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sleeping tiger . cloaks - Printable Version

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sleeping tiger . cloaks - VASS . - 12-11-2020

Vaas' previous hunt had been successful, and as the carcass was stripped for meat and it's bones set to bleach- it left the thick pelt of it. Thick wintry fur of his own was enough to keep him warm, but with sickness so common around the edge's of camp and as the healer, he had a duty. Once the tiger had started he didn't much care for stopping, stripping his own stash of pelts- from more exotic patterns and types of furs. By the time the dawn light up the boardwalk Vaas' own den- the more likely known for healer's den held within it a small crate of cloaks. Hand made with claps of small bone and striped leather.

There was already a demand for them: as Vaas had set to his task last night many had come in to see the once Boss busy at work: word had spread around that Vaas was making a cloak, and while there was little doubt who he made the first one for, the fact that there were more than one... maybe he had a few spare to give out to other's? He smirked as people walked in and out, nervous eyes watching the pile of his work. As of yet no one had stepped up to ask for one, as he was still working. But it was only a matter of time.
[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "

Re: sleeping tiger . cloaks - athenii - 12-11-2020

Jamie was curious. Of course, he had his dearly loved plaid, but it wasn't very warm and winter was hitting hard. As he approached, the fox would tilt his head. "Cloaks? They're a mighty beauty. Mind if I look at one?" the Scot inquired, his eyes locked on what appeared to be a black cloak made of some sort of bear fur.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px white; font-size: 24px;"]— JAMIE

Re: sleeping tiger . cloaks - RHINESTONE. - 12-12-2020

Rhinestone had never really considered having a cloak of his own, if he was being honest. He knew that one would be useful, even with his newly thickened pelt from his shift into his current serval body. However, he didn't really have the time to make a cloak for himself, what with his leader duties and his more general work as well. Thankfully, it seemed as though Vaas was ready to come to the rescue, as the tiger usually seemed to do for him. It was honestly pretty touching to see how far they had come, if the legate stopped to think about it for a moment. One day, he and Vaas had just been a couple of allies, with a fair bit of tension between them as Rhine's group had absorbed Vaas's group into them. Hell, their first proper encounter after that had been the celebration, and the large feline hadn't exactly been very friendly during that. However, things had changed drastically since then. Vaas really seemed as though he cared about them all, and that was something that would always bring a smile to Rhine's face. And cause his heart to speed up a bit, although he was loathe to admit that to anyone.

The legate had ended up hearing about the cloaks a bit later then some others, having been out when the first murmurs of them had begun to rise around the boardwalk and camp. Despite this, as soon as he had heard what Vaas was doing, he had made a beeline over to the place, eager to see the fruits of the tiger's labor. Jaime was already there and asking to see one of the cloaks, which emboldened Rhine to ask about one of his own. Taking a deep breath inwards, the smaller of the two felines made his way over to Vaas, smiling as he greeted, "Hey, Vaas. These new cloaks have certainly become the talk of the town... would it be possible for me to get one?" He didn't even consider the possibility that Vaas had possibly made one specially for him, considering that, while he had gained quite a bit of confidence recently, he still didn't think of himself as anything special.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: sleeping tiger . cloaks - Grimm - 12-12-2020

Accustomed had he grown to traversing the stretch of land casting a divide between the shallow valley and the weathered boardwalk, his purpose singular. Time had lessened the necessity that drove such frequent visitation, though stilled his tongue upon a growing preference for the loosely gathered structures that once were held beneath the rule of boss turned medic. Something present in the rotting boards lashed together by rope and overgrown flora drew him, as though he were but a moth fluttering ever closer to the tantalising light of a flame, though never far had he ventured.

All the same lingering the glance cast where shadows thickened between each building well beyond warehouse settled near outskirts, arrival conducted all too soon, snuffed his desire with a drawn out sigh. Propped open the heavy door permitting entrance, few those occupants within, turned over the space to permit a stay for the grievously injured or sick. Among them had he been, and thus slow his progress through towards back where sectioned off an area for Vaas alone, offering greeting to those he might recall.

Upwards chin rose as voices parted the silence that had grown prominent, behind him the patients left to rest, familiar both though to differing levels. Closer did Foam creep, wonder widening soft green depths. Missed the talk, excitement and rather boastful claims first pick might be theirs, unknown the endeavour that lead to a crate over full with cloaks. Unlike the prior two unvoiced his own desire, instead he approached and moved to stand before, rising so front paws may be braced against the crate. Such did not permit him to peer within, the height such position achieved meagre, frown gracing lips as he turned his gaze towards Vaas.
[Image: ezgif-5-dccafc75ccf5.gif]
i think that's a burn but we seldom learn, you know fire's too strict a teacher, stoking up the coal with another pull silence and smoke poured out, but there'll be time in distant days, time enough for me to shape my ways where my ambitions lift my indifference and no more of the day is a waste
code by Wisker

Re: sleeping tiger . cloaks - SirDio - 12-14-2020

She's got low self esteem and vertigo
but she thinks she's fine and dandy!

She had started growing used to the cold, either by bitterness alone or just thick feathers. But she also grew used to walking from place to place. Stay in one place to long and she began to think, and sometimes those thoughts never really went into a good path. She often found herself on the boardwalk. And it was a soft dawn where she again found herself there.

Eyes settling upon everyone, she felt a weight between her shoulders, and she shook her feathers absently. "Cloaks? Cool." She tried to sound a bit more interested, but she was just unable to force it, so she gave up and let her voice be hollow.


template by orion

Re: sleeping tiger . cloaks - VASS . - 12-15-2020

Cold, a terrible chill even during the day as it was is such a travesty. Vaas had his own cloak, or had one before- the body of Rhinestone was found- even after the burial that night he hadn't felt even a want to wear the bloodstained thing again: making another one made sense, it also eased the ill-thoughts of the leader's current body, short fur never bode well for the chill even he could feel. After he started, he couldn't stop. Even if the first one made was special, the rest were just as workable.

Still, it took considerate amount of focus to get out of his daze, careful claws ripping a skin to make a pair of cloaks. He looked up- startled at the sight of the fox, a newcomer then? "Feel free to take your pick," Vaas offered, his voice a low baritone made from the misuse of his time. He was on the edge's of sleep more often these days than not. Working, working harder to memorize, of all the gods- reading was never his strong suit and he hated it still. The task he set to the nightfall previous was a small amount to vent that, do something with his claws at least away from the spire of books that fellow clan mates kept giving him about herbs.

As he spotted rhinestone, the grin along the tiger's face spoke of pride and excitement. Maybe he was a tough to sleepy to think too well, and made his expressions- thoughts lax in where they would be guarded. "Hope you don't mind i took the liberty to make you one, rey" The tiger called out, a grin as he spotted foamkit's own want of a cloak. He waved his tail as he moved further from the crate, allowing the fox the space to take one he had been eyeing.

Instead Vaas pulled from his own bedding in the building, stacked up high amidst the crates and storage containers alike. The cloak was thick, heavy fur of a wolf that smelled like herbs and fresh rosemary and burning basil. It was held a baser color of brown with hints of white, but was painted with deep violets and reds, strips and spots. Giving it the general psychedelic look that the tiger had always favored to paint with.

Of course, he settled it along his own back, grabbing the small bundle of fur that made the most challenging and interesting one for foamkit. It was ironically made of rabbit fur, bunches of pelts stitched together smoothly to keep out the chill. He hadn't painted anything beyond a brazen stripe of yellow down the back: not similar to a racer's stripe.

As he settled back down near where he started, he dropped the smaller one down on [member=16080]foamkit.[/member] , tapping the clasp lightly along the center chest of it's seam.. Light weight  in comparison to the one he held over his back, which he pulled off and offered towards the leader. "Humor me, rey" The tiger offered as a sense of reason. a brazen smile before he addressed foamkit with the same bright smile and tired eyes. "I've got paint too, if you want to paint it some foamkit."
[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "

Re: sleeping tiger . cloaks - Onyxdreams - 12-17-2020

~ ☼ It wasn't normal, the amount of her groupmates traveling over to that den, one of the ones she had never entered before. A place that smelled of plants, few that she knew, many others that were entirely unknown to her, a place where the sick and injured seemed to flock to. She didn't know the purpose of this place, why it drew the unwell to it, had never thought to ask what it was exactly, but now she wished that she had, that she knew what was going on. Those that were being drawn there did not seem sick, or injured like she expected them to be, they seemed just fine, yet they still went there, into that strange den...and then they left, with...blankets? Tilting her head in confusion, she moved closer and closer, to inspect this mystery further, forked tongue flickering out in curiosity as she passed the threshold.

There was a good crowd inside, even her papa was there, all speaking with one of the largest not-cat's that she had seen yet. She watched from a distance, as the striped creature handed out those strange blankets, except...they weren't exactly blankets either, they were something different. "Cl...k-low-k?" Onyx sounded out to herself, eyes darting back and forth from pile to pile of these strange things. Growing a bit braver, the hybrid took a few steps closer to one of the piles, form low to the ground as she approached. A paw was extended, to prod at the pile, and, when one of the cloaks slid off the carefully stacked pile at her prodding, she jumped back from the furred thing, giving a short, quiet hiss at it, eyes roaming over it's form, as if expecting it to start moving on its own at any moment

Re: sleeping tiger . cloaks - RHINESTONE. - 12-21-2020

In a way, it was nice. To see Vaas so unguarded, and able to emote and show his true colors... it was a rare occasion when it came to the tiger. However, the circumstances that had led to it did leave something to be desired. Rhinestone preferred that Vaas was unguarded and happy on his own, rather than helped along by a heavy dosage of drowsiness. In the back of his mind, the serval knew that he didn't actually have that much influence over the medicis legionis, but perhaps he would try later to get the other to rest properly. He knew that a lot of weight laid over Vaas's shoulders, similarly to the cloaks that he was currently giving out to others. He deserved a chance to close his eyes and relax for a while, even if that relaxation had to be forced a bit. Rhinestone would just have to be creative in approaching the subject, which wasn't something he was too worried about. He liked to think that he was getting fairly good at interpreting Vaas and the way that he generally was.

Despite the circumstances behind the medic's openness, the legate couldn't help wearing a matching smile when Vaas looked at him with such pride, and joy. It made his heart beat a bit faster in his chest, and he was grateful for the dark blue spots that layered over his face, hiding away the heat he felt rush into his cheeks. He was unable to keep his voice from becoming a slightly delighted purr as he responded, short tail flicking, "I certainly don't mind... I'm flattered that you thought of me." His voice was slightly clipped and polite, although that wasn't intentional. He just felt awkward about being too outright affectionate towards Vaas when he was around others – a matter of keeping things private, and all. Despite this, when the larger male returned with the cloak that he had in mind, Rhinestone couldn't help the broad smile that spread over his face. Just the smell of the herbs that lingered all over the cloak was enough to make him dizzy, immediately reminded of the cacophony of scents constantly hovering around Vaas. Reaching out, Rhine carefully held the cloak in his claws, pulling the heavy bundle of fur and paint over his shoulders, and letting it settle. It was incredibly warm and comforting, almost like a security blanket over his shoulders. He couldn't help the affection in his voice as he spoke up next, "It's wonderful, Vaas. Very warm, and colorful..." His voice drifted off briefly, still caught up in the fact that it had specifically been made for him.

The leader was finally broken from his lovesick thoughts by the approach of Onyxkit, dark black eyes moving from the cloak around his shoulders to the unsure look on his daughter's face. He chuckled when he saw her reaction to the pile, and the soft hiss that passed forth from her small form. He reached out to lightly pat her on the head, reassuring as he spoke, "Don't worry, Onyx. They're not alive, and they don't bite, I promise. They're for keeping yourself warm. Like this, see?" He gestured to the cloak draped over his own shoulders, gaze then traveling back to the pile, "I'm sure that you can take one for yourself, if you want. It'll help with your temperature issues." He was sure that Onyxkit would be much more comfortable in Palm Glades territory once the winter was over, but until then, a cloak would certainly help.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: sleeping tiger . cloaks - athenii - 12-23-2020

Jamie nodded, plucking up the heavy black bear fur cloak. The fur was course, but not unsoft. The clasp was simple but beautiful, made of silver and inlaid with what appeared to be simple vine carvings. The fox tucked the cloak over his shoulders, feeling the soft inside settle against his back. As he fastened the clasp against his chest, the male felt warmth seep into his bones nearly instantaneously. A contented sigh exited his maw, his lungs finally decompressing as relief from the cold eased relaxation into his muscles. "Braw craftsmanship. I thank ye. Me name's James Fraser, if yew dinna ken." The Scottish male said, turning his gaze back to Vaas. The male was fairly new, and as of the time frame of this thread, had not yet even begun to step into the higher, more respectable rankings of the Palm Glades. With that being said, the fox wished to get to know as many of his new kinsmen as possible. Where the fox was from, the clans acted as sort of families. They protected each other, defended each other's honor and dignity, and supported each other as a family would have in the face of outside forces. This was his desire with his new home, and thus was the reason for the fox's sudden introduction.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px white; font-size: 24px;"]— JAMIE