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chomping at the bit - [COTC ARRIVAL] - Printable Version

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chomping at the bit - [COTC ARRIVAL] - Stryker - 12-01-2020

Stryker held his promises. Always. Even if they were littered with contradictions and false truths, the Kingpin always took it upon himself to keep up with what was expected. The same went with Elysium's raid. Given time, they were going to show up. Without a leader to point them in a direction and the downfall of their pessimistic ways, their takeover was inevitable. Like Tanglewood, they had failed to act. It wasn't until a light shove, despite the negative action, was given that the groups both decided to get off their high horses and speak out. How fucking pathetic. Next time, unlike the rest that had fallen, they should remain... proactive.

With his makeshift army behind him, the lion wandered up to the border of the mountainous group and paused. His neon gaze scanned the peaks lining the horizon. A smirk met his lips. Now that was prime material to work with. Continuing on, Stryker led those following him into the middle of the territory as alluring eyes of Elysium watched their movement carefully. "Isn't it cold, fellas?" the lion remarked back at those that followed. A playful glint shined in his eyes. "Not for long though."

A clap of his paws signaled outwards as he sat down. "Let's get to work," he exclaimed. "Unlike Tanglewood, these ones won't give much of a fight. Capture them, manipulate them, maim them, kill them... Whatever suits your fancy." Stryker knew he would be a prime target also, hence why he was sitting. Any miscreant Elysite would need to confront him while surrounded by other large beasts of the Coalition of the Condemned. Intimidating, isn't it? Nevertheless, maybe that small fry of a former leader would approach him again with a sad gust of sand. That might be the only fight they'd get.

Elysium will make a swell edition to the Coalition of the Condemned's empire.

Re: chomping at the bit - [COTC ARRIVAL] - T. ROUX - 12-01-2020

The large draconic beast wasn't far behind as their large talons outstretched touching the snow that was underneath him, he let out a loud hiss not liking the feeling of the cold but with each step as the snow would melt underneath their large form considering that the lava that dripped from the crevices in his skin kept him plenty warm. A loud growl would leave his maw as some molten lava dripped from their cavern of teeth, his tail lashing to the sides behind him though he was careful not to hit the other members of the Coalition. The white lion already giving orders to get rid of the Elysium members that resided here, it troubled the brute for a moment feeling that this place was oddly familiar. But that didn't stop the beast from letting out a loud bellow that caused the earth to shake, Trygve took a few more steps forward as his eyes would survey the area as his large scales would rise slightly.

A few Elysium NPCs would catch his eyes as they tried to fight back but he would part his jaws and spat out lava at them hearing them screech in agony as they burned alive. A snarl leaving them as he stood there menacingly, he could fight however many Elysites decided to try and attack him.

Re: chomping at the bit - [COTC ARRIVAL] - Atticus Roux - 12-02-2020

While not as strong as the dragon, the small feline sauntered up and followed his lead. His sunflower-colored gaze traced the underbrush. So far, no one had shown their face. What a disappointment. The feline merely offered a small nod towards Stryker without a thought and settled until the rest decided to attend this vital arrangement. As always, the weaponized Pittian was here out of sheer demand. Even a mindless cat craved some activity to keep him busy.

Flexing his claws in the mud, Atticus snorted. "They don't even put up a fight," he remarked dully.

Re: chomping at the bit - [COTC ARRIVAL] - sykes - 12-02-2020

tell him i'm not sure what is real and what is not
True enough that nobody else had arrived yet. Loey appeared to be the first on the scene, a carefully neutral look on his face aside from the angry glint in his cerulean eyes. His lips curl back at the scent of the Coalition, particularly of Stryker's own unique scent, and then The Pitt's is added to the fray.

He can't say he's overwhelmingly surprised, but he had hoped that they wouldn't have joined in yet. No such luck, apparently, so for now his only hope is that The Typhoon are safe. (Oh, how wrong he is.)

Atticus' remark gains his attention, although his gaze remains on the overwhelmingly large dragon currently dripping molten lava all over the fresh coat of snow. He feels almost like an angry mother whose son's dirty pup was just let into the overwhelmingly white livingroom, except that the dirty pup in question is actually a dragon, his son in this instance would be Stryker (shudder at the thought), and his overwhelmingly white livingroom is actually a mountain.

"Fight back? Fight back?! How on earth would we fight back? I don't know if you're dumb or if the other groups you've taken over have kicked your head in a little rough and you've got brain damage, but we're a little few in numbers, Roux." he sneers, though he makes no move to attack. He half expects the fiery little sandcat to appear at his side and do it for him, actually, and he wishes that Hani and Alani would, but they won't and he knows it.

template by orion

Re: chomping at the bit - [COTC ARRIVAL] - HISOKA - 12-02-2020

[Image: cb731d1edc47e1e25ec80593f33f446b.jpg]
the soft uncurling of sunlight, cotton candy smiles bleeding red, dripping blood. all grainy images that you never want to reveal to yourself:  reflection. Sakasu is the catastrophe hidden in the stillness, the mourning of a single-note song and the death of all the purity. Battle lust wrapped in a guise of sweet allure

Such peace came to an and, crumbling in such a way that blossomed red colored lilies: beautiful was the mark of war. Sakasu had joined the clan of peace with an idea long lost, the rumbles of war had faded from the Pitt, it's structure falling, failing him into a moot point. The kitsune was a creature of war, lived for it- thrived to chance at challenging someone worth dirtying his own fur. The Pitt, a clan of war was nothing more but a place of famine. Now, Stryker, he dealt in war. A crooked alley that the kitsune had enjoyed the presence of, no matter how brief the visit was some moons ago. Now the other one came into the border with such a wondrous gift.

Selfish creature cared little for subjugation, cared little for fickle death of the weak. The shrieks of the creature's allies drew his attention towards them, and the unpainted kitsune found them self watching the encounter with a brazen feeling of excitement thrumming just along their sternum. "Ah, you always come at the perfect time, Stryker." The kitsune called from above one of the scant tree's that littered the barren mountaintop. Barren of leaves, gnarled spruce prickled at his fur, but he stood his ground- laid upon it as his three tails swirled under him lazily. He looked towards the kingpin, the supposed one trying to claim this clan as his own. "I was just getting a little bored myself."

He wanted to fight, but beyond the want there was an opportunity here, subtle as Sakasu was to prod at it. "You're little group, seems to be missing a little life to it." The kitsune taunted, gold coined eyes watching the kingpin, ignoring the threat of the draco-beast and kitten that dared step foot in his mountains. "If you are expecting a fight from a noticeably... peaceful clan, i think you came to the wrong clan." The fox chided softly. Peace, it was so boring. Sakasu was disappointed.

It was true, that this clan had little number. Sakasu shoudl've known it, should've left when he had the chance, but the seeds had already been sown, such wondrous plants of his grew just on the cusp of the northern bay, he refused to leave it if nothing else. What once was an insight to isolation now stood confronted with the war that Sakasu had wanted, flush with the excitement but the undercurrent of dread. This was a loosing battle, Sakasu had grown lazy tending to his small garden of plants and ignored the world, it wasn't uncommon. a sigh fell from his lips, bittersweet.

"Let's make things interesting though, shall we?" The kitsune's voice was a whisper, more to himself as he felt the chill of the air around him. Just as he spoke his element of the air suddenly got still, so very still. He pushed the air away from the three outsiders, making the air thin and hard to breathe, a small struggle before all air around them disappeared. Sakasu's attack aiming to slowly choke them out where they stood.

// Aiming to choke [member=1738]Stryker[/member] [member=11957]ATTICUS ROUX[/member] & [member=12555]T. ROUX[/member]

Re: chomping at the bit - [COTC ARRIVAL] - lavi s. - 12-02-2020

Lavi clicked his tongue scoldingly, the mountain cat similarly unimpressed by Atticus' words.  "It is wise to acknowledge when you are outmatched."

There would be a time and place to take a stand.  When the Coalition spread themselves too thin, grew too haughty, Elysium would show them the price of such arrogance and injustice.  It was disappointing to see the lack of common sense, but it would turn into an advantage for his clanmates in the future.  Let them think they have it all.

The Jedi flicked his tail, idly scanning the surroundings for Tena.  Truthfully, he was grateful he hadn't spotted her yet.  He had cautioned her against another reckless charge, for they had no army to back her up, but he understood she had a difficult time accepting it.  They needed to wait for the proper opportunity--

With thoughts of caution in mind, Lavi's eyes widened in brief surprise at Sakasu's sudden attack.  The mountain cat settled into a low defending crouch, claws flexing.  He had been ready to wait but he would defend his clanmates, just as he swore in his oath.

Re: chomping at the bit - [COTC ARRIVAL] - Basil - 12-03-2020

Basil | 3 years | Fox | Elysium
Basil had stayed near the beach since the take over. She hadn't dare go near Stryker and his group. She knew at the moment with a large group there it would be hard to fight back, but she wasn't happy that her new home was taken over either.

Basil had headed towards the mountains early that morning and now could hear a situation going on. Basil got low to the ground and headed in the direction that she heard the noise and stopped seeing what was going on. She watched for now, she wanted to fight, but wasn't sure how it would go.

Re: chomping at the bit - [COTC ARRIVAL] - T. ROUX - 12-03-2020

They were tiny. Weak. Pathetic.

The large scaled brute would glance over all the small creatures that had gathered and was immediately unimpressed by their words, he snorted as a large plumes of smoke left his nostrils and molten lava continued to drip from the crevices in his skin. If they wished to defend themselves, well, that was fine but they'd likely die in this attempt of theirs. This land belonged to the Coalition now, the dragon was certain of it and only tensed up slightly as a familiar name left one of the felines mouth, the dragon took a step forward and immediately growled in the direction of Loey. Roux. Why was it familiar? The dragon almost seemed hesitant in his next actions and turned to glance over at Styker, his talons digging into the ground just as he was trying to dig through his mind for that name. Roux. Roux... It was frustrating him yet before he was able to recall why the name was familiar that's when one of the Elysites decided to attack causing the dragon to stand still feeling the oxygen being pried from his lungs.

He opened his jaws slowly as if looking like they were trying to suck in air but instead they spat out lava in the direction of [member=341]SAKASU .[/member] , whether or not that worked, if it had been enough to startle the kitsune. The draconic beast would break away and rise onto their hind legs with their front talons raised above his head before letting them slam onto the ground awaking the earth underneath him and aiming to jab jagged pieces of earth at the rest of the Elysites that were gathered there as the lava dripped profusely through the crevices in his flesh and from his maw. Now, he was angry.

Re: chomping at the bit - [COTC ARRIVAL] - sykes - 12-03-2020

tell him i'm not sure what is real and what is not
He wished Sakasu might not have attacked, but it was too late. He knew he'd attacked as the air suddenly felt thinner- than usual that is, though he could breathe perfectly fine.

Had he left well enough alone, they might have been able to make it out unscathed or at least relatively unharmed, but Sakasu had managed to set a giant, lava-weeping dragon on their ass and frankly, the last time Loey had touched any lava it had burned out his eyes; safe to say he was not particularly happy to be touching it again. Still, he had made it his duty at this point to protect those of Elysium, and they stood more of a chance now with Sakasu than they had before, though even still Loey was a healer and not a fighter.

That said, as Lavi leaned into a defensive crouch and then, though with a moments hesitation, the dragon summoned several jagged pieces of earth to jab at himself, Lavi, and Basil, the feline threw himself forward to narrowly avoid the sharp edges and, with fury building in his chest at the gall of this piece of shit to attack his family on his land, the feline dashed forward whilst unsheathing his claws, hopping over splashes of lava on the ground as he did so, in an attempt to slash angrily at the dragon's ankles- for that was perhaps all that he could reach, in all honesty.

//attacking trygve bc i can't tag

template by orion

Re: chomping at the bit - [COTC ARRIVAL] - Basil - 12-04-2020

Basil | 3 years | Fox | Elysium
Basil jumped seeing the shards. One shard nicked her left hind leg. She frowned she didn't want to fight, but she hadn't excepted an attack to come at her. She looked at Loey, then at Roux. She still frowned but kept her eyes on Roux excepting another attack. This time she was ready and wasn't going to back down.