Beasts of Beyond
but it takes time -- o., nov. & dec. meeting - Printable Version

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but it takes time -- o., nov. & dec. meeting - teef - 12-06-2020

[Image: tumblr_podjm9hxLd1vd3h2u_540.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo & platinum silver fox. god of war - ancient. bai shi lynn lingré. proper chinese name is lin bai. prefers lynn if close. they/them. formerly blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family. courting halo mercer. kingpin of alithís evgenis. demiromantic gray-asexual. parent of veris, arvin, leoku, erian, flos, kekhai, evarhi, laeglin, sloan and colwyn. elder brother of ramona and hope, uncle of quennel and cosette. (strike is deceased/unknown status)
there wasn't too much to announce, but they had their own duties to attend to. this meeting was one such thing. exhaling as they padded around the inn, seeking the warmth against the winter storm raging outside, the kingpin would sit upon a down filled pillow, holding back the urge to knead the cushion. purring at the warmth around them, they relaxed, letting their mind wander. congratulations were in order for the group in their success over the bandits, and for successfully capturing the leader. their own wounds ached, but the bandit queen was subdued and bound, kept in the cellar of the inn for the time being. they had to decide what to do with her yet. there were a few titles to award, a promotion to give, and traditions to change and update. it had been a long grueling month, and with winter setting in, they wanted to discuss some winter activities the group could do.

not to mention, their involvement with a raid, one they knew not everyone was pleased about. grunting as they settled, the kingpin yawned, calling out for attendance, "alithians, come join me for a meeting!", now they just had to wait. settling to groom their fur over recent injuries, they nibbled at scabs, licking away fresh blood. shaking their head, they sighed, knowing that they should get malak to take a look at the wound before it became infected.

Re: but it takes time -- o., nov. & dec. meeting - axiom - 12-06-2020

Wuyi scurried over to the meeting, xyr long fluff of a tail flicking behind xem. The child’s white wings, outstretched and growing in new pin feathers, looked bigger than last month. But, of course, the sabertooth cub as a whole was bigger, with a lanky limbs and a body that started growing into his giant paws.

Xe plopped down in front of Bai Shi. However, xe didn’t look at the leader, and instead looked around for the rest of the Kennedy-Laneces family.

Re: but it takes time -- o., nov. & dec. meeting - Violet Ryder - 12-08-2020

"Just a bunch of John Does getting high"
"All our dreams are floating out the windows" -Violet Ryder

Violet wasn't the most active member out here, of course-she was quite the longer as well and hardly joined in with social events but...she figured it would be respecful if she tend to the meeting that had been called. Her green eyes narrowing slightly while her ears swerved to pay attention to Bai Shi and what they had to say. Figuring it might be important and...besides, she did want to at least show she was still around and hadn't snuck off in the midst of night-abandoning the small group...
Speech "Thoughts"