Beasts of Beyond
HUNT THEM DOWN | {OPEN, GIANT BEAST} - Printable Version

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Killua knew right now he basically had a handicap. If something bad were to happen in Snowbound right now, it was just going to mean that he would be at a disadvantage in any type of fight. Yes, he could make it so that he could use his own toxic blood in the means of a fight, but he didn't exactly want to faint from blood loss either. He had gone over several different defense options for himself in a bad situation, as he always liked to be prepared for everything. If he wasn't, then he was probably as good as dead. The assassin couldn't afford to die at a time like this, and his family probably knew that. He would resist them for as long as he could, and this meant that the wildcat was going to have all of his cards at the ready. In his current condition, it was practically impossible for him to try and train his elemental powers considering that it would just mean that he would char all the exposed flesh across his body as he charged himself up. He couldn't have that happen. The way that his elemental powers worked just meant that it damaged him in the process of using them. It was incredibly painful for him to have several voltages going through his body at once as he called forth the electricity that was practically stored in his body. He, of course, could bare the pain that he was going through, but that didn't mean it hurt any less anyway. The assassin had to be careful with his elemental powers as he knew that he didn't have control over any of them. Killua needed to get stronger, as the fear of hurting those that were around him was still fresh in his mind after his night terror. He knew that if he got stronger he would become more of a threat, but half of him didn't care in that regard because he couldn't just let himself sit back and watch what was happening in the group. It would make him feel weak, and that was what his family was trying to push him to think that he was.

Which was wrong as he was one of the strongest creatures that lived in the clan right now, probably almost all the clans in that regard. Despite his size, he could hold his own, even if he could be reckless but that was rare and far in between. He did have a reputation in the clan, but he wasn't quite sure what everyone else thought of him. He knew that he enjoyed being around Mel and London, but what about everyone else? He had actually quite enjoyed Izuku's company on top of that so that was at least nice. While he had been healing though he hadn't paid much attention to the border and a lot of new members ended up making their presence known before he could approach them. It felt wrong for him not to know everyone there was in the clan. He needed to step up his game, especially with the voice that was beginning to start in his head again and again. Fueling his doubts with each step that he decided to take. He should be resting with his injuries, but what clanner ever followed that command? He could take care of himself and he didn't need anyone's help in his recovery. Having anyone help him during said recovery would just mean that other's would end up having questions that they were bound to ask him. The thought made anxiety build up in his chest, as he always avoided questions about his past as much as possible. The only one that knew about who he was, was London. And right now he didn't trust anyone else with that information. The albino serval blinked his eyes as his paws went silently through the snow as he walked through Snowbound territory. The sun was out and was slowly melting the ice below his feet thanks to the changing seasons as it turned into summer. Now that he thought about it, he had never seen this place during summer and wondered if the territory would actually not have snow for once. That would be a little bit of an annoyance when it came into camouflage, but it wasn't a huge issue that he would have to plan out for in the future. The wildcat flicked one of his large white ears as he turned his head to look at a nearby tree, crouching himself down. He kept himself from wincing in pain as the stitches he had put into his arm stretched as he did this, before leaping onto the lowest branch of the tree. There, he settled himself and made sure he was steady before leaping from branch to branch. He needed to keep himself busy. He had to. While he was in the air, leaping to the next branch, a massive pain radiated through his skull. A painful hiss escaped his jaws as it immediately shook his concentration, and his body collected with the branch, air being knocked out of his lungs.

Killua fell to the ground, the snow cushioning his fall as he coughed to get his breath back. This suck. What the hell had just happened? Killua raised one of his white paws to touch his head where a dull pain pulsated through his skull. He began to look around as he got himself up, making sure there wasn't anyone around to see what had just happened. No one around. Good. Then another feeling interrupted his senses as the ground started to shake. An earthquake? Killua spread his legs as he unsheathed his claws, his sapphire blue optics looking around as he tried to find the source of the sound. Suddenly, something massive landed in front of him, causing Killua to take a large leap backward as he didn't know what this thing was. A familiar scent filtered into his nostrils, and it caused his body to stiffen and his eyes to widen with fear. No. This couldn't be anyone from his family. That was impossible. He was still making sure that he was hidden. His heart rate increased as he started to paint as the mist of snow began to clear from whatever landed in front of him. It was a massive 11ft tall beast that almost reached the top of the pine trees that covered the majority of Snowbound territory. The creature's fur was a dark purple and had the form of a massive canine with a narrow muzzle. Its eyes were almost black but had a small tinge of purple in them. The ears that were perched on its skull resembled that of fox but a lot longer. The fur was shaggy, and could almost be said that it was curled. Muscle and power could be seen expressed by the creature's body. However, this massive beast wasn't a stranger. "Mike?!" Killua questioned in shock as he looked up at the Zoldyck's family guard dog that was right in front of him. What was he doing here?! Mike's eyes resembled that almost like a machine, and there was no emotion spread across his face. The guard dog had been reduced to nothing but a beast that would follow its master's orders. And only the masters. Mike did not move from his spot as Killua approached him, confusion radiating off of his body. "What the hell are you doing here?" Killua would state in a hushed tone, even though he knew the creature couldn't respond to him as it wasn't capable of speech. A heavy sigh escaped his jaws as he raised his left paw and rubbed the front of his face. He didn't want to deal with this right now.

(Mike's Appearance)
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:


[Image: tumblr_inline_ocubwlXe4U1rifr4k_500.gif]
[div style="background-color: #2E4053; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]That was one oversized dog. Stark had felt the "earthquake" per say and had made his way about with a light frown on his maw. That's when he saw Killua petting some huge ass mutated creature that resembled a dog and he would suck in a breath debating whether or not to walk over there. Well, it was now or never he supposed. He would walk over slowly with that frown still etched upon his lips and he would stare at the oddly colored creature with a flick of his tattered ear unable to conjure up a fake smile on his face. This thing seemed emotionless almost like a machine. It made the heavily striped tiger concerned as he said in a calm voice "So whose Fido over here? Was it a lost dog before it followed you home?" He asked with his non-existent eyebrows furrowed a bit, well, he wasn't Killua's parent but if he was then he wouldn't let the boy keep him. Hell no. Maybe a hamster or a snake but an overgrown dog with the size that could cause an earthquake? Never. Stark wasn't even going to teach this mutt, he didn't care if it was friendly or not, he wasn't taking the chance of possibly losing a paw and well, he kept his distance away from the dog keeping a confused expression on just for a brief second before it completely vanished from his face. "Please tell me you aren't going to keep that dog. . . Can you imagine the size of the shits he takes? Hell,"

Just the thought of it made him cringe and want to gag.


As if normal sized predators weren't enough, there just had to be a giant... Dog? August snorted nervously as he approached, trying to keep his distance from the huge animal. He'd felt something settle in him only a few minutes earlier, a sense of uneasiness in him, something that made him want to run for shelter; it seemed that this was it. He'd been near enough that he could feel the ground shake, and despite all his instincts screaming at him to run run get away he'd made his way towards the source.

The zombie's ears flicked back and he stamped a hoof on the ground, his dull eyes focused on the huge canine. If his heart was still functional, it'd be pounding at his ribcage, making his fear physical as well as mental. Something like that shouldn't have been here. They were supposed to be safe, and this huge monster didn't make August feel very safe.

"Why is it here? It shouldn't be. Did you bring it here?" He turned his gaze to Killua, trying his best to keep his voice steady.



When it came to his family, they always had different methods to make sure that no one could make it to the mansion that they lived in. Some of the methods were fairly easy, such as setting traps in certain areas for someone to try and get killed by. One of those traps was having guard dogs, despite how trivial that may seem in that regard. They had a lot of knowledge about supernatural creatures that were capable of destroying large areas in a small amount of time, and ones that they could eventually manipulate and control themselves. To the point that the Zoldyck's knew how to control several different numbers of Hellhounds and make sure that they would follow nothing but them. They were never given a chance to attain their own individuality. Whether it be through the use of torture, selective breeding, or even using powers so that they would never have any memories of who they were. Most of those that lived in his family were capable of using telepathy fairly easily, and they could use that to manipulate the Hellhounds to basically do whatever the hell they wanted in the end. It made their lives easier because the creatures wouldn't hesitate to devour someone that wasn't part of the family or wasn't part of the butlers. Which the butlers were usually introduced to the massive beast so that they wouldn't be mistaken for a target in the end. There were several different areas that one would have to go through just to get the house. A massive gate guarding the entrance to the place, and then there was the aspect of the guards that would be placed there. Although, if someone wanted to go past a side gate, they would be every opportunity for them to do so as they would be devoured by the Hellhounds that were on the other side. If someone managed to make it through the main gate of the territory, they wouldn't be targetted by the Hellhounds and deemed worthy to continue to cross through toward the mansion. Although there were butlers posted everywhere and if one was notified so would be the rest and the intruders would be dispatched. There were times where one butler would need to be trained, and all the security would be stripped away, the Hellhounds locked up, so that the butler would have to prove themselves to the family to make sure that the family wasn't wasting their time teaching them how to be a butler.

If Killua had to compare the likes of a butler to the rest of the clans, he knew that the clanners wouldn't get very far if they had to go up against those that worked with the family. The only issue that came with having Hellhounds as guard dogs is that they only really listened to one of their family members that brought them there, and that was his grandpa. His grandfather Zeno was capable of controlling the massive beasts with ease. However, if someone tried to give them a command, it was a bit more difficult as there was a chance that the Hellhounds wouldn't even listen to what they said in the first place. Killua had to make sure that he wouldn't do anything to trigger them to attack when he was little, but the one that he grew the closest to was Mike. When the Hellhound had been brought to the family, Killua spent a lot of time with him when he was smaller than he was now. It was almost nice, but the creature wasn't capable of feeling any sort of emotion. That capability stripped away thanks to his family, so it wasn't like he could have a nice conversation with the Hellhound and expect to get some sort of response from him. Now came the issue as to how Mike found him and why he was allowed to leave the family territory. It didn't make any sense toward him, and it created a feeling of dread in the pit of his stomach. Killua swallowed the saliva that was collecting his mouth as he looked into Mike's dark eyes, obviously studying the injuries that adorned his body. This could end badly if he wasn't careful. Mike only had orders to protect the Zoldycks and if he considered all of Snowbound to be a threat he would be in trouble. His ear perked as he heard familiar heavy pawsteps that were coming toward him and looked over his shoulder's at Stark. As soon as he did this, he felt the atmosphere around Mike immediately begin to change and before Stark could even speak, Killua spun around and waved his paw in the air to gain Mike's attention. "Mike no! He's okay. Don't." Trying to speak complete sentences to the beast wouldn't matter in the end. As soon as Stark had appeared, Mike's attention immediately turned toward the tiger and had no longer been on Killua. The Hellhound had been about to move to kill what he perceived as a threat, but hearing Killua's voice the assassin had stopped him.

A relieved sigh happened when Mike sat himself down, causing the ground to rumble a little bit. If he was capable of sweating, the albino serval would have done exactly that. He turned his body to look toward Stark now that he was within earshot. Killua cleared his throat, hoping that his voice wouldn't shake as he spoke toward the familiar face. "His name is Mike. And he's kind of belongs... to my family." Killua kept it vague as much as possible. Would that trigger something in Stark if he remembered that his brother had attacked him? Would that give him any sort of hint? He was about to find out as he looked at Stark gauging his reaction. Then the other's last sentence made one of his large white ears twitch and an annoyed groan to escape his jaws. "Is that really you're only worry? We basically have dragons here to and you don't say that to them. And I don't think... I have much of a choice in the matter if he stays or leaves." Killua says cautiously as he looks back toward Mike who was still looking at him as if waiting for a command. Could he kill Mike if the other got out of control? Maybe. Not in his current condition though. The scent of fear caught his attention, and a large figure came into view. The zombie deer, aka August. He doubted Mike would go after the likes of him, especially with how decayed he looks. But that didn't mean there wouldn't be a chance either. He shifted his paws in the snow at the other's questions. "Uhhh my family probably sent him to make sure I was okay. At least that's at least what I would think they would do. And believe me, I wouldn't have wanted to bring him at all if I had a choice." Killua said with a low huff, but he was worried. He tried to keep that emotion off of his features as much as possible. If Snowbound attacked Mike, it would be a bloodbath.
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: HUNT THEM DOWN | {OPEN, GIANT BEAST} - london r. - 05-17-2018

In her tiny, sheltered world, giant beast dogs were only in fantasy novels. London had yet to actually see most creatures that existed in this world, outside of picture books of course, and a giant dog was not exactly common in those either. They did not exactly have any similar creatures in Snowbound either, besides of course regular canines, a dragon was the only thing comparable in size. Well, there was also Silentgrave, he had been some sort of strange mutant thing, but probably the most alike to this new creature that the Arcticplayer had set her eyes on. London had not been quite sure what to believe when she had seen what appeared to be giant furry legs come into her field of vision, the rest of the canine being hidden behind the evergreens. Ever so curious, the girl had decided to approach, her steps growing more confident as she heard some familiar voices coming from the direction of the large beast. One of those happened to be very familiar to the girl, the voice of her friend, Killua.

It appeared as though he knew this creature, as it belonged to his family. While London was likely the one who knew the most about the albino serval's life before Snowbound, or at least about his family and previous profession, giant protector guard dogs was not one of the thoughts that had come to mind when he had told her about them. She supposed that it did make sense though, but why was it here? Wasn't Killua on the run from his family, was this not technically a bad sign? Would he have to leave? London did not wish to lose her first and only friend, she would probably go with him if he did have to disappear, as long as the Snowstriker accepted her company. But perhaps it was even too late for that now. "Do you think he's hungry? Maybe we should find him some food, or maybe some shelter." as the girl could make little sense of the situation, she just did her best to treat this creature as any other joiner. It seemed to be the best course of action, and she did not possess a more effective idea.

Re: HUNT THEM DOWN | {OPEN, GIANT BEAST} - guts - 05-18-2018

Even before Aizawa came here, he had seen many odd things that were usually out of the ordinary. The once normal world of humans had been turned into one that contained many oddities, thanks to the growing population of people with quirks. Of course, as someone with one himself, he wouldn't have wanted it any other way. But now he wasn't there and only god knew what the hell was going on. Knowing how things were when he had passed, it had probably only gotten worse. The thought only made him feel useless, since he wasn't there and could no longer help out.

He's intrigued by the sound of voices, and he trudges through the snow towards them. But at the sight of the creature, he pauses just slightly, eyeing it cautiously. He's not an idiot and he isn't sure what this thing is capable of. So, he's careful as he gets closer, looking towards Kilua as he explains what this was. A pet of some sort? No, this was definitely too big to be just a pet. But he doesn't push him to go on.

"Feeding him might be a good idea, before he takes a bite out of one of us," the look in the beast's eyes had him on edge. He knew that the serval probably could control it, but it would still be a good idea to keep an eye on it.



August tossed his head to the side before lowering it as he began to pace back and forth. His eyes flicked from person to person, clearly conveying his feelings despite being foggy and white. "You do not have a say? So it is out of your control? And why do you all want to care for it? It will eat us anyways!" The zombie rarely raised his voice, and even now he wasn't yelling, just speaking a bit frantically.

Wait. His family had- had sent it? "Why in the world would your family just.. Have one of these! Sitting around!!"