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Her Fire Fuels the Kiln; Transformation - Printable Version

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Her Fire Fuels the Kiln; Transformation - Kold - 11-26-2020

Why did everything have to hurt so god damn bad? Kold thought it was over, the pain, when she spewed the liquid fire. She was far from right. Only a day after the drop in body temperature, her body heated once again. It was so much hotter now. Unrelenting, unbearable heat. Very rarely did she find solace in water, as water boiled soon after she would slip into it. Did Ry go through the same pain? If that was the case, was Kold going to die?

The acolyte refused to believe so, but when her legs gave in, within the jungle, she let out a cry. She was going to die, wasn't she. She felt her muscles relax with the heat. if this was death, maybe it wasn't so bad? Too weak to cry out, she simply laid there, hoping that death would embrace her. It turns out that death wasn't even close. Her supposed end was just the beginning of a new entity.

Fur fell away in clumps, slowly, but accelerating. Clumps of fur sloughed off, creating piles that surrounded the body. After the fur had fallen away did the excruciating pain begin. it started with bones breaking, body expanding, new joints and limbs growing. This forced a scream from the child, and her vision went awash in blue. Skin was replaced with scales, dark grey in coloration. Tusks grew from her mouth, curving down and forward. Body became larger, longer, powerful, reaching 15 feet in length. Crunching and cracking noises were the result of long dorsal spines, grey at the base and light, burning blue at the top, that grew atop her body. Jagged spikes grew from her 3 shoulder pairs and pair of thighs, white flames inside them and blue in main coloration.

Her chest was covered in a glowing, pulsating blue rash, and her back had a stripe of light blue along it. Black eyes became a burning orange, and blue lines fell down her face from her eyes. Her palms had become blue as well. In fact, her vision was muddled in a blue hue. She saw everything in a blue tint. Pain faded away.... and all She felt.... was HUNGER.

Insatiable, ever-growing hunger. It panged in her rash-covered chest. A muscular arm pushed her up, height a heart-stopping 10 feet. Four pairs of legs moved to stabilize her. It. What was it?

"KILN." The roar came from her throat and echoed throughout the jungle. Her body was pulsating with heat, but it was not unbearable or unrelenting. It was welcoming.

"Kiln Speech"+"Kold Speech"

Re: Her Fire Fuels the Kiln; Transformation - gael - 11-30-2020

Growing concern over both Aine and Kold had been weighing on the vulpine -- doubling on his daily patrols to search the territory for any sign of Trygve.  He hated the way the boy's sudden departure crushed them and he had many words planned to say, if he ever found him.

When he inhaled the heavy smell of smoke and ash, the Ardent immediately followed; wary of a forest fire deep in the jungle.  The regrowth of their lush shelter needed to continue, not come to a halt.

Gael quickly discerns the source, when hazel eyes landed on the massive reptilian creature.  Kiln?  The Ardent levels his gaze, briefly noting the fallen, singed fur on the forest floor.

"Kold?"  Calm and curious, the Faerie keeps his distance, but speaks plainly.  He inclines his head, brows creasing in consideration -- this transformation seemed more than a simple shift.
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / ardent / lamby

Re: Her Fire Fuels the Kiln; Transformation - Kian. - 11-30-2020

Kian Ó Faoláin
The jungle was by far the easiest place for Kian to navigate and feel comfortable within.  To the Irishman, it felt the most like the Typhoon's tropical home -- without the ocean unfortunately.  It was the endless expanse of water he missed the most about the pirate's territory.

The wildcat twitched his ears, coming up to a halt beside his cousin with a curious blink.  His familiarizing himself with the jungle could wait a moment to assess the situation here.  While the reptile before him reminded him of Kold somehow... Kian wasn't so sure they were Kold.

But that does look like Kold's fur on the ground... Perhaps Gael was onto something -- the Ardent was a great deal older and wiser than he.
We'll all be returning, if we sail together

Re: Her Fire Fuels the Kiln; Transformation - Kold - 11-30-2020

As the salamander stretched her limbs, feeling warmth and power, the sound of someone's voice turned her head. Blue vision warped their colors, but they were small. A morsel. Jaws parted to show sharp, serrated teeth lined with a red liquid. Tongue lolled, a growl surfacing. Who was this fox, this snack that stood before her?

A child's voice echoed in Her head, That's Gael, ardent of the pitt- he isn't food!! She snorted. As Kian arrived, the hunger grew. Fire licked up from the beast's mouth. Food. No! Food. The beast roared, snapped her jaws, and slammed her forelegs down, sending a spiraling flame from her mouth, aimed at Gael and Kian.

No one could see the scared acolyte, hidden within Kilns fiery depths, crying for the beast to stop.

"Kiln Speech"+"Kold Speech"

Re: Her Fire Fuels the Kiln; Transformation - aine. - 11-30-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]I'LL C[color=#36829c]OME BACK WHEN YOU CALL ME
The fear that Kold was sick too... Was overwhelming.  The numbness left by her best friend's absence only cut with the terror of losing someone else too.  Someone that had begun to be family.  The petite deer-fox didn't know what to do.  Didn't know what she could do.  There had to be something.

Wandering aimlessly down the path to her garden, Aine is caught off-guard by smoke.  Her father's voice.  No.  Not another fire. No.  No.  No.

But there isn't a fire, until the beast roars.  Hazel hues widen in confusion before she causes the earth to rise up before her father and cousin, desperately attempting to shield them both from the flames.  "No!"  She wasn't going to lose them too.

Aine slams her hooves into the ground, wings flaring out at her sides.  "Leave them alone!"

Re: Her Fire Fuels the Kiln; Transformation - Kold - 12-02-2020

When earth rose and halted the flames that Kiln sent, the beast was confused. She had not heard Aine's voice until the fleshweaver's movements caught her attention. Lips lifted in a snarl, flames threatening to fall like rain upon the three. But as the beast reared back to send another fury, something stalled in her mind. A child's voice, crying, sobbing. Do not hurt them! Do not hurt them! DO NOT HURT MY FAMILY! The beast staggered and stumbled, falling back to all legs. They were food. The Kiln required food. Consume. Consume. Consume.Consume. CONSUME. [color=#fc681f]C̷͎̙͋Ò̵̫͔̈́N̸̰̤͚̈́̓S̵̮͍̊̍̿ͅU̶̼̠̟̎̄̅M̷͙̮͊̋͐Ë̷̲́͠ ̶̨̩̆͝U̶̖̰̩͂̒N̸̢̞̙̎̋T̴̳͚̾I̵̺̓̾̕L̵͎̅̍͠ ̷̰̄Ṭ̵̲̀̍͝H̸̠̺̺͂E̶̤͙͉̍R̷͕͇͍̀Ê̶̬͚̬͌̋ ̶̡̻͉̈Ḁ̸̑̀R̴̓̌͌ͅE̷̼͆ ̵͚̿͊Ṇ̵̕͜O̶̢̠̎͘͝N̵̢̲̕E̶̹͆͠ ̵͇̲̀̎̽L̷̪͛͗̐E̷̹͙̘̓̎̀F̵̥̂̉̿T̴̫̉.̴̘̪̑͗͠. [color=white]NO!NO!NO!NO!

The beast, confused and enraged by this confusion, thrashed and snarled. In an effort to regain control, Kold, within the recesses of Kiln's mind, forced the beast to bite down on her arm, and hard. There was a crunch as the bone was reached and cracked, and the beast's eyes were wide open in confusion. Why did she bite herself, and why couldn't she let go?

"Kiln Speech"+"Kold Speech"