Beasts of Beyond
I'M ON MY WAY 》joiners - Printable Version

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I'M ON MY WAY 》joiners - COSMIIX - 12-08-2020

Siborno had stayed within the Elysium for a long time, mostly since he was so used to the cold yet he had been saddened that his friend, Aurum, had decided to leave the mountains to go home... The siberian tiger had been tempted to follow but he only felt like he would be intruding and he didn't wish to be a burden to the other and that language barrier between the both of them was also an issue. So, Siborno decided to stay within the cabin they had shared with one another deciding to ignore the Elysites that lived there, he chose not to bother them as long as they didn't bother him. That was until someone had trespassed onto the Elysium territory and began to fight some of the members, the jagged earth having destroyed his cabin. The tiger didn't wish to be part of the conflict so picking up his bear skin and wrapping it around his body, he would leave the snowy mountains with a small shake of his cranium. "Leave..." He mumbled out as he looked at the remains of his cabin one last time only to start making his long journey to find his friend to wherever he had gone.

During his trip, he stumbled upon another tiger though they were much smaller than him. Siborno noticed that they were bleeding and how there was three or so gators surrounding the other, the Russian would pause debating if he should help or continue his trip to find his friend... Eventually, the siberian tiger chose to help the smaller male and the Maltese tiger would growl at him baring his teeth. Siborno found a frown on his maw as he managed to help the other out of fray and expected to get a thank you... But unfortunately, the stranger bit down onto his arm with sharp teeth causing Siborno to hiss in pain. "Stop..." Growled the Russian but the other didn't let go so lifting a large paw up, Siborno would knock out the shark tailed fellow with a swift movement of his large paw. The other went limp but Siborno would throw them over his back walk forward with a slight limp in his step.

Eventually, he arrived at the border as a soft sigh would leave his maw with both of his ears pressed flat against his cranium. He glanced around momentarily as a soft growl softly smelling that scent he had scented before in the Elysium,  it made him uneasy but he was set on finding his friend. He let the stranger slide off his back gently to get the weight off his injured leg which he would lift up, the blood still dripping from where the other had but him. "Aurum..." He called out in a gruff voice that was laced with a heavy Russian accent.

Re: I'M ON MY WAY 》joiners - wormwood. - 12-09-2020

NOTHING BESIDE REMAINS — It had been some time since Aurum had seen Siborno, and he had to admit that he missed the other pretty dearly. Although their interactions had been brief, and there had been a definite language barrier, the lion had always been pretty quick to make friends, and he enjoyed Siborno's company. The other's presence was a boon, even if their time together only involved sitting in silence and remaining close. He had fully intended to go back and visit Sib once in a while, but then this entire takeover nonsense had happened. He hadn't been able to get a message out to Siborno or anyone else, so they were all effectively stuck, and he hoped that the other didn't feel abandoned. Of course, that was the least of his problems at the moment, but it was still something that lingered on his mind, particularly with the recent losses within the group. Aurum had already lost Vigenere, a dear friend to him, and he didn't want to lose Siborno either, over some stupid fucking Wanderers keeping them all hostage. In addition, he had to worry for Sib's safety, considering Hani and Alani's presence at the recent December meeting.

Thankfully – or unfortunately, depending on how you looked at it – it seemed as though Aurum would soon know where his old friend was. Because, as he patrolled along the bored that morning, looking for any weaknesses in the Wanderers that lined it, he was surprised to hear a thickly accented call of his own name. Ears flicking forward, the lion felt a sense of urgency and anxiety in his chest, quickly moving towards the scent of Siborno and the mysterious stranger he was carrying. The angel paused as soon as he arrived, his eyes lingering on the scaly male that Siborno was carrying with him. For a moment, Aurum just sputtered, his confusion clear, "What... Sib, who is that...?" However, his one eye then trailed down to Sib's leg, eyes widening when he saw the blood dripping from the other's wound. Sucking in a harsh breath, the lion moved forward as he muttered, "Shit, shit, Siborno, you're hurt... did the Coalition do this to you?" It was a relatively minor injury, all things considered, but his instant assumption was that the other had gotten hurt while traveling from Elysium to Tanglewood.

Not waiting for an answer on either question from Siborno, Aurum just turned his head, calling out loudly towards town, "Hey! [member=3521]moth[/member]! Anyone who has any medical knowledge, we've got someone that's hurt put here!" He would've called for Kiira, but her absence as of late made him think that it wouldn't be worth much. She was probably hiding away somewhere, or she had blinked out of this world entirely. Sighing, the lion turned back to Sib, reassuring softly, "I can lead you back to town and you can get patched up. And, er... I guess he can get patched up too. Do you even know him?" The shark guy didn't smell of Elysium, so surely there was some kind of interesting story there. — OF THE MAN WHO WAS BORN AND DIED A KING.

Re: I'M ON MY WAY 》joiners - trojan g. - 12-10-2020

[align=center][div style="max-width: 450px; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]She hadn't been around as of late, trying to make sure she didn't go off on someone and cause more trouble for herself than it was worth. At first, Moth had been hopeful when this whole takeover thing had happened, but now that she had seen her son, and seen how he was attacking his best friend, her hopes had been slashed. So she had chosen to stay within her own little hut, reading books and basically collecting dust.

When her brother called her name, however, Moth had finally left her home for the first time in a long while, familiar bag at her side filled with the dried up herbs from the gardens she had planted around the home of the swamp dwellers. It was winter though, and she didn't know how effective they would be or when they would be able to get new ones.

Two joiners at the border, one a familiar face - though she wasn't too familiar with him - and the other a new face, though it seemed as though they were both injured, though it seemed as though one was worse off than the other. "What happened?" The winged leopard would ask, quickly rushing over and circling the two, assessing what she could quickly before thinking. "Aurum, I need you to carry him back to town when all is said and done, he's knocked out so I can't ask too many questions," she spout off her words without thinking, quickly turning to Sib, "Is the wound on your paw the only one you have? I can help you out with it here though it'll still be sore walking back."