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Roxanne ran through the swamp with her crewmates behind her, the small draconic feline weaving through the foliage as her paws briefly sunk into the mud below her. Her gaze fiery and her mind concentrated on one thing; helping Tanglewood out of the mess they had gotten dragged into. Eventually, Roxanne would shapeshift into her tigress form and her once scuttling turned into powerful strides as she continued to lead them on with both of her ears perked forward as her striped tail lashed behind her. She didn't want the Coalition members knowing about their arrival, Stryker and his goons might have won the raid... but he would never win the war and Roxanne was determined to make sure that would never happen. Her pupils narrowed into dangerous slits as she slowed down signaling for those behind her to stop, she crept forward with her lips peeling back as a silent snarl slipped from her lips. She stood on the roots of a tree letting her claws dig into the bark, her eyes already picking out a few of Stryker's lackies.

She signaled for her people to move forward and soon they were only a few moments away from the town until Roxanne would part her jaws and roar announcing her presence to both Tanglewood and the Coalition members "ATTACK!" With that announced, Roxie would dart forward as the tigress made her way over to one of the Coalition NPCs and bit down on one of their necks until the cracking of bones could be heard, the blood gushing out onto her mouth and teeth. Her snout wrinkling as a fierce snarl left her maw, she tossed the limp body to the side and glanced around for any other invaders... She'd kill them all.

Re: THERE'S GOING TO BE A WAR ♡ TYPHOON RAID - rhosmari - 12-08-2020

[align=center]AND I GOT ANGEL WINGS
elsweyr — tanglewood — three years
She was still feeling it, the pain of her body. The way her flesh felt like it was still burning and melting from her body. Soreness that gripped her limbs and yet she could not remember anything of what she had done. She remembered waking up that morning, to go and do something but then after that she had ran into Stryker and then nothing. Nothing at all before she came to standing on some island that had been ravaged. Carnage as far as she could see and she had collapsed not able to move. Some other Tanglers had to help her get home and now she was afraid because what if she had helped to cause that? Stryker had done something to her she knew that but what the extent of it was she did not know. Dragging herself from her bedding the tribal woman tried to think. She felt naked without her usual attire of paints and accessories but she hadn't the strength to care about them. With slow paws she moved toward the door of her house only to be met with the sounds of a war cry. A single work shrieked into the air. Attack. It made her blood run cold and she forced her door open to see.

Before her bodies collided, the snarling and vicious clawing apparent. The Typhoon was here and they were attacking the Coalition. Her claws scrapped against the ground and she wondered if she had the strength to be able to assist them. She had to do something and the king cheetah stepped onto her porch. Her eyes glowed and wavered as she slipped her way down the stairs and to the ground. Dazir and Ares, she had to protect them if the Coalition tried to go for them and so she remained firm where she was, tail whipping back and forth. To dive on any Wanderer who came much to close. Family. She had a family to protect and she would be damned if she failed.

Re: THERE'S GOING TO BE A WAR ♡ TYPHOON RAID - riftweaver - 12-08-2020


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Riftweaver cared only for his mother. The male was inhabiting his lion body, as the wings it possessed made battle easier. As such, he hovered above the battlefield, eyes searching the surrounding area for any sign of Goldenluxery. As more Coalition members arrived, Rift dropped down, landing with an audible thud and a deep snarl. Enemies surrounded him now. There was no going back.


Re: THERE'S GOING TO BE A WAR ♡ TYPHOON RAID - SirDio - 12-08-2020

Descending into chaos, the churning ocean of bodies, screams, chaos, and war, Magnolia slinked and moved around bodies, using Duran to stab any assailants that dared try to get at her, and when she spotted a tiny black feline, crouching as a Coalition fox loomed over, ready to attack, Magnis soundlessly shoved him aside, digging her dagger into his neck, then pulled it out, shoved it into the sheath, and seamlessly picked the child -- Ares, up.

She dodged and weaved the crowd before ending up at Elsweyr's porch, tentatively placing the child down before the cheetah. "Make sure she's safe, ma'am." She nodded briefly to the cheetah before leaping into the fray, mister cutter being taken out and clutched tightly in her jaws.


Re: THERE'S GOING TO BE A WAR ♡ TYPHOON RAID - wormwood. - 12-08-2020

NOTHING BESIDE REMAINS — The call of war. It sang out through the air like a beautiful symphony to Aurum's perked ears, causing the lion's heart to rise. He hadn't been depressed, ever since Vigenere's death. No, he had been furious. Rage filled, because he knew that he would get his revenge. Barei had been a start, but the angel had no intention of stopping until every last Coalition member was dead and buried, including that shithead Stryker. So, when he heard the vicious call of Roxanne echoing out through the air, he felt a grin spreading over his muzzle. Power thrummed throughout his limbs, even through the ache of battles previously thought, and he emerged from his home with a roar. He called to Roxie, pleased to see that The Typhoon wasn't planning on giving up their main allies, even with Goldie gone, "About time you guys showed up! Thank you, Roxie!" His voice was brimming with gratefulness and power, and immediately his muzzle was engulfed in flames. His sunset colored wings opened up, and he took off into the skies above, his form silhouetted against the sky.

Turning his one eyed gaze downwards towards the crowd of stunned Tanglers and battling groups, he roared to those below, "Tanglewood, the time has come for us to take our territory back from these no good scumbags! If you're here and able to fight, then [i]ATTACK WITH ALL YOU'E GOT![i]" His voice was full of power and authority, just as he had been taught to exude when he was but a cub. With Vigenere no longer around, Tanglewood was left without a leader, and he needed to make sure they weren't just wandering aimlessly. If some of them needed someone to tell them what to do and when to move forward, then he would happily fill that role, even if only for one fight. With a vicious snarl leaving him as some in the crowd finally sprang into action, the lion then shot down, landing atop a couple of Coalition NPCs. Grinning with newfound determination, Aurum lunged forward, flaming jaws clamping down on one of their skulls and crushing it in his jaws. He would spare them no mercy, as they deserved none. — OF THE MAN WHO WAS BORN AND DIED A KING.

Re: THERE'S GOING TO BE A WAR ♡ TYPHOON RAID - Stryker - 12-08-2020

//tracking because technically stryker is leading in the typhoon at this moment <3

Re: THERE'S GOING TO BE A WAR ♡ TYPHOON RAID - bubblegum - 12-11-2020

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
    but the clouds are clearing up
        and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
                                              like a bastard on the burning sea.

Within the bunkers of Tanglewood, lay the dying captain. Her energy had been spent before, trying to call attention, trying to fight back in fruitless attempts. The gathering may have bought her time, but there was not much left to be had if her leg were to go untreated. Other prisoners had been left within the makeshift cells, stuck down in their own filth. If this was how she were to die, it would surely be disappointing, but at least she had not lived too short, left with too much to be done. The fates had warned her, told her this would be coming, even if she had not quite realized it at the time. She'd recognized the snake, the history they presented, but she'd not realized it was an omen. It was too little too late, and things would happen as they were meant to, she would not doubt that. No matter what, she knew her crew would prevail. The Typhoon was bigger than their archipelago - they were the oceans, the sky, the world around them. They were freedom, and they would not be contained by a man who sat upon a throne of thorns.

The noise above would catch her attention, her breaths hardened from the sickness taking over her. The tigress recognized the sound of battle, having lead one of the largest in the past. Now it was her quartermaster, her aunt, her family that'd been there since the beginning, and would be there to the end, if this were truly it. She thinks of her papa briefly - she'd done this, all of it, to make him proud. She knows he would be. She knows he would be proud of Roxie, too, and the group he'd once lead. They'd done everything they needed to. Pirates, a true force to be reckoned with.

The Gods would be on their sides. Though the thread is entangled, knotted tightly, strands torn from her right leg and burning her failing body, she still had means to fight. Just barely, let them know where she was. The fallen captain's paws twitch, using her electric elementals to create a brief spark around her, light their dark cage, then shooting it outward, upward, towards the entrance. It would cause a loud noise, electricity hitting against the entrance to the bunkers, and she would continue several more times. She'd no energy to yell anymore, but she could do this. They'd know it was her. Perhaps the members that guarded the entrance would be too busy attending to all the other shit. Perhaps this was her last chance. She would take it.

Re: THERE'S GOING TO BE A WAR ♡ TYPHOON RAID - riftweaver - 12-11-2020


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As Rift spun to look for a new enemy, bright flashes caught his eyes. Electricity. Mom? Before he could even process the actuality of this situation, the male was leaping forward, wings tucked close as he barreled towards the entrance. Perhaps, just maybe, his mother was okay. Maybe he could save her.

Everyone was too distracted by the onslaught outside to really notice him, and that was what he was aiming for. The male tucked himself into the shadows, hidden from view as several enemies darted past him. Rift held his breath, hoping they wouldn't notice him. He needed but a few moments to slip inside. After all had passed and he felt the route safe, the lion pushed his way through the entrance. Sticking to the shadows, he crept forward. His eyes traced the makeshift prison, anger igniting within their honey depths.

Until his eyes landed on Goldie. Relief flooded him, like a dam being knocked down and finally releasing. The tension in his shoulders did not go, nor did the inherent uncertainty. "M-Mom?"


Re: THERE'S GOING TO BE A WAR %u2661 TYPHOON RAID - Seakit Roux. - 12-11-2020

tiguar . young . he/him
demigod of the deep
Not far behind was the tiguar, though out of his element he'd been quick to travel. He wasn't winged like the majority of his family, better suited under the water than above. He beside his great aunt, eyes resting on his brother. He had one goal in mind, rescue his mother.

The sudden spark against bunker doors caught his attention at the same moment it caught his brothers, whose side he ran beside as they approached. He slipped in after Rift, swiftly moving past him. "Momma," he whined softly, gently nuzzling his muzzle against her fur. His throat tightened at the sight of her missing leg, panic rising in his chest. His gaze moved to the other prisoners, frustration causing him to lash his tail. "We need to get her out of here and get the others help," he hissed to Rift, glancing at the entrance they had come from.

He returned his attention to his mother, once again pressing his muzzle against her. "It's okay momma, we're gonna help you, but we're gonna have to lift you up." He looked at Rift, using his head to motion him over.

Re: THERE'S GOING TO BE A WAR ♡ TYPHOON RAID - riftweaver - 12-11-2020


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Riftweaver was relieved to see his brother had followed. The male nodded qt his motion, slinking around the cage in search of the door. Once he found it, tucked on the other side, the tiguar lifted his head. "Sea, over here. Help me get this open." The male bent his head, pulling at the latch with his jaws. It wouldn't budge, and frustration began to set his eyes ablaze, his ears pinned against his head. He lashed his white tail, muscles moving as coiled snakes under his brandy colored fur. "It's stuck." he mumbled around the latch in his mouth.
