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You won't find no better than this; grief - Printable Version

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You won't find no better than this; grief - SirDio - 11-29-2020

I'm blinded by the lights.
No, I can't sleep until I feel your touch.

The was so much going on. His old home gone, his new home being taken under. He refused to enter the town. He was still hurting. Tempa made his way to a cave along the beaches, carrying a scrap of fur. It was blue and purple, with a hint of tiger stripes.

Finding a suitable cave, he hid himself away. He did leave in the light of day, so he expected someone to come looking for him. But he didn't care. Dropping the fur scrap, he let a mournful groan leave him. "Why couldn't you had stayed...? You and I could have been here, together." He sighed as he dragged out a piece of paper from under his cloak, followed by an ink well. In shaky, scraggly letters, he wrote:

I miss you. I'm suffering, and I want to be with you. But I made a promise. I promised you i would live on. So I will. I've found a new home: Elysium. Unfortunately, we are under the control of some white lion and his 'Coalition'. As dark as it seems, I hope i die soon. I want to be with you again, within that lily-laiden field, or wherever you choose to go. Where you go, I follow, Ri.

I hope father and mother treat you well. Before everything went to shit they told me they accepted you as my boyfriend, and I was so happy! After 4 months of waiting, they accepted.

Your loyal and loving man, Tempa."

His breath hitched, tears welled. Words nearly intelligible at the end. He wanted the embrace. He wanted Rione, and now he couldn't have him.

template by orion

Re: You won't find no better than this; grief - Basil - 12-02-2020

Basil | 3 years | Fox | Elysium
Basil had been staying to herself since the take over. But one thing was for sure, she had noticed that Tempa wasn't around much. She did get worried not seeing him, thinking that something bad had happened. Because of this feeling, Basil headed toward the beach in hopes of spotting Tempa.

Basil stayed quiet as she walked and other then Tempa, her thoughts were on her brother and how she now missed him and was not happy with herself for leaving him on his own.
"Tempa, I wonder where you could be."
Basil had said quietly and mostly to herself. She continued on looking for Tempa.

Re: You won't find no better than this; grief - SirDio - 12-03-2020

I'm blinded by the lights.
No, I can't sleep until I feel your touch.

After he wrote his letter, he put away the inkwell, rolled up the paper, and picked it and the fur scrap up. Grief was heavy on his shoulders. As he exited the cave, he caught sight of Basil. Tempa tilted his head, slowly walking toward her, hesitant. Questions he didn't wish to answer were gonna be asked, he was damn well sure of it. But he pushed it aside, and he set down the letter and fur. "Hey, Basil? That is your name, right? Can I ask what you're doing along the beach?" He partially knew why, but he just wanted to make sure.

template by orion

Re: You won't find no better than this; grief - Basil - 12-04-2020

Basil | 3 years | Fox | Elysium
Basil looked up hearing her name. She looked at Tempa happy to see that he was alive. She smiled at him hoping he wouldn't be upset seeing someone.
"I came looking for you."
She said happily. She had been worried about Tempa. She watched him.
I thought something bad had happened to you, so I came looking for you."
Basil added. She still looked at Tempa happy to see him.

Re: You won't find no better than this; grief - SirDio - 12-10-2020

I'm blinded by the lights.
No, I can't sleep until I feel your touch.

His ears flicked and a small smile reached his face. It was always nice to know that someone cared. Gentle rumbling sounded from him, the best attempt at a purr he could give. "Well, thank you for coming by to check on me. It.. kind of means a lot to me right now." He chuckled, but there was sadness deep within his eyes, which occasionally looked back at the fur and paper as well as his ring.

template by orion

Re: You won't find no better than this; grief - Basil - 12-10-2020

Basil | 3 years | Fox | Elysium
Basil smiled hearing Tempa. She then walked closer to Tempa. She was happy to see him smiled.
"Your welcome."
Basil said still looking at Tempa. She was now curious as to why he was so far away.
Can I ask why your out here by yourself?
She asked wanting to know if he would tell her. She sat down and watched Tempa. 

Re: You won't find no better than this; grief - SirDio - 12-10-2020

I'm blinded by the lights.
No, I can't sleep until I feel your touch.

The smile grew as she stepped closer. He sat down, watching her as she sat down near him. Instinctively, he pulled the fur and paper closer. The smile faltered. "I.. well.. I can't be at the camp right now. It's too familiar to my old home, and..." He hesitated and looked at the paper. The letter. Tempa gently sighed. "My old home's gone."

template by orion

Re: You won't find no better than this; grief - Basil - 12-10-2020

Basil | 3 years | Fox | Elysium
Basil looked at Tempa hearing him. She felt bad for him. Then again she had left her brother on his own. And Basil didn't even know if her brother was alive or not.
"I see and sorry to hear that."
She said still looking at Tempa. Her smile had faded. Now her thoughts were on her brother.
"Before I came here, it was just my brother and me."
Basil added thinking about how close she was to her brother. She then looked at the sky.

Re: You won't find no better than this; grief - SirDio - 12-10-2020

I'm blinded by the lights.
No, I can't sleep until I feel your touch.

He blinked away tears, instead looking at the sands while Basil spoke. He, for the first time is a while, wondered where his family spread off to. "I never really was close to my family. I was only extremely close to my boyfriend." He tried to chuckle, but it came out dead and dull. He almost heard Rione, just barely, but knew there was nothing and no one but him, Basil, and the ocean.

template by orion

Re: You won't find no better than this; grief - Basil - 12-10-2020

Basil | 3 years | Fox | Elysium
Basil tried to smile at Tempa. Her and Damiana had been close. She looked at Tempa.
"I was close to my brother since our parent had died, but about six months ago I kept telling myself that I need to go on my own"
Basil said thinking about that day. She had told her brother six months before he turned two that she would leave when he was two.
"I left my brother after he turned two. I figure he would be okay on his own, since he was strong."
She added thinking now about what had happened. She was worried that her brother wasn't alive anymore.
"But after what has happen, I've been worried about him."
Basil looked at Tempa as a few tears fell from her eyes.