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GOT ME FEELING SO COOL ☆ o, battle plans - Printable Version

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GOT ME FEELING SO COOL ☆ o, battle plans - RHINESTONE. - 11-26-2020

Although it had taken a few days for Rhinestone to get used to his new form, he knew that The Palm Glades as a whole couldn't afford to halt for long. They were gradually recovering from the snowstorm, yes – although they still had to be careful about their prey supplies until spring came – but there were other things to worry about as well. Namely, the large raid on The Typhoon that was coming up. Rhinestone still felt rather uneasy about the whole thing, but he knew that they couldn't back out now. After all, the group as a whole had already gone to Tanglewood territory in order to hunt, and the serval had a feeling that Stryker didn't take too kindly to broken deals. That didn't mean that the group as a whole couldn't plan ahead, however. They somewhat knew about The Typhoon's territory from what had been told to them by the Wanderers, as well as Rosemary. They could use that to their advantage, and Rhine fully intended to do so. Not only so that they could assist with the raid, but also so that they'd have an escape plan in case things went sideways – which Rhinestone expected, at this point. Stryker was so incredibly haughty that it was inevitable that he would fall, whether it was sooner or later.

Either way, some planning needed to be done. So, after a morning hunting patrol that turned out moderately successful, Rhinestone quickly ate a plump mouse for lunch, and then made his way in front of his den. He didn't hop on top of the meeting rock, seeing as that wasn't needed this time – this wouldn't be an official meeting. Instead, it would be more of a brainstorming session. Shaking out his newly thick pelt, the lanky blue feline called out, "Anyone who'd like to be involved in some battle planning, please gather around me!" As several familiar faces began to approach, Rhine explained, his short tail coming to rest at his side, "I want us to plan out a bit ahead of time, so that we're prepared for when the Coalition's messenger gets here. As well as if things go wrong... we'll need a backup plan." He had something in mind, but he decided to wait for everyone to settle before he continued on.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: GOT ME FEELING SO COOL ☆ o, battle plans - SirDio - 11-28-2020


Medusa never thrived in battles. Before she had died, she was very avoidant of hostile encounters. But now, having died and came back with a stronger resolve, she wasn't going to back out of the Raid. Not out of liking the idea of raiding, but out of the idea that there was a deal, and she wasn't one to back out of deals. Not since... well, that would be spoilers. And Stryker and Stheno would get their haughtiness and overconfidence taken down and their shit reign would fall.

She was tired, but duties were duties. She had set out patrols in her head for assignment, and she would assign them after some battleplans, it seemed. Head held higher than it had been in the past, she waded through the bodies that joined for the planning. "You have to wonder what animals make up The Typhoon. Most likely animals that like water or are good with swimming." She hesitated to mention another Hybrid, mainly because she doubted he would ever like salt water.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px COLOR2; font-size: 24px;"]— MEDUSA

Re: GOT ME FEELING SO COOL ☆ o, battle plans - RHINESTONE. - 12-01-2020

Truth be told, Rhinestone had never really thrived in battle either. He had always had more of a focus on hunting and other tasks that helped out the clan as a whole, to keep them going so that they were able to fight on. That didn't mean that he was useless in a fight, however. He had trained just as hard as everyone else, and he was undeniably stubborn about some things, including coming out on top against enemies. While he didn't really want to seriously hurt anyone within The Typhoon, he also didn't want them to get severely injured by this deal, which meant they needed to be careful.

As his short tail came to rest against his side, the blue serval tapped a thoughtful paw against his chin before speaking, "Well... we know that they have at least a few hybrids, considering we had Lovekit's visit, as well as meeting their leader. None of them seemed to particularly excel in the water, though. And I'd rather we not get anywhere near Lovekit and his siblings. We're doing this to fulfill a deal, not hurt children." He wasn't about to let them cross that line, no matter what the Coalition wanted. Glancing down briefly, the leader then muttered, "Although... I do imagine that they would use the waters to their advantage. We can turn that on them. After all, Vaas has those water elementals. He might be able to use those to drag them to shore if they try to escape." He already hated the sound of this, considering The Typhoon had done nothing to them, but they couldn't just break the deal now. They'd have a chance to later, hopefully.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: GOT ME FEELING SO COOL ☆ o, battle plans - number nine. - 12-01-2020

Unlike both Rhine and Medusa, Number Nine actually had a history of fighting, and enjoying himself while doing it. There was a reason why he had chosen to become a bounty hunter, after all. Despite this, he didn't make a habit of just attacking others, so when he had heard that they had a raid to participate in, he had been pretty enthusiastic about it. He knew that he could be of help, so as soon as he heard Rhinestone's call about battle plans being made, he slipped in to sit down beside Medusa. With his wings resting casually against his back, the male tilted his head to one side before speaking, "We could always have someone go in and do a bit of snooping. Whether it be someone like me, who can fly over the territory and get a feel for things, or just someone who sneaks in. It's pretty easy to pretend to be a joiner, considering The Palm Glades haven't really interacted with The Typhoon outside of Goldie's one visit." If someone did decide to go the spy route, then it definitely wouldn't be Number Nine. He had never been the type for sneaking around, instead preferring a much more direct approach.

Re: GOT ME FEELING SO COOL ☆ o, battle plans - VASS . - 12-01-2020

Here was the crux of the issue then, hmm? The typhoon was an old ally of his, and it broke to think of them as an enemey. He held that loyalty in the open, his favoritism towards them, hell Vaas hadn't hesitated to credit the water witch of the typhoon for their help. Yet that was only one person, out of a clan when he asked for help - they turned away. It... it hurt to see his old home turn against him, but did that mean he had the grounds to attack them?

He had the ability to stand out of this battle, if he wanted, but there would be nothing to salvage afterwards. No matter his part, and he was a hitter no matter his role in the clan ranks- he was a warrior. His water elementals would proove a benefit, no matter the turmoil. Vaas had to make the deicision now.

When he approached, it was casual, not the usual prowling gait of his form, his expression one of troubled thoughtfulness. "I don't like this, rey" Vaas admitted towards rhinestone, shaking his head softly. he had information, he had toves of it of his old clan, he had left yes but... "The typhoon is strong. Stronger than our own allies, we need a contingency plan." It felt wrong to attack his old home, but it felt worse to ally with that slimy lion. "A scout is a good idea, I don't mind stepping in there. They'll let me in, if nothing else to see my old home." Vaas admitted, sitting amung the group. "I could start up conversations, i recommend we have a fail safe if we get left to fight against the typhoon alone. Contact our other allies, Alithís Evgenis. I trust them far more than i can throw the kingpin's fucking corpse"
[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "

Re: GOT ME FEELING SO COOL ☆ o, battle plans - RHINESTONE. - 12-03-2020

Rhine knew well of Vaas's old connections to The Typhoon. In fact, those connections had served them well several times in the past, making it so that the group could continue to thrive even before the tiger had stepped up as their medic. That was part of the reason why Rhinestone was so hesitant about this whole plan. He didn't want to betray the trust of a group that had helped them before, not to mention the group that young Lovekit had belonged to. However, he also found it difficult to rationalize betraying the Coalition. After all, the other group was large and growing larger by the day, and Stryker had kept up his part of the deal. Despite this, the serval found that every word in the Coalition's favor died on his tongue, unable to spring forth. Deep down inside, the leader knew that he didn't want to help Stryker. Didn't trust the lion, and didn't care for his way of going about things, not at all.

After a moment of thoughtful hesitation, Rhine before nodding in the direction of both Number Nine and Vaas. He muttered, tone lowering – his eyes would have surely darkened, if they had the ability to grow any more black, "I don't like this either, Vaas. Truthfully, I don't want to attack The Typhoon. They've done nothing to earn our ire, beyond being on Stryker's bad side. I don't trust Stryker, either. I know that the moment he thinks that he's in control, he'll turn on us next. But... he still has numbers. If we turn on him now, he could crush us, even with our own large memberbase. At least if we work alongside him temporarily, we can make it look like he's made an ally of us..." He shifted a little, paws sliding together as he once again tried to think of what their next move would be. Shaking his head from side to side, he eventually spoke, "I do believe that contacting Alithís is a good idea, but I also have something else to say. What if we just... don't fight? We go out onto the battlefield, make a show of things, but don't actually try to hurt any Typhooners. That way, we don't end up hurting a group that doesn't deserve it, and we get Stryker to think we're on his side. That way, once he's on top of the world, we'll be close enough to plunge the blade into his back. Without their leader, I get the feeling that the Coalition will scatter." They didn't exactly seem like much of a courageous group. They mostly seemed to consist of cowards, all following the leader that was seemingly the strongest in the Beyond.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades