Beasts of Beyond
to know and be known • rhine - Printable Version

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to know and be known • rhine - athenii - 12-11-2020

Jamie had been here for a week now, and he'd decided it was time to speak directly to the one in charge. He set off from his room, marching through camp towards the leader's room. "Milady?" he called lightly, rapping gently against the edge of the doorway. "It's Jamie, milady. I'd very much like to have a word with ye, if yew don't mind."
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px white; font-size: 24px;"]— JAMIE

Re: to know and be known • rhine - RHINESTONE. - 12-15-2020

Rhinestone had been rather comfortably sat in his den when Jamie approached, preoccupied with group matters. The sand in front of the leader was disturbed, little plans and to do lists carved into it with the serval's claws. The rapping of a paw against the edge of the entrance caused Rhine to lift his head, pausing when he heard what the newcomer had to say. He certainly didn't mind Jaime coming to see him, even if the other was a bit hard to understand, but there was a part of his speech that especially confused him. Milady? Wasn't that a title for... well, a lady? Did Jamie think that he was a woman? That was certainly... a development. Getting up to his paws, Rhinestone moved over to the entrance to his den, a bit of an awkward smile on his face as he muttered, "Jamie? Hello there... I don't mind having a word with you. But, uh... was that milady referring to... me?" He didn't mean to be rude, he was just a bit taken off guard. Was his new body really all that feminine? Was it his voice?
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: to know and be known • rhine - athenii - 12-15-2020

Jamie froze, his hazel gaze resting on the other. He... he wasn't? His eyes remained wide, his jaw slightly slacked as his mind scrambled for a comprehensive answer that would make him look like anything but the fool he was. Coming up with nothing, the fox snapped his jaws closed, ears swiveling back slightly. "My apologies. I dinna ken why I made such an assumption." the male spoke, letting out a single nervous chuckle.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px white; font-size: 24px;"]— JAMIE