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Keeps me together | Rhinestone - Printable Version

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Keeps me together | Rhinestone - Onyxdreams - 12-08-2020

~ ☼ Gazing out past the long, green curtains of her new home, Onyxkit watched as the day passed her by, shuddering at the slight chill that seeped in from the outside despite the blanket she had dragged with her. Rare were the times when the hybrid actually left the greater warmth of the nursery, and these days continued to become scarcer as temperatures continued to drop. Yet, as the sun reached its peak in the sky, the previous chill dissipating into a temperature that was much more tolerable, if still a bit chilly, her head poked its way out through the odd green coverings that blocked the way, the rest of her soon following as she stepped out into the daylight. While the light may have felt good on her fur, the chill the breeze brought had her tucking her tails as close as she could to her body, partially protected under her blanket.

Curious red eyes scanned over every corner of the camp as she padded across the cool sands, drinking in as much of the sights as she could. So many places, so many things to see, so many creatures roaming the camp, a vast majority of them being nothing more then strangers to her. So much to experience, yet the cold kept her confined to the nursery until the conditions were right for her to emerge once more, leaving her with nowhere near enough time to explore. It did, however, give her an abundance of time to work on her speech, which was steadily improving, but now, more often then not, the lessons the queens were trying to give her were put aside in favor of trying to coerce them to play games with her instead.

Tempting as she was to join some of the kits in the games they played not far from the nursery she had slunk out from, the thought was discarded when her roaming eyes landed on a familiar form, familiar, yet so very new as well. It had hurt, when news had come that her papa was gone, that he had died, to know that one of those that had raised her wouldn't be around any more, it was...sad. The sudden, stark lack of his presence had been chilling, and no matter how much she denied it, it would still be true, he was gone...and then, he wasn't. Her papa had come back, but it wasn't exactly him. He didn't look the same, didn't have the same scent, he was an entirely different creature then he had been, yet, at the same time, there were things about him that were the same. The way he spoke, the way he moved, it was so similar to what she had known, but the differences were still jarring.

Turning fully away from the rest of the kits and their activities, Onyx's paws led her further away from the warmth of the nursery, but closer to the warmth of family. It wouldn't have been hard to hear her approach either, between the occasional drag of her tails against the sand, and the rustling of her blanket as it dragged along the ground behind her. "Papa!" the youth called out in her usual chipper tone, nearly stumbling once or twice on her way over as her blanket got caught on the occasional rock


Re: Keeps me together | Rhinestone - RHINESTONE. - 12-15-2020

Onyxkit's presence within the group was still new, but not in any kind of bad way. Rhinestone was just shocked by how rapidly his family seemed to be growing, bigger and bigger as the days went on. Initially, he had been alone, left without the brother who had abandoned him, and the rest of his family unfortunately passed away. And then, Foamkit had come, abandoned by his own family and looking for someone to watch over him. After that, the boardwalk incident had happened, and Rhine had taken in an entire family, watching over Tree, Quasar, and Honeypaw as if they were his children from when they were just babies. Finally, with Onyx's arrival, Rhinestone was left with another addition to the miniature clan that was his family at this point. Her presence had certainly been a surprise, since it wasn't every day that you headed out to the beach and found a massive egg that was nearly the size of you. Still, the tom had immediately known that the vessel needed care, and when Onyx had eventually been able to crawl forth from the hard shell, Rhine had been willing to welcome her. Some would call him soft hearted for how he let so many in with open arms, but he didn't actually see that as a bad thing.

Then, when he had died, things had obviously been difficult. His absence had only been brief – a mere two days, for him to find a new form and make his way back home. Despite this, he knew that there had been a shift in the entire group. How couldn't there be, when their leader had not only died and come back, but also renounced the religion he had so desperately clung to at one time? However, the legate's favorite part of being back had been being able to see his children again. His little family. It wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, especially when it came to Foamkit, but that was also to be expected. He was willing to give them all the time that they needed in order to adjust, especially considering the drastic difference between his old body and this one. The stark blue pelt, the long and gangly legs, the pitch black eyes that had a tendency to give him headaches... he certainly felt much different. Thankfully, it didn't seem as though Onyx was the type to cling onto his old form for long. Or perhaps, she had already gotten good at hiding her discomfort. Rhine hoped that wasn't the case, since he never wanted any of his children hiding things from him.

The serval had been near the meeting stone, discussing with some of the immunes about upcoming patrols, when the sudden sound of rapid footsteps and dragging tails came from behind him. Turning, Rhinestonestar felt a grin curl onto his muzzle as Onyxkit came running up, obviously excited to see him, and be out of the nursery for once. Chuckling lightly, the tall feline crossed the distance between the two of them, reaching out a paw to help the child balance before he spoke, "Careful, Onyx. We don't want you falling too hard and bruising something." The last thing he needed was another one of his children sick or injured, knowing that it would drive him absolutely frantic. Leaning down to touch his nose lightly to the top of her head, Rhine soon purred to Onyxkit, "Anyways... hello there, little one. Is it finally warm enough for you to be out of the nursery for a bit?" He knew about her issues with cold, and they weren't particularly surprising. After all, she did seem to be at least partially reptile.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: Keeps me together | Rhinestone - Onyxdreams - 12-17-2020

~ ☼ The steadying paw from her father came just in time, catching the kit as she stumbled near the end of her approach. Nearly falling failed to bring down her mood however, giving her best, most practiced smile to her papa, being careful not to show too much of her fangs, just like she had been taught. An odd sound rumbled out from her throat, somewhere between a purr and a hiss, but still obviously a happy sound, as she gazed up at the serval. A few seconds were spent parsing out the words spoken to her, words coming much more quickly then they had only a month prior, but still slowly. "'m fine" She would have been fine, even if she had fallen, tumbles like that had never really hurt her much before.

Onyx was more then happy to accept the attention she was given, her own odd purr growing louder at the touch, wings rustling at her sides. She always enjoyed these kinds of moments with her papa, and it was especially reassuring to hear these things from him after he had changed so much. "Mmm....warm 'nough" came her eventual reply, shifting enough to rustle her blanket against the sands a bit to make her point. It wasn't exactly cold, but it wasn't what she would have called warm either, there was a word for that, she knew there was, but she just couldn't find it. At least the fur covered pieces of her were warm, and the rest of her could be covered by that blanket, she just needed to make sure to keep her tails off the sand was all, and she was fine to go out for a bit.

Gaze shifting from Rhinestone to the form of a few other creatures from where he had just been, watching the two of them. Oh...had he been talking with them, was he busy right now? "You...busy?" she asked, hoping that maybe she hadn't interrupted something, that her papa could stay and talk with her for a bit. Whatever they were talking about, they could just do it later, couldn't they? Oh, or, if it was really important, she could just go with him while they talked, she could be quiet, she had spent an entire day before without making a sound, they wouldn't even know she was there!