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I CAN SHOW YOU THE WORLD // private, HPs + idea - Printable Version

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I CAN SHOW YOU THE WORLD // private, HPs + idea - ATBASH CIPHER. - 05-14-2018

light the night up,
you're my dark star
Atbash remembered having a little tradition back home, where they would light up the night with lamps. They were supposed to honor their ancestors, spirits of the dead. Atbash knew that Snowbound had its own religion and traditions, but maybe it won't hurt to suggest this idea to bring a little bit of home to Snowbound? Maybe shake it up a little? Of course, she wasn't expecting her idea to become a tradition per say, but it was a little event to bring up for fun. "Hey, Jacob? Or... anybody higher-up, I suppose...?" She called out, walking slowly in the tunnels as if trying to figure out where everybody was. "I, um... Had an idea if you wanted to hear it?"

[member=112]jacob w.c.[/member]
bio | female | warrior of snowbound
© madi

Re: I CAN SHOW YOU THE WORLD // private, HPs + idea - london r. - 05-14-2018

It wasn't too unusual to find London at camp, perhaps resting after staying up late to watch the stars through her telescope. Or perhaps she was just doing something in her cavern, like drawing, or improving her knitting skills, or really anything. The girl had a plethora of hobbies to chose from. But when a voice rang out, calling our for someone of a position of power, London decided to stop whatever it was that she happened to be doing and help out. As much as she could, anyway, the clouded leopard wasn't really sure what she could offer, but she would try her best. After all, she was an Arcticplayer now, that meant she did have some power, if those abilities were to help in this situation was a different story.

The source of the voice was someone London had begun seeing around the clan rather often, though unfortunately she had yet to catch the black and yellow feline's name. Or if she had, she must have forgotten, that actually seemed rather plausible for London. Her head was always preoccupied with so many other thoughts, letting a name slip by would not be surprising. "I might be able to help, at least until Melantha or Jacob gets here. So what is the idea?" the soft, airy voice of the albino feline enunciated. Her British accent was made plainly obvious as her euphonious voice traveled through the still cavern air. Hopefully either one of those two arrived soon, as London had yet to really get a grasp on what exactly she should do in this situation.

Re: I CAN SHOW YOU THE WORLD // private, HPs + idea - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-14-2018

"I'm here to listen to. If that means anything" A calm voice would be met soon after the kind filled voice of London. The albino serval seemed to make himself appear wherever his friend seemed to be. But either way, both of them seemed to be incredibly comfortable around each other. The wildcat didn't have to worry about being himself near the albino clouded leopard. Killua knew that Mel was above him when it came to rank, but it wasn't like it was a contest who could get to the rank the highest. He was just here to live and nothing else. If he got a rank while he was here then that was fine with him. The wildcat blinked his sapphire blue eyes as he looked at the hybrid, taking a seat next to London as his eyes scanned over her for a couple moments. He wasn't Jacob or Mel, but he liked to stay in the loop of things when it came to the clans anyway. He hated not knowing when something happened, which he guessed was a good idea that he had somewhat of a rank still and wasn't just considered to be a member. He wondered how their numbers did compare to the likes of the other clans. He could go and find out if he wanted to do some more exploring, but with his injuries right now he didn't want to have to teleport all the way to another territory because that would take a lot of enregy. He was out of practice with most of his powers too, and the last thing he needed was to be caught out in the open. As usual, a lollipop was in his mouth when he had arrived, swirling the sweet candy in his mouth as he had a tired and bored look spred across his facial features. It wasn't anything agianst the hybrid of course, it was just who he was. He was still a kid after all and still had a lot to learn.
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: I CAN SHOW YOU THE WORLD // private, HPs + idea - melantha - 05-14-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 10pt;"]Where London is not difficult to find, Melantha often proves to be far more elusive. A solitary huntress, she values the peaceful quiet of isolation whilst wondering the vast plains of the tundra. It is so easy to become lost in the palace of her mind way out there in the silent nothingness. But no matter how far her mind travels, taking her all the way to the dizzying cliffs of her home, an overwhelming sense of duty always lures her back to Snowbound. As much as she misses her family, Melantha finds herself thinking more about her responsibilities to her clanmates more often than she daydreams about her valiant return to her birthplace. Is this what it's like to grow up? Replacing childish hopes with the realities and responsibilities of everyday life? If so, she does not like it.

In a rare stroke of luck, Melantha happens to pass nearby when she catches the sound of her name on the chilly breeze. The young snowseeker had been on her way to curl up and (re)read her favorite romance novel about a beautiful girl who falls in love with the farmboy and their adventures together. Although she is not proud of her shameful addiction to fairytale romances, Melantha does a poor job resisting the urge to ignore reality and disappear into the world brought to life by vivid imagery and delightful prose.

A begrudging sigh spills from parted lips as the tawny wildcat alters her course to intercept the small group beginning to gather nearby. She is not all that interested in hearing ideas or whatever, but it's her job and she will do it well. Father would be disappointed in her if she did anything less. At least London and Killua are here. She thinks of them as (sort of) friends. Mel catches onto the end of Killua's comment, and a faint smirk spreads across her lips. "It's always an honor to hear your input," comments the girl with a flourish. Not exactly teasing, but not quite serious either. Melantha has always been a purveyor of subtle humor.

She then turns her attention to Atbash. Mel feels bad for automatically assumimg the new girl was an evil demon on the day of her joining; especially since Atbash has proven to be nothing less than quiet and thoughtful. The snowseeker is not proud of her habit of letting old superstitions hinder her judgement--she is trying her hardest to overcome her backwoods stereotypes. Living alone taught her that stereotypes helped to keep her out of unnecessary danger, but she lives alone no longer. "Go ahead," she prompts with a polite nod, casually rolling back onto her haunches beside Killua and London. Melantha is somewhat curious, but her mind already wanders. Perhaps maturity will introduce an increased attention span along with the old age.

Re: I CAN SHOW YOU THE WORLD // private, HPs + idea - ATBASH CIPHER. - 05-15-2018

light the night up,
you're my dark star
Oh, geez, there were a lot more people than she expected. Well, there were only three of them -- and groupmates, at that -- but still, Atbash didn't expect them to almost come all at once. "I, uhh..." She started out, before clearing her throat. "Um. Perhaps at the end of this month, I can find some floating lights -" Maybe from an abandoned human home or something like that, since she didn't have conjuring. Which meant lighting them may be an issue too, but surely her groupmates would help with that? "- and light them up and send them to the sky? To honor the newcomers?" That was it, that's all her idea was. "We, um... used to do that back home. I know I'm not home anymore, but I was hoping that maybe bringing a little bit of home here wouldn't be so bad?" At this point, she was nervously rambling, unsure of how to not end the idea awkwardly.

//think of like,,, the floating lights in tangled lol
bio | female | warrior of snowbound
© madi

Re: I CAN SHOW YOU THE WORLD // private, HPs + idea - jacob w.c. - 05-17-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE —//Sorry it took me so long to get to this!!

Jacob arrived among long after the others, settling down as he listened to the idea. A festival of lights? He thought that sounded beautiful. However, then he remembered the way they'd need to light those lanterns. Fire. Was there another way to do it? Maybe he'd look and then recommend the alternative. The thought of firey paper mache floating around was enough to turn his stomach, although he still thought it'd be a nice way to end out the month. Besides, his personal fears shouldn't stop everyone else from having fun. "I think tha' sounds fun, Atbash. Maybe ya' could host it startin' the last weekend ah' the month, so the twenty sixth?" he suggested.  —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: I CAN SHOW YOU THE WORLD // private, HPs + idea - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-19-2018

Killua had never been one for coming up with events. Hence why he had the rank of Snowstriker instead of Arcticplayer that London had. She was more of the one that was going to deal with events while he dealt with the action portion of Snowbound. Which in regard to that wasn't that much of a deal because no one really asked him to do anything either. The albino serval was basically free to do whatever the hell he wanted without the worry of others trying to get in his way. There were only a couple creatures in the clan that could probably put up a decent fight when it did come down to it. The assassin wasn't about to start training them either, because he doubted that others would be interested in the way that he was trained and that was the only way he knew how to teach someone how to fight. So either way it would be a standstill before anything could actually end up getting done. It was going to take a while, and he wasn't exactly prepared to have that responsibility of keeping others alive based on the skills that they had by default. He worked better alone after all, and didn't want to have to think of the other different factors that could come into a battle that he would have to worry about. Killua knew that if he wanted to he could investigate everyone that was indeed in the clan, and see what they were capable of, but right now he needed to worry about his own strengths more than those that lived in Snowbound. He needed to get stronger and fast before his family could actually end up making a move while he wasn't looking. The albino serval turned his head to look over his shoulder as he looked toward a familiar creature that was coming toward them. Over time, the serval had listened to the many different pawsteps that others had, and he made sure to memorize them. He knew exactly who was walking toward him before he could catch their scent or even listen to them speak. It was a nice tool to have at his disposal for the meantime. The other was here now though, and that meant that she would listen to what the hybrid had to offer when it came in terms to events. He flicked one of his large white ears hearing the cougars comment, a scowl spreading across his facial features as he puffed out his cheeks. "Urusei-na" Killua said in a grumpy tone toward the cougar, having figured that the other was basically just messing with him up to this point. It also did make his pelt heat up a little bit, but as Atbash began to speak, the Snowstriker immediately began to know what she was talking about. Lighting lanterns and setting them into the sky could be considered something that he had experienced when he was a child. No, his family didn't end up making the lanterns, but with the culture that surrounded the mountain, he could occasionally see them in the sky. He had never lit one himself, and the thought actually sounded interesting to him. "You mean these?" Killua commented calmly as he raised one of his stark white paws, conjuring up a decently sized paper lantern. It looked like that of a rectangle, with a small piece of metal at the bottom that would handle the candle for them to light. He looked over the lantern himself for a couple minutes before looking back at Atbash. He at least thought this was what she was talking about. Killua didn't mind the idea of this at all, since it would be interesting to see them float and dot the sky once they did do them. Killua shrugged his shoulders at the savannah's last words. "I don't see why not. Would be cool to see how they end up floating at this altitude." Killua would say to the member, his sapphire blue eyes flickering to look at Jacob when the other arrived to hear what the other had to say.
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: I CAN SHOW YOU THE WORLD // private, HPs + idea - ATBASH CIPHER. - 05-21-2018

light the night up,
you're my dark star
//No worries!
And I may or may not be working on the 26th, but I'll try to have the event up ASAP! (I haven't gotten my schedule yet, but I'll also let you know about that ASAP lol)

Ah, good! Here came Jacob, with Killua coming after him. Hopefully they heard her idea. Atbash blinked at Jacob in greeting, waiting for him to speak - to which he did. "Yeah, sure!" She nodded. "Thank you!" However, her attention was quickly brought to Killua as he conjured up one of the paper laturns and her eyes grew wide. "Yeah, just like those!" She was clearly shocked that he knew what she was talking about, and stared at him. "How'd you know what they look like?" Were they a common occurrence on Earth, too?
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi