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talk about strange × joiner - Printable Version

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talk about strange × joiner - morbidrealities - 12-09-2020

and a bit deranged
Where was she? The child had no clue. Her paws were cracked and bleeding from the heavy sun. Her black fur was caked in days worth of dirt and grime. Blood mottled her face and neck, with a large open wound stretching from her mouth up her face. She hurt. Everything hurt.

She knew she would die without water. She needed to find water at the very least, and at best some food. Morbi was tired, and hungry. Perhaps that's why she failed to notice the scent markers on the border. Perhaps that's why she failed to notice that she was tracking blood through the sand. Exhaustion does funny things to a person. It pulls and tugs and twists reality into a blurry scape of disheartening illusions, it blocks reality from view such as a curtain would a window.

Perhaps that's why she found herself unable to walk any further, collapsed in the sand under the sun's relentless heat. She would die out here. She knew it. This was how she was going to perish. Alone, baked like a pie in the sun, with no water or food to stave her growling stomach. No medicine to ease her infected wounds. Just heat, sand, and this endless death.
easy | attack in black italics | 4 months | the coalition
© madi

Re: talk about strange × joiner - Romulus - 12-09-2020

The heat of the island was relentless, even for the winter. The multi-colored lion could feel the heat beating down onto his black fur, almost practically scolding his skin. Nonetheless, he had grown used to the heat. This was his home, after all. Through panting, the wanderer traversed through the island with periwinkle eyes peeled in search of prey. His gaze traced the horizon and met with a black silhouette. Blurred vision focused in on the being, only to watch as they collapsed into the sand without any hesitation.

Romulus' brow furrowed. Peculiar. Soft paws graced the sand as he grew closer, only to realize the figure before him was a kitten. His pace grew quicker, reaching their side in seconds. The lion's head moved downwards with his colored hues observing the feline before him. They were skinny, ribs peeking out of their side, and their face was covered in a gash. A sense of urgency rushed over Romulus. His head shot up from the floor. Periwinkle irises surveyed the area, but no one else seemed present just yet and there was no herbs present that could help him. Biting his tongue, he let out a rough sigh.

His paw moved forward, attempting to lightly tap at the kitten's skull with the top of his claw. "Excuse me," came his light mutter. "Wake up." His eyes slowly moved down to the girl's chest, observing her breathing. As he watched her ragged breaths, he continued on. "I can help you..." Where the hell could Ninazu be in times like these? Chaz, obviously, wasn't any use to them anymore.

Re: talk about strange × joiner - SirDio - 12-09-2020

As small as Brutei was, he was not spared from the heat. His dark body gave him little mercy from the sun. So, to say he somewhat related to the small, wounded feline was safe to say. Both him and Dante, wherever the fuck he was at this point, despite being Brutei's so-called protector, were suffering from the heat.

Breathing deeply, he set his new amethyst eyes on the scene before him. His expression hardened at the sight of the kitten. Slowly he walked up beside Romulus, taking off his red bandana and went to gently press it against her gash. [color=#fe1f14]"Come now, wake up, little one." he took a sparing glance toward the area around them. [color=#fe1f14]"They'll definitely need water.."


Re: talk about strange × joiner - morbidrealities - 12-09-2020

and a bit deranged
Morbi forced her eyes open, giving a small grunt at the feeling of cloth against her wound. Her gaze lifted, difficult as it was, to meet the prying eyes of two strangers. The child's silver gaze was glossy as she fought against the pain. "W-Where.." The simple word was all she managed to shove out of her throat, the gash in her face silencing any others. Hopefully they could put the rest together to figure out what she was trying to say.
easy | attack in black italics | 4 months | the coalition
© madi