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I FIND IT KINDA FUNNY ☆ snowfall - Printable Version

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I FIND IT KINDA FUNNY ☆ snowfall - RHINESTONE. - 12-06-2020

It was cold. Not unbearably so, but just enough so that it was easy to feel on the air, and easy to tell that it was winter, rather than any other season. When winter in The Palm Glades had initially started, it had started off with a bang. A massive snowstorm had hit the territory, ripping through and not only burying them in snow, but also driving a great deal of their prey underground. Thankfully, it seemed as though the winter had decided to start anew after that event, however. Not only was their prey gradually beginning to return, but the Glades were having their usual weather, which was certainly on the chilly side, but not as incredibly cold as it had been before. Rhinestone had to admit that he was glad for that, considering he probably would've fallen apart if they had to deal with another massive snowstorm like the one that had hit a month or so ago. He would've dealt with it, obviously – he kind of had to, in order to keep things running – but it wouldn't have been a pleasant experience for any of them. Especially since it probably would've involved more deals with Stryker in order to keep their prey stock up.

Instead of a terrible and unbearable snowfall, the first snow of the proper Palm Glades winter season was a gentle one. Rhinestonestar had just been exiting his den for the moment when he saw the flakes of white raining down at a slow place, sticking briefly to the ground and covering it in a thin sheet of white. The air was chilled, but his thick pelt was keeping him warm, and the clouds weren't the unbearably dark color that they had been when the blizzard had hit. Although the leader's black eyes lingered warily on the clouds above, he eventually found himself able to relax, a soft sigh leaving him as he stepped out onto the beach. He began to leave light tracks in the snow that was sticking to the ground, a little chuckle leaving him as he moved in a circle. Turning his head towards a few unsure looking NPCs nearby, he purred reassuringly, "Don't worry everyone, I think this is just a regular snowfall. Not another blizzard, thank the waves..." With a calm smile, Rhinestone then stuck his paw out into the air, allowing a few snowflakes to drop down onto the pads of his foot. He chuckled, glad that they could have at least one pleasant snowfall this year.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: I FIND IT KINDA FUNNY ☆ snowfall - SirDio - 12-06-2020

Cherry had encountered unfavorable snowfall before and, judging by the wary gazes of those around him as gentle snow fell before them, they had as well. Cherry let a smile curl on his muzzle. "Yeah, I think Rhinestonestar is right. This just seems to be a regular, gentle snow." He chuckled as he moved to his den, the sweet cherry smell welcoming to his nose. He dug around before bringing out his satchel.

Moving to a nice spot by the gathering rock, he took out a canvas and his set of acrylics, followed by a bundle of brushes and a few cups to hold water. He scooped snow up into the cups and set them aside, then took out a palette for his paints. His paint was then laid out in rainbow order, with white and black on either end. Taking a good look at the scene before him, he dipped his big brush into the blue and white, then started painting a loose sky. NPCs occasionally looked at him and most ended up shrugging his actions off, but some of the younger members started to gather around him as he worked.


Re: I FIND IT KINDA FUNNY ☆ snowfall - RHINESTONE. - 12-12-2020

After a long moment of staring at the slow and pleasant fall of the flakes from above, Rhinestone found his ears perked up when a familiar voice sounded nearby. Turning his head a bit, he spotted Cherry, doing his own work in reassuring everyone that they weren't having another horrendous storm. Rhine felt a faint smile come to his muzzle, the serval getting up to his paws as he began to roll small snowballs from what had already fallen. He wouldn't be able to make any snowmen from the loose stuff that was on the ground currently, but perhaps once it was dense enough, he would be able to. He was so caught up in his childish little task that he almost didn't notice Cherry's actions nearby, dark gaze lighting up when he saw the other working on a canvas once more.

Driven by a similar curiosity to the youths that had already formed a crowd nearby, Rhinestone padded over, smiling before he took a seat. As his short tail came to rest near his paws, the male found himself muttering, "You really do enjoy working on artwork, don't you? I guess the sight of the snow is pretty inspirational..." When the snow wasn't threatening to rain down upon them furiously and cause them to starve, it was actually pretty pleasant. He wouldn't mind if they got a couple more of these snowfalls before the season ended, as long as they were similarly gentle.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: I FIND IT KINDA FUNNY ☆ snowfall - Grimm - 12-13-2020

Fickle grown fortune, inopportune and unkind, the next stroke lightened to permit unrestricted breath, a break among the turmoil. Harsh the direction it had pivoted into during past months, supposed lull settling in as the raids they had acted as central combatants within became nothing more than memories. End seemed imminent, the blizzard and aftermath all too fresh to greet the true beginning of winter with any good humour.

Slow was he to awakening, dry the cough that was hastily stifled, bore no desire to once more be contained in the warehouse made over into medical establishment. It was little more than a dry throat, the worry still plagued his mind, however, his rise stiff as he worried over what other occupants may think. None seemed to lay much mind, those few still present for thinned their number as the morning began, unobserved his exit from the subterranean den.

Movement halted before he may leave the mouth of nursery, briefly widened before eyes grew narrow. Watched the spiralling fall gentle flakes made as gravity drew them down to rest alongside that already littering the ground, some similar in their fretful observation. Soothing voice arose, broken the murmured conversation some conducted between themselves, a jovial tone that quelled doubt that wished to taint quickly shifting thought. Thin crust broke with each tentative step, frigid the gathering layer though at least accustom had he grown, fluffed out his coat as best he could against the low temperature.

For a moment Foam merely stood there before he was bounding forth, paws striking the earth and allowing snow and sand to rise up, the golden grains revealed once more as prints and groves were left in his wake. Finally he halted, back tilting chin and mouth opening. This offered nothing and so he began to weave about the camp, many times others forced to move out of his way as he snapped at the falling flakes, seeking to catch them yet never successful.
[Image: ezgif-5-dccafc75ccf5.gif]
i think that's a burn but we seldom learn, you know fire's too strict a teacher, stoking up the coal with another pull silence and smoke poured out, but there'll be time in distant days, time enough for me to shape my ways where my ambitions lift my indifference and no more of the day is a waste
code by Wisker

Re: I FIND IT KINDA FUNNY ☆ snowfall - RHINESTONE. - 12-15-2020

For a blissful moment, Rhinestone had simply allowed himself to relax, short tail curled near his side as he watched Cherry work. However, he was broken from his lazy concentration by the sound of frigid layers being split apart, ice and snow cracking and crushing beneath the steps of a kit. Dark eyes sought out the source of the noise, eventually pausing when he saw the small form of Foamkit trotting forth. For a moment, the legate was able to see a similar sense of hesitation on the boy's face, obviously brought on by past experiences. Snow had not been kind to them in the past, bringing with it prey shortages, destruction, death, and sickness, particularly in Foam's case. Rhine wouldn't have blamed the other if he had just turned around and gone right back inside, refusing to meet a day that had greeted him with the flurry of white falling from the sky. Thankfully, it seemed as though Foamkit was willing to give snow another chance, as the child threw himself forward, snow and sand flying up in his wake and falling down upon Rhine's resting tail.

Snorting softly as he shook off the few flakes that had fallen on him, the tall feline got back up to his feet, following after Foam as he began to bound around camp. He cleared his throat to hopefully get the other's attention, pointing out as he gestured towards the sky, "You probably won't be able to feel it if a snowflake does fall on your tongue, except for maybe the cold. They're not exactly heavy... you'd probably just be better off taking a scoopful of the already fallen snow." A faint chuckle left Rhinestone, before he found himself pausing. Hastily, he made an addition to his statement, realizing Foam might not have realized he was joking, "Don't... don't actually do that, though. We don't want you picking anything up off the ground, and plus the taste isn't all that exciting. It just tastes like water... maybe at some point we could make snow cones. Those would taste much better." The legate then paused, one blue paw tapping against his chin thoughtfully. It wouldn't be too hard for them to make snow cones. Hell, there might even have been some machines for doing just that scattered on the boardwalk.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: I FIND IT KINDA FUNNY ☆ snowfall - Onyxdreams - 12-15-2020

~ ☼ Gazing outside from the interior of the nursery, Onyx held an utter look of tired bewilderment on her face as she watched flecks of white slowly drift down from the sky. These...things, these specks, she had absolutely no idea what they were, there weren't a lot of things that just fell out of the sky. Rain was one of them, but this wasn't rain, rain was wet and cold and it fell harder then this, didn't drift downwards so slowly. Were they bugs? No, they collected onto the ground in a thin, solid sheet, and her eyes didn't spot any wings when she bent her head closer to gaze directly at those things. White sand? It covered the ground like sand, it was small, in many, many pieces, but it came from the sky, sand did not come from the sky, until now.

Gingerly reaching out a paw, the hybrid slowly moved it outside of the nursery,, through the seaweed curtains reaching down to prod at a particularly large white mass that had formed there, and-COLD! Cold, it was so cold! She recoiled back and away from the mouth of the nursery, but it was already too late, it was stuck to her forepaw, several of those white specks were in fact! Shaking out her paw violently, she noticed that it felt a bit wet too, why was it wet, these white things were not water! Gaze directed back to the entrance of her home, she realized something horrifying, those white specks were drifting through the gaps in the curtains, drifting under them, they were encroaching on her home. Were they doing this on purpose, trying to freeze her? She could faintly hear everyone else chatting in the distance, far too calm for what was going on, did they know what these things were? "Papa...P-Papa!!" she called out hesitantly, though that hesitation quickly turned to fright when a speck drifted so far into her home that it nearly touched her

Re: I FIND IT KINDA FUNNY ☆ snowfall - RHINESTONE. - 12-21-2020

Rhinestone's head snapped up from its relaxed position of thought when a frantic call for him echoed through the air. The call for papa could've actually been for several different members of the group, but the serval was able to immediately recognize the cadence and sound of Onyxkit's voice. He shot an apologetic look towards Foamkit before he turned, lightly jogging in the direction of his daughter's panicked shout. He couldn't imagine that anything too horrifying was going on, since the sound of her voice was still coming from camp, and no one else appeared to be in a state of shock or horror. Despite this, he walked into camp with a concerned look on his face, paws crunching down small flakes of snow and sand beneath his feet, sticking slightly before he lightly shook them.

Moving inside the nursery, Rhine paused for a moment upon spotting Onyx, wondering what could've been causing the look of fear and anxiety in her gaze. However, it only took a moment for him to put things together, turning towards the snow and remembering her aversion towards the cold. A small chuckle left him, the legate unable to hold it back as he realized what was going on. He supposed it made sense, considering Onyxkit's hybrid form made her more susceptible to the cold. Despite this, the snow was falling so gently that it was hard for him to think of it as a threat. Turning back to Onyx, he moved closer to the girl, sitting down beside her and letting his short tail rest over her back. As he did so, he questioned softly, a light smile curled on his muzzle, "I guess this is your first time encountering snow, huh Onyx? I promise it's not going to hurt you... it's cold, but that's nothing some blankets can't fix. After all, once the snow is done falling and things warm up again, it'll all melt anyways." That would certainly lead to some interesting struggles with the wet sand, but at least it was better than a terrible blizzard.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades