Beasts of Beyond
THERE ARE WORSE THINGS I CAN DO 》joiner - Printable Version

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Everythijg was different to the serval as he walked along with his long ears pressed flat against his skull, the others had decided to pick on him briefly and frankly, the boy wasn't having any of it as he threatened to leave them all. They didn't believe him so he told them to go fuck themselves and now, well, he was lost. Aimlessly wandering around without much of a hint as to where the fuck he was going, he would huff out with a roll of his eyes "Fucking assholes," This was a lot mode different than his universe and he had heard several diverse names specifically two parted ones, they were interesting so, Karkat thought it would be best to fit in with the locals and bestowed himself with the name Dominoeffect. He personally liked it though his friends, if he could call them that anyways, had giggled at him which only made him hotheaded and Dave had continued to playfully jab at him causing him to be rather unreasonable to say the least. He wasn't within the uncharted territories as he felt sand go between his toes did he lift a paw up and began to shake it with a soft growl leaving his maw.

He kicked away the sand in an absentminded manner, the moon was already taking the place of the sun and Domino could only feel the cold beginning to nip at his ears. "So f-fucking cold..." He hissed through gritted teeth as they chattered slightly, sure, he probably would've been warmer if he had been walking alongside Dav- No! He's an asshole, he can go fuck himself, Domino thought bitterly with a shake of his cranium. This was enough to prompt him to puff out his chest in a defiant manner and continue on his trek unsure of what he was going to find or what to expect. His coat wasn't thick enough and that's what he hated yet he wouldn't openly complain about it seeing as there wasn't anyone in sight to bitch to. Eventually, a smell stopped him and he wrinkled his nose as he took a few steps back squinting at what was ahead of him. Some pyramids. Odd. "I'm fucked." He finally mumbled underneath his breath as he glanced around with pupils narrowed into dangerous slits.

Did anyone even fucking live out here? He supposed that he couldn't complain that it was night seeing as the sun would probably burn him to mush, the thought made him inwardly groan. Well, he didn't want to travel any farther so he figured that he might as well see if there was anyone here. If not, he would make his way over to the pyramids but he had to wait... After all, patience was a virtue. Something that Karkat didn't possess unfortunately as he called out with his short tail wiggling to the sides in frustration "ANYONE OUT THERE?" There was a pause before he continued with his eyes half closed "I'm Dominoeffect Vantas... Looking for a place to stay," He would sit down with his body trembling from the cold seeing as he wasn't used to these temperatures. Maybe after he settled down, he would do some travel and see if there was anywhere that he could set down roots... Permanently but for now, he would wait for the desert fuckers to find him there.

Re: THERE ARE WORSE THINGS I CAN DO 》joiner - aine. - 11-28-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]I'LL C[color=#36829c]OME BACK WHEN YOU CALL ME
She's been lingering.  Quiet.  Absentmindedly.  Unable to sleep, seemingly indifferent to the chill of the desert night.  The petite deer-fox didn't have a purpose in mind, wandering by the border, but she was close enough to jump at Dominoeffect's call.  Her ears flicked back.  It was getting late...

The Fleshweaver frowned, padding forward.  Dully, hazel hues flickered over the serval, before drifting off.  "I'm Aine."  Her voice still sounded far away... But she didn't care to focus, wondering why someone was traveling in the desert during the dark.

Well.  No matter the time, the temperature could be extreme... A choice between freezing or burning...  "..."

"Thi-this is the Pitt... You're welcome to stay.  If you like." ... Aine glanced back towards the trees in the distance. "... Camp's... In the jungle.  It's warmer there."

Re: THERE ARE WORSE THINGS I CAN DO 》joiner - gael - 11-30-2020

Wary of his daughter's aimless demeanor, the vulpine quickly caught up -- brows creasing as he neared both the border, and a stranger.  A joiner, at a later time than normal.

"Aine's right, the jungle has shelter from the cold, if you would like to follow us, Dominoeffect." Gael affirmed, hazel eyes flashing to his daughter with concern.  Did she even notice the cold, or had she grown too dethatched?  He would continue the search for Trygve at dawn, he decided, ear flicking.

"I am called Gael," he would offer politely. "Ardent, or leader, of this place.  And you are welcome here, if you do wish to stay."
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / ardent / lamby