath the storm clouds. Part of Hazel wanted to think that Bastille was behind the storm, and so far, she had little proof that he wasn't. And even from the short time she had known the boy, she had picked up that it was a sign of his foul mood or upset. Either way, the atmosphere was uncomfortable and suffocating and Hazel really hoped that this didn't escalate any further, or she wouldn't be much use. She wanted to help, wanted to be of use, but knew that the second a violent move was made she wouldn't be able to see anything but Mother's claws.

She'd be useless.

So she stayed silent between Arion's ears as the colt nervously shifted in place, having picked up on the mood shift as well. There was a quiet air of determination about her, but it was thin; she just hoped that this wouldn't go any further than where it already stood. The she cat looked like she intended harm, but Hazel refused to leave until she had an absolute conclusion on what was going on.
— hazel — "speech" — seven months — the ascendants — tags
c) miithers

Re: LA DEVOTEE / o, trespassing - Lust, - 05-14-2018

Don't be cautious, don't be kind
You committed, I'm your crime
A small smirk had plastered on the female's facial features as a small group of strangers arrived. This would be fun. And very interesting. Now she just had to wait for the right moment. After all, this was a rather small group. How pitiful. The wildcat would turn her attention to Rin, whom she had studied for a brief moment. "My name is Raven." She said. Of course, she wouldn't want them to know her true identity. At least not yet.

The female's attention had quickly moved to Suiteheart, who seemed to be in a bad mood. "Well, I was hoping I could take a look around your territory for a few minutes? I'd like to see if it's suitable for me to live here or not, unless anyone has any objections to that request?"
© madi

Re: LA DEVOTEE / o, trespassing - Suiteheart - 05-14-2018

[align=center][div style="width: ##px; height: ##px;"][Image: E8agfv5.png]
Her dark eyes flickered momentarily to Hazel. She could read the girl's nervousness with ease, and the polar bear subconsciously stopped just in front of the girl and Arion. The last thing she wanted was for her sweet, golden girl to be injured in what surely was bound the happen.

She stole a glance at ImmortalHD too before focusing her stare again on Lust - "Raven." Suiteheart felt her lip curl back as the female spoke. Her words were soft yet commanding. It somewhat reminded her of Margaery when she had been overtaken by her vampirism. She blinked to dismiss this thought. "Sounds like bullshit to me," she responded, arching a nonexistent eyebrow as the other explained they were looking around. "If you wanted a tour, you should've stayed at the border and waited."

This Suiteheart was a far cry from the usual welcome wagon she was whenever someone new arrived. Perhaps she sensed the ill intentions of the trespassing individual. Perhaps she was just looking for an excuse to be angry and rude. Eh, who could tell?

Re: LA DEVOTEE / o, trespassing - Roy Mustang - 05-14-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]

Roy had been padding relatively close to the pebble shore when his blue gaze landed on almost red like eyes that belonged to a wildcat, who was currently surrounded by his clanmates. For a moment Roy thought of the homunculi, considering those monsters were a conflict of his in the past. But now, it's different. He hated to think that this is his reality now, that's he stuck living here, dead back in Amestris. So what Roy thought was that he no longer has to deal with the Homunculi, despite his wishes to be back in Amestris to stop them. He thought the homunculi would stay in Amestris, and if they managed to actually die, they would stay dead.

But as he began to pad over, and when his ears pricked up at that voice, suspicions beginning to surface in his mind. That voice, it sounded almost familiar, as if he heard it before. And then, certain words he heard clearly with that voice went through his mind. "I love how cold and focused your eyes are. I look forward to the day when those eyes will be wide with agony. It's coming. It's coming..." And then, it hit him like a truck. Lust. This has to be Lust, right? So apparently this bitch can't stay dead forever after all, and now she's hoping to join after trespassing? Like Roy Mustang will have it, no- he'll burn her to death again if he has to. Something like her do not deserve a second chance.

His ears quickly pinned back to his head, lips curling into a snarl. He couldn't believe that somehow she was alive again, and it was just her luck that she ended up here. You know, where the Flame Alchemist and Maes Hughes are staying in after their deaths. "Cut the fucking act," The Flame Alchemist snarled with an authoritative, militaristic tone, his gaze locking on the wildcat. His flint claws were digging into the earth, he had to fight the temptation not to snap his claws. It's still Roy's first and instinctive reflex to do, just like when he had been human. "You better get your ass out of here before you regret it," He snapped, wondering if she would recognize his voice if he was correct on his assumption.

Re: LA DEVOTEE / o, trespassing - Margaery - 05-15-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
[color=#b15767]"Everybody calm down."

Margaery's arrival was announced with a quiet, hardly honeyed statement. Her eyes, which normally would match the color of the storming sky above, were a dark copper color and she seemed to be a bundle of pent up and dangerous energy, first staring at Suiteheart and then at "Raven". Her wife was off, there was no denying that simple fact, and as much as it suddenly pained her to see her so.. well.. aggressive, Margaery had other matters to deal with. [color=#b14767]"There will be no special tours for you, dearie, but I speak for all of us when I say an explanation is in order." Why are you capable of riling everyone up? I don't get it.

If anything, Margaery saw bits and pieces of her more monstrous side within the ebony wildcat. The way she held herself, the way she spoke... they were all reminiscent of the Observer's internal demons. Interesting. But she hadn't been able to ponder Suiteheart's condition and thus, couldn't ponder their similarities, resigning to instead looking towards Roy. He wasn't so much distressed as he was angry. But why? What puzzle piece was she missing from this situation?

Re: LA DEVOTEE / o, trespassing - Luciferr - 05-15-2018