Beasts of Beyond

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⸺ BLUE ⸺
death so beautiful
The pack animal had been alone for a long segment of time. It was strange to work on her own but it wasn't as if she didn't have experience in the matter. The dinosaur had worked by herself, and just because she didn't have a pack didn't mean that she wasn't a serious threat. She had made a name for herself a while ago. Named for her appearance, Blue was incredibly smart for a feral creature. She was able to solve problems that she came across, and she had the tenacity to back it up. The utahraptor wasn't going to back down from a fight that she knew that she could win. However, there were still chances that she wouldn't be able to win a fight and she would focus on her own survival and decide whether or not to retreat. For the most part, there had been few threats that she had to worry about. She was usually bigger than most of the animals that she came across. It made her job easier in terms of hunting as she always managed to catch her prey by surprise. It was only recently that she came across a strange creature. One that had somewhat taken care of her, but also gotten underneath her scales in terms of the power struggle that she had. She was the dominant one, and those that crossed paths with her were going to have to be submissive to her if they didn't want to be ripped to shreds. That, or they could be a food giver. When she first came across a candid, it gave her food. Blue had to admit it was the only creature that she considered to be pack. The creature provided food for her when she needed it and offered assistance in some hunts. This did not mean that she fully respected the creature, as there had been plenty of scuffles since they started traveling together.

The sound of crunching bone and ripping flesh echoed just beyond the border of the Pitt. The increased temperature of the area was certainly welcoming to the reptile that relied on the heat to fuel her muscles. The large beast was hovered over her most recent kill. It was an albino tiger. Multiple wounds covered the corpse's body. The tiger had been in the wrong place at the wrong time. In terms of how her mind worked, everything was prey as long as it showed fear. If a creature were to show aggression, then they were a threat and still needed to be dealt with. Blue didn't tolerate any challenges to her ranking, as hierarchy was important in a pack setting. Her mouth was covered in blood as her heavily scarred tail swayed behind her. Her head was inside of the tiger's underbelly, licking up all the blood that she could and eating the nutritional organs. As she pulled her head out, the utahraptor shook her head, splattering blood across the ground. There was enough meat on the tiger to fill her stomach. Her amber eyes glanced around, checking for any threats in the area or scavengers that might try to take her food. A low hiss escaped her jaws before her attention was drawn back toward the cooling corpse. Blue ate the rest of her fill, but she would still come back to her kill later on when she was hungry again. There was no real point in hunting again when she had food. Though, this did not mean she wasn't opportunistic either. If she saw prey, she would still take advantage of it. As soon as her foot ended up touching the sand, Blue immediately became uncomfortable as her weight made her sink into the strange substance. Her scales protected her for the most part against the rough texture, but it was still apparent that it would be incredibly difficult for her to run through the sand. It would slow her down. Irritating. Her 8ft long tail lashed out behind her as she saw something in the distance. A rock. Sunbathing.

Blue walked further into the territory of the Pitt, not really seeming to care what might happen to her. The greyscaled Utahraptor would jump onto the flat rock. Heat radiated from it, and almost like a dog, she slid onto her belly, chuffing as she felt the heat transfer to her muscles. She rubbed her head against the rock, smearing some of the blood from her kill on it. While she was enjoying the heat of the rock, she was still attentive to her surroundings.


Kian Ó Faoláin
The Irishman found adjusting to the desert a tough experience, having spent the past two years in the tropical paradise of the Typhoon.  It felt rewarding nonetheless, to pace himself and manage the heat.  He had to wonder how Gael managed, with his darker fur.

Seeing as the Ardent was pushing himself to comb the place for a missing Trygve, the faerie felt inclined to do the same; determined to be helpful by patrolling the desert too.  He did not expect to stumble upon a raptor, bathing in the sun.  Struck by memories of the raptors that once dwelled among the pirate crew, Kian halted with a startled blink.

Did he disturb the resting predator? Is this one sentient?  Owen's pack had not been very easy to communicate with.  Considering his overall tiny size in comparison to the reptile, the small wildcat decided to keep his distance before calling out, spotted tail curling up behind him in curiosity. 

"Dia dhuit!  Hey there -- do you understand me?"
We'll all be returning, if we sail together


Feral cretures were the lifeblood of the pitt, almost quite literally. They were the food, the prey. The ardent found it interesting, a wonder when something strange, new approached their border. When he could see that the Pitt and the sourunding lands were kooky, shapeshifters were common, dragons were rare but a staple even now. A raptor, prehistorical apex predator of the lands: they were rare, most of the species known to be extinct but the fact of blue's presence broke the conception of that fact to the kodkod.

Curious, the stain of white Imperator drew ever closer. Noting Kian's presence with a hint of assurance. The raptor didn't respond verbally towards the other fae and Jack's curiosity only grew by it. Feral, without words but still capable of thoughts, of feeling and understanding. To live in a simple world of food and rule of beasts, the strong eat the weak. It were the reason most exctict animals were gone simple to say, the viewpoints of these creatures had evolved, clans grew where pacts had once been the stable.

"Interesting." Jack noted, watching for a moment before he moved, a flicker of fimiluar power as the faemor moved to grasp at the sack of water that he had always carried. It was curtious to offer water, in such a place where it was scarce, the gentleman moved to do so, hesitating only a moment looking at the bloodstained maw. "Maybe some water? the desert isn't the best place to settle, stranger"

Gentle, kind. It felt out of place to the Imperator where the tension of the camp bleed to tensions, here on the border he felt new, fresh in a way he hadn't in a while. Water elemental moved to make water from the rucksack float before them. Entering the raptor's grasp to drink if it wished, a small curtsy that the kodkod allowed.

Before they could be considered a threat, they should be considered an ally. Jack would try and curry favor of the stranger first before he took to killing them if they prooved a threat. As the water was an offer it was a weapon, within seconds if Jack wished it.
[glow=#add8e6,2,300]I DID WHAT I HAD TO DO[/glow]

[glow=#add8e6,2,300]AND SAW IT THROUGH WITHOUT EXEMPTION[/glow]


⸺ BLUE ⸺
death so beautiful
There were many lessons that Blue had come to learn over time with groups like these. She wasn't exactly used to groups like these per say. They were fairly confusing on how they operated. It also didn't help that Blue was only capable of understanding a couple of words here and there that she had been taught while she was younger. Trying to learn a new word and associate it with an object or someone took a considerable amount of time. It wasn't necessarily something Blue was good at. But, she excelled in most aspects when it came to the simple art of surviving in an unforgiving world. Before, he body had been completely blank of any scars. Her grey scales helping her hide during night or overcast days. Fights among creatures that were larger than her and those that had abilities led her to be covered in a large group of scars. The most obvious one was the scar that was along her massive tail. A large chunk of muscle had been removed, not enough to give her a disadvantage in battle, but enough to make it extremely visible for those that took one look at her. The utahraptor also had crisscrossed scars across the length of her body that were made by claws that could damage her thick hide and scales. There were some scars that took the shape of what almost seemed to be lightning across her scales. This had been during the several instances that she had been electrocuted in the past to dangerous levels. Blue also remembered one of her sisters gaining scars from being set ablaze. Blue still didn't quite understand creatures that were capable of such abilities, and this could lead to the feral creature underestimating those that she came across. The size wasn't what mattered to the utahraptor, it was only when powers came into play that it was a different battle. However, Blue was incredibly smart and was capable of problem-solving. There was never really an instance where she couldn't think of a way out of a situation.

Blue was part of Owen's pack. The ORIGINAL pack. Blue had never met any other dinosaurs other than her sisters. Blue had looked for her siblings but had found no traces of them. It wasn't like the feral creature was grief-stricken at the idea of one of her sister's death. Indeed, there was a sense of loss, but not to the level of a sentient creature would have if one of their family died. Blue also didn't know where Owen was. So without the tamer, it meant that she was left to her own devices. She didn't want to pack with any of the flesh covered animals that weren't capable of understanding what she was doing. There is one creature that had managed to gain some sense of trust in the utahraptor, but the creature was currently nowhere to be seen. Blue had expected the other to follow her, like a good packmate. But the other didn't want to listen. Blue had tried to force the other to follow her, but instead, she gained a small zap from the creature and immediately turned away to trek on her own. She didn't necessarily need it after all. The grey-scaled dinosaur was starting to doze off on the rock that was she was laying on. It was then that her amber eyes opened suddenly at the sound of a voice. She was able to identify the voice of a creature, and she raised her head to look in the direction of where the sound had come from. There was something small a little bit of a distance away from her. Her nostrils flared as she tried to acquire a scent from the creature. From the way that it sounded, it was one of the creatures that were capable of speaking that other language. Sadly, the air currents were pushing the scent away from the creature so she wasn't able to accurately get a scent from them. The body language showed no fear. Prey? She wasn't quite so sure. There were ways to test that after all.

Before Blue had a chance to respond to the much smaller creature, another one appeared. Of similar sized. Covered in fluff that she didn't quite understand. A huffing sound began to emanate from the utahraptor as she started to maneuver herself so that her legs were underneath her body. She moved from that position to standing on top of the rock. They were so tiny compared to her. They would barely even be considered a snack to the large dinosaur. Her long sickle claws began to tap against the rock before she jumped down. Her tail lashed high in the air, and she kept her body language tall. A dominance display. She was able to gather one word from the new creature. Water. She knew what water meant. But having drunk the blood of her previous meal there was no reason for her to consume water. Besides, she was more interested in testing the creatures in front of her. Her forearms began to relax, pointing her clawed fingers forward toward the two males. Her jaw slackened, expressing the backward-facing teeth with scraps of flesh in between them before a scream erupted from her throat. It was a high pitched sound, one that usually made the weak-willed back away in fear of the massive predator. There were only so many outcomes to this situation. If one of them ran, Blue would give chase. If they started attacking, Blue would defend herself through any means necessary. If they submitted, then she would most likely leave them alone. If they stood their ground, there was a chance she would consider that a challenge of her dominance. Her amber eyes watched the body language of the two carefully, looking for any sign of weakness.