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sykes' storage closet - sykes - 12-07-2020

The Enigma is a relatively peaceful group that lived in an underwater cave system for many years. Now, they make their way to the surface in an effort to expand their diet and their territory, and better their survival chances; food is scarce now underwater, and many a member are malnourished.

Their ways are different from the other groups; they flourish under a democracy, with the leader as their figurehead but the decisions made together, as a group, in order to keep the peace inside the group and outside, too.
DEMOCRACY - Those of The Enigma live under a democracy, in which a Foreman or Forewoman is elected to stand as leader to the other groups, however any decisions aside from promotion, demotion and title giving is left to the entire group to decide on collectively.

ASTROLOGY - Due to having spent most of their life living beneath the surface, the people of The Enigma took to studying what they had never seen before; the stars. It is the belief that the deceased members of The Enigma were turned into stars after their death and are now watching over us, and that The Enigma's bad luck in the past was because the surface was blocking The Enigma from the view of the stars. Some members may choose to worship the constellations, where some may simply study them. It is common belief that shooting stars bring good luck and that you should make a wish if you see one and it is sure to come true.

SACRIFICIAL KILLS - To perform a sacrificial kill is the highest honor. The group heads out in small patrols and hunts down the biggest animal they can take down. The leader of the patrol will deal the killing blow, and then the patrol collectively will pray to the constellations for good luck or the old man of the sea, Nereus, for bountiful fishing, and the patrol will then bring back the carcass and the group will feast together. Typically executed once a month after the meeting.

SPIRIT COMPANIONS - Though not expected, members often take spirit companions when joining or when becoming a Tenderfoot. The spirit companion can be any animal they wish, and they alone may converse with their spirit companion. These companions are visible to all and often mingle around The Orphanage when not with their host.

JOB SYSTEM - The job system is a complex system allowing the group to survive off each other while also having something to show for it. There are several branches of the job system, though three of them are lead by Ambassadors.
These jobs are as follows: builders, smiths, healers, and shop owners.
System Guide:
There are few rules within The Enigma, but those that are in place are expected to be followed accordingly, and failure to do so will be punished.
1. To attack another member of The Enigma is treason and is severely punishable.
2. To betray your fellow members to those who would wish to harm us is treason and will be punished accordingly.
3. Intentionally causing disputes or worse with other groups is severely punishable.
4. All are welcome to join, unless they have intent to harm.
5. All Beasts of Beyond rules apply.
Failure to abide by these laws is severely punishable, and the punishment will entirely depend upon your crime and the members' willingness to forgive. The nicest is a week of everyone else's chores, where the worst is death.
SILVER COVE - The Enigma make their camp within Silver Cove, a large system of underground caves and tunnels whose walls are lined with silver and many different types of crystals. The main hall of the cave is covered in glow worms, giving the hall a spectacular, mystifying blue glow. In the rest of the rooms, be it somebody's bedroom or a different room with a different use, lanterns are made with fireflies or oil encased in a glass jar.

VILLAGE OF BONES - The village of bones is made up of the ruins of an ancient human settlement, long destroyed by an unknown force. Trees, brambles and bushes grow out of these ruins and form a strange, misshapen forest usually covered in thick grey fog. Tales of a banshee living there circulate within the group every so often, as a warning to not go alone.

THE ORPHANAGE - The Orphanage is the largest building within The Enigma's territory, and is still standing strong, with only small parts of the building crumbling and closed off from the members. It's a tall, dark building with a miserable aura until you step inside, to be welcomed by vibrant white marble and blue carpet leading up the winding stairs to the upper floors. The Orphanage is where most meetings are called.

FLAVISHAM WOODS - Unlike the Village of Bones, Flavisham Woods is made up entirely of trees with no ruins in sight, aside from a large building called The Orphanage. Towards the start and ends of the year it is covered in thick, white snow, while in the middle of the year when the snow has mostly melted, with only a thin layer coating the tips of the trees and the ground, and the forest floor turned icy, it is a beautiful, shining forest filled to the brim with life.
THE FOREMAN/WOMAN - The 'leader' or simply the figurehead. The Enigma recognize that the other groups have an authority figure, and so simply put have elected a stand-in for the job; the Foreman or Forewoman. That said, they have some more abilities than the others; they can promote and demote people, and hand out titles or give jobs to people. Notably, the Foreman or Forewoman is supposed to act as the protector of the clan.
Hungrydogs Carmichael, played by [member=296]Wag[/member]

SPOKESPERSON - The figurative deputy of the group, or simply put, the member in line to take over as Foreman or Forewoman whenever the current one dies or steps down. That said, most political aspects of the group are given to the Spokesperson after decisions have been made by the group.
N/A, played by N/A

AMBASSADORS - The Ambassadors are the figureheads of the job system. There are a total of three Ambassadors within the group, though any member can hold all three positions if there are not enough members in each job. Their job is to ensure that all is working well within the system, and they are to relay any mishaps to the Foreman or Forewoman, who will then call a meeting to make a decision on the matter. There can be up to two for each system.
Ambassador of Smithing - N/A, played by N/A
Ambassador of Building - N/A, played by N/A
Ambassador of Healing - N/A, played by N/A

UNDERSTUDY - These are made up of those who have passed their test, the Subordinates who were cut out for the job. As such, they are the understudies to the Ambassadors, and are taught the Ambassador's duties by the Ambassadors themselves. This is the first High Position within The Enigma, and it is a great honor, while also a great responsibility.
N/A, played by N/A

SUBORDINATE - The Subordinates are the S/HP's of The Enigma. They are members who have been noticed for their activity and inclusivity and have been offered a shot at a high position, where this is essentially their test and should they pass, they will be promoted, though should they fail they will be demoted. There can be any number of Subordinates within the group.
N/A, played by N/A
Hungrydogs' Reign:

Re: [Wag's Storage] - sykes - 03-05-2021


jojo speaking * benjie speaking
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: [Wag's Storage] - sykes - 03-05-2021

✧ sombrekit sombrepaw sombremornings | benjie
✧ physically 3 months, mentally 3 months | birthdate | zodiac
✧ male | he/him
✧ palm glades | throne | no titles
twin brother of shieldkit
prefers to be called benjie, will answer to his birth name only from family and at gatherings or meetings

✧ domesticated feline (ref.) | health: 100% | birth & current body
— benjie is a lanky, ashy brown tomcat with hazel coloured eyes. overall there are five different tiers to his complicated coat. starting at his two front paws are a dark, muted wood-y colour all the way up to his wrist bones, where it fades into stark white all the way up to his elbows, which then fades into a lighter, umber hue. his stomach is mostly mocha, with a faint patch of light brown (that is almost wheat-y in colour) obscured by his front legs. his back paws are both the same stark white as his front forelegs, with his back right leg being white up until it fades into the same umber hue as the rest of his body. on his back left leg only the toes are white, dissolving into the same mocha hue as his stomach up until his ankle bone, which dwindles into the same umber hue as his other legs. the underside of his tail is mostly white, waning into the same umber hue, with a layer of the same dark, wood-y colour of his front paws over the top. this same colour climbs over his hip bone and along his spine and ribcage, dipping down over his shoulders and hips, and climbing up the back of his neck, over the back of his head and down in a V shape on his forehead. his ear tips are the same colour. a majority of his face is the same mocha as his stomach, with only a patch of light, wheat-y brown on the front of his muzzle, dipping down under his chin and fading away towards his adams apple.
— no accesories
— no current injuries

✧ happy, caring, loyal
✧ serious, hardworking, mature
✧ aggressive, authoritative, vulgar
— to those who know him, benjie is a delight to be around, but to those who don't he appears as unpleasant at first glance as the most unfriendly man could be. he wears a stern façade most of the time, though beneath the act there  is a happy, caring young boy with a lot to learn. he can seem vulgar and aggressive, though he puts up the front so as to not let people get too close; he's aggressively introverted, with only a select few individuals in his 'circle', and more often than not will not accept anyone attempting to get close to him, and would sooner bat them away with clawed paw than let him feel responsible for them as he does for the others. he thinks of himself as older than he really is, and takes on the authoritative position among his siblings, being the one who works hard and earns what he has; never any more, and never any less. he appears to "punish" himself for misdeeds and closes himself off from the others while doing so, closing off his mind and his heart until he feels he has earned the right to surround himself with the others; always happy and loving, something he feels, more often than not, that he doesn't deserve. in spite of this, he actively works to match their energies, putting on a show of being as affectionate and as adoring to them as they are to him, as he feels it is no less than they deserve. it is due to this that he holds loyalty to the highest degree, putting unyielding faith and trust into those he cares about and expecting them to do the same; any disloyalty is not tolerated and treated as if it were to be an actual crime to betray his love and his trust.

✧ winterhymns x magnum
✧ pendragon
✧ panromantic demisexual | single/not looking | no ships
✧ friends with wyvernkit, mazekit, sirenkit, swordskit, gunkit, ironkit, sleepingkit, chevalier, corbin | best friends with shieldkit/jojo | trusts sophiea, eternalknight, winterhymns, magnum

✧ physically easy | mentally medium | no powers | no weapons
✧ will start and end fights, easy to provoke | will kill (when he's older)
✧ no mentor | no apprentice | untrained
✧ allowed to powerplay peaceful actions | attack in bolded BLACK | mention @/JoandBen when attacking

✧ face & voiceclaim is jung yunho of ateez
✧ specific song is buy the stars by MARINA

sykes' storage closet - sykes - 03-05-2021

✧ shieldkit shieldpaw shieldspire | jojo
✧ physically 3 months, mentally 3 months | birthdate | zodiac
✧ male | he/him
✧ palm glades | throne | no titles
mental connection to swordskit & gunkit
twin brother of sombrekit/benjie
prefers to be called jojo, will answer to his birth name only from family and at gatherings or meetings

✧ domestic feline (ref.) | health: 100% | birth/current body
— jojo is a short, stocky tomcat with mostly chocolate coloured fur and dark, hazel eyes. his paws, tailtip, eartips and nose are a dark brown colour, his paws, tail and ears fading into a lighter, umber shade. along his spine is the same dark brown that dips along his ribcage and creates a wing shape on both sides, with darker markings that create the illusion of feathers along his fur. his muzzle and stomach are a light, ashy brown, with a patch of dark brown the same colour as his paws on his stomach, partially obscured by his front legs.
— no accesories
— no current injuries

✧ friendly, playful, happy
✧ lighthearted, optimistic
✧ sneaky, picky, impulsive
— jojo can be considered the complete opposite of his twin. they're similar in many ways, such as being picky about who he surrounds himself with, but shieldkit is much less aggressive about it and will accept most everyone's company. unlike his twin, he is extremely silly and playful, making light of even the most serious of situations which more often than not lands him in trouble. unlike benjie, jojo doesn't place complete trust in anyone besides his parents and his twin, always foreseeing a betrayal of some kind and so prevents himself from becoming alarmingly attached to anyone he assumes could be capable of that. that said, jojo is the less serious of the twins, always playing tricks or making a game out of anything he can get his paws on. he always seems to be full of energy, always seemingly smiling so hard it's a wonder his cheeks don't hurt, and always cheering someone up if he can and knows how.

✧ magnum x winterhymns
✧ pendragon
✧ panromantic pansexual | single/not looking | no ships
✧ friends with wyvernkit, mazekit, sirenkit, swordskit, gunkit, ironkit, sleepingkit, chevalier, corbin | best friends with sombrekit/benjie | trusts sophiea, eternalknight, winterhymns, magnum

✧ physically medium | mentally easy | no powers | no weapons
✧ will end fights, hard to provoke | will not kill
✧ no mentor | no apprentice | untrained
✧ allowed to powerplay peaceful actions | attack in bolded BROWN | mention @/JoandBen when attacking

✧ face & voiceclaim is choi jongho of ateez
✧ specific song is saturn by sleeping at last
— specifics right here

Re: sykes' storage closet - sykes - 01-21-2023

The Keys of the Coast, a distinguished, if simple-living, group that have come to live off the ocean and all that it is home to. The Keys of the Coast are a peaceful group who avoid the primitive wars of the other, bordering groups, and frown upon it. They operate most notably on a diplomatic vote-style system to ensure peace and happiness within the group, and seem to have an affinity for celebrating.

All that is known of The Keys' history thus far has been lost to ruin at the bottom of the ocean. Across the cave walls that they call their home are various inscriptions detailing the past, though written in an old language that none can understand.


The Keys own a small portion of land at the very edge of the mainland, the coast, and a large portion of the ocean just off the mainland. A majority of their territory is underwater, with caves dug into the cliff-faces that they call their homes, with various crystal-lined hollows across the expanse of the shoreline, and vast, white sand beaches. Not much grows here in the way of plants, sugarcane, hydrangea, and juniper trees seen dotting the beaches that make up the territory, and rarely will yarrow, lavendar and geraniums be found. The Keys live off the sea and what it has to offer, which means that their diet consists mainly of fish and shellfish.

The HMS Oracle -- ︵‿
The HMS Oracle is the main meetingplace for the Keys. All gatherings, announcements, and votes are taken place inside. It takes the form of an old, worn, faded orange submarine; it was left there by humans years and years ago, left to rot and sink to the bottom of the abyss, but has since been taken over by the Keys, who call it their home.

The Cliffs -- ︵‿
The Cliffs are huge, as the name would suggest, cliff-faces at the edge of the mainland, the very border of the Keys' mainland territory, overlooking some of the beach, and the waterway into the caves. This is often a spot that members choose to meet up and hang out, perhaps because of the magnificent view of the ocean, or because of the thrill-seeking opportunities some see in cliff-diving.  Though the Keys are a particularly peaceful group, this is sometimes used in the most extreme cases as a sacrificial point for those who have committed the most heinous crimes.

The Reflection Pool -- ︵‿
The Reflection Pool is the most sacred part of the Keys' territory. it's a large hovel in the ground at the top of the cliffs with man-made stairs leading down inside, and a large pool of water at the bottom. Here is where the Reverend performs rituals and blessings on the old, sick, and young, by lowering them into the pool and performing a prayer to the Man in the Moon.

The Crystal Caves --
The Crystal Caves are some of the most beautiful part of the land. Into the side of the cliff-faces are various different hovels that lead into dark, twisting caves. It's easy to get lost in here, which is why venturing them is seen as a rite of passage to the young. If you can find your way out of the other side, facing whatever hardships you may find, then you become an honourable member of the Keys of the Coast.

Ivory Sands --
Ivory Sands is the largest beach owned by the Keys. As the name might suggest, it is covered top to bottom in colourless, white sand, so bright to some it might even be painful to look upon. Despite this, it is a common hang-out spot for the young, and is usually where festivals and feasts are held.

The Dunes --
The Dunes stand large and foreboding behind the Ivory Sands. They are strictly prohibited to venture into, as they are considered far too dangerous due to the way the sand constantly shifts with the movement of the monster beneath the surface. If the Sand didn't swallow you whole, then the Monster certainly would.

Prophet Point Lighthouse --
Prophet Point Lighthouse is situated on a small island far out to see, a symbol of strength to the Keys. It stands tall, holding fast against the ever-raging waves that beat against its sides; though it seems dangerous, the Lighthouse is where many make their homes due to the many rooms inside, with the Governor usually at the top, beside the broken lamp once used to guide sailor's ways home.

The Hierarchy of the Keys of the Coast is more convoluted than one would think, particularly as they operate on a diplomacy based system. The Governor, though technically the leader, is more a figurehead than a leader at all; simply there to maintain order and have the very last say in all that goes on within the Keys. The next Governor is almost always one of the Council, selected by the current Governor themselves, and if the Council deems them unfit to play the figurehead they may hold a vote to replace them at any time.

Governor -- [1/1] (HP)
The Governor is, for all intents and purposes, the highest rank within the group, and though they do hold the most power, they are not at liberty to use it without first discussing with the entire group during a meeting or gathering. That said, they do have the last say at all times, and are always the last to cast their votes during an election. The only power they do not have to discuss first is the ability to choose the next Governor, as this is entirely their own choice.
CHARNAME played by Sykes

The Cabinet -- [0/4] (HP)
The Cabinet is made up of four different members who are always elected via an election. It is made up of the Minister, the head of Defense, the Secretary, head of Commerce, Chancellor, head of Agriculture, and the Reverend, head of healing and spiritual learning. These members have risen through the ranks and have been specifically selected by the group to represent and lead them.
The Cabinet members can accept and deny invitations without discussion, and can accept or deny a joiner, can accept or deny alliance requests, may accept or decline requests of assistance, and may banish a member from the group after discussing with other Cabinet members.
Minister CHARNAME played by RPER
Secretary CHARNAME played by RPER
Chancellor CHARNAME played by RPER
Reverend CHARNAME played by RPER

Priests -- [0/2] (HP)
Priests are the Healers and Diving Leaders of the group, who translate the will of the Man in the Moon unto us. They are considered a high-position because of their religious authority, and have the ability to accept and deny invitations without consulting the Cabinet, can accept joiners, and may do anything that those below them can do.

Officers -- [unlimited] (HP)
Officers are the highest sHP rank within the group. These are noble members that have been assigned to guard the laws of the Keys and maintain the peace. They may accept joiners and hold mini-events outside of regular traditions.

Assistant -- [unlimited] (sHP)
Assistants are a stepping-stone rank for those who have shown promise and have been recognised for their activity, kindness, and their willingness to uphold the peace within the group. They have little power and are more of a recognition title than anything, though they can accept joiners.

Keys -- [unlimited]
Keys are the stronghold of the group and the heart of the memberbase. These are adult members who have gone through their personal rites of passage and have passed; they are expected to uphold the peace within and outside of the group, which means that engaging in fights with other clans is strictly prohibited and can be punished accordingly.

Locks -- [unlimited]
Locks are the apprentices of the group. These are members who have passed the newcomer stage or were born into the group and who have not yet had their rite of passage and thus are still undergoing training. They may be assigned a mentor at any point, be it a Key or any higher position. Despite still being trained for their branch, they are held to the same degree and standard as Keys.

Bolts -- [unlimited]
Bolts are the newcomers of the group, those who were not born into the clan and have not had their rite of passage. They may request a rite from any priest or the reverend personally and after doing so, become a Key. They can pass the Key stage and be promoted to a higher position at any point, though will still be expected to perform a rite.

Chains -- [unlimited]
Chains are those that have broken laws and have been removed of their rank. This is unusual and thus considered highly frowned upon. These members are considered dangerous though may not have committed a dangerous crime.

Guardian of the Deep - For those who have shown their devotion to the group.
- Take part in three defence training sessions, or two raids.
Master of the Waves - For those who have shown to be friendly and outgoing, and have been recognised for their kindness.
- Have participated in four joining threads and two events.
Heart of the Ocean - For those who are proficient in the art of healing or have been seen to have a connection to the Man in the Moon.
- Successfully heal or help to heal those that are sick or injured, three times.
- Have participated in two events relating to the Man in the Moon.
White Horse - For those who have shown to be talented in the arts and social parts of ocean life.
- Participate in two communal events.
Seapup - For those below six months who have shown dedication and potential.
Neptune's Child - For those who have earned all of Keys of the Coast's titles.

As mentioned, the rite of passage is a task given to you by a Priest or Reverend in which the chosen are sent into the treacherous crystal caves. The objective is to make it out of the other side within two nights, which can be hard, as the paths are long and winding, the crystals are large and will block your ways, and every path appears to look the same. Some say there are monsters lurking in the deep stationed there to hinder you, though nobody except those who have performed this know for sure, and it is forbidden to speak to anybody about your rite other than the Reverend.

Ritual Blessings --
Ritual Blessings are performed on the young, sick, and old, by the Reverend only. It takes place within The Reflection Pool, and the blessed are to be lowered into the sacred water by the Reverend, to which they will pray over their floating body that the Man in the Moon should accept you unto his arms. There are two versions of the ritual, one for those who wish to take the healing path, and one for those whom need healing.

New Moon Feast --
The New Moon Feast takes place during the night when the moon would usually be high over our heads. The new moon is when it is believed that the Man in the Moon has gone to sleep, tired from a month of watching over the ocean-dwellers; the Keys of the Ocean take this time to celebrate the Man in the Moon and to remind Him that he is loved and appreciated for the blessings He gives to us. The Keys of the Ocean will sing and dance all night, and when the feast is ready, will sit down to eat, burning their left-overs to give to the Man in the Moon.

Full Moon Festival --
The Full Moon Festival is much the same as the New Moon Feast, rather that instead of sitting down to eat and say your prayers, the Keys invite their allies to celebrate with them under the bright light of the Man in the Moon in His most wakened hour. There are many activities during this time, singing, dancing, competitions of all kinds with prizes to be won.

Weddings & Funerals --
Weddings and Funerals are an important part of the Keys' life. Weddings take place at the top of the cliffs, overlooking the Ivory Sands and the ocean, where the Reverend and the Man in the Moon will bless the couple's union and wish them happy years together. They are usually given many gifts by other members of the group.

Funerals are less happy. These take place on the Ivory Sands, where a Key will be laid to rest upon a funeral pyre which will be lifted onto a raft, set alight, and sent out into the sea. The intention of this is for the fire to drive the Kraken from the deceased's body and let them pass over into the arms of the Man in the Moon.

Weddings and Funerals are the only time when Enemies are permitted entrance into the territory, to celebrate or to grieve their relatives or friends.

ALLIES - listed here

NEUTRALS -- listed here

ENEMIES -- listed here


[align=center]code by teef