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A Long Journey To Pain *Hawthorn's Joining* - Printable Version

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A Long Journey To Pain *Hawthorn's Joining* - Hawthorn - 11-25-2020

[div style="width: 300px; text-align: justify; font-family: comic sans ms; font-size: 14; line-height: 14px; color: #4682B4; margin-top: 6px"]Hawthorn had been traveling for a while and he was looking for a place that would basically help him with his tendencies. He was sure that the Palm Glades was a good place for that, but he would have to make sure he didn't kill anyone, since he loved killing.

Hawthron's, dark brown scorpion's tail was relaxed at the moment and his ears were alert to everything around him. He stopped and sat down excepting that he would be greeted sooner or later, but mostly likely sooner.

Re: A Long Journey To Pain *Hawthorn's Joining* - RHINESTONE. - 11-26-2020

The Palm Glades were, in many ways, a safe haven for unusual creatures, living unusual lives. They generally tried to avoid outright violence, but they were also hardly afraid to defend themselves, as evidenced by their one recent raid, as well as the upcoming one. Hopefully, Hawthorn would be able to find a suitable home in their tropical lands, one which could help him steer his talents in the right direction. Of course, the first step of that was joining. Rhine bad been out on a patrol when he eventually came upon Hawthorn, pitch black eyes widening when he saw the other's scorpion tale. Rhinestone, however, didn't have much room to speak, considering the serval's unusually blue fur and utterly ebony eyes. Offering Hawthorn a bit of a smile – the other didn't seem dangerous, considering how politely he was just sitting there – the leader waved a paw before speaking, "Hello there... you're on the lands of The Palm Glades? Do you need something? Help, or are you looking to join...?" He missed asking for a name, but that was alright. He had been a bit scatterbrained, ever since his impromptu death and subsequent return from the dead.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: A Long Journey To Pain *Hawthorn's Joining* - Hawthorn - 11-26-2020

[div style="width: 300px; text-align: justify; font-family: comic sans ms; font-size: 14; line-height: 14px; color: #4682B4; margin-top: 6px"]Hawthorn looked at Rhinestone. "I'm Hawthorn." He said holding back urge to attack Rhinestone. "I'm here to join." Hawthorn added still looking at Hawthorn. He was wanting to kill, but instead he let a smiled come across his face. "Fighting a urge isn't easy." He added.

Re: A Long Journey To Pain *Hawthorn's Joining* - number nine. - 11-26-2020

Having someone new around was always exciting, and it was even better when it was someone unusual. Number Nine always liked the more weird joiners, since they made him feel rather at home. He felt less out of place, with his large feathered wings and flower covered eyes. He found himself drawn over out of curiosity and delight when he saw Rhine standing with Hawthorn, coming to land nearby. He said with a flick of his tail, a friendly smile playing on his muzzle as he spoke, "Hey there... Hawthorn, was it? Welcome to Palm Glades. My name's Number Nine, although you can just call me Nine. You doing okay...?" He could tell the guy was holding something back, especially since the other said so, but he wasn't sure what. The most obvious urge was violence, but Hawthorn seemed friendly enough to start off with. If that was the case, then he had to have some pretty impressive resolve.

Re: A Long Journey To Pain *Hawthorn's Joining* - Hawthorn - 11-26-2020

[div style="width: 300px; text-align: justify; font-family: comic sans ms; font-size: 14; line-height: 14px; color: #4682B4; margin-top: 6px"]Hawthorn then looked at Number Nine. "Nice to meet you Nine." He said before looking at Nine still. "The urge to attack." was all Hawthorn said not sure how the two would react to the fact that Hawthorn had said what he said. "It has become a tendency for me to attack and kill, since my parents were killed." Hawthorn added if the two were confuse in anyway.

Re: A Long Journey To Pain *Hawthorn's Joining* - rhosmari - 11-26-2020

Stepping with light paws the blind domestic would frown. Hearing the words from the stranger and moving to stand closer to Nine. Or at least closer in the direction he heard him from. His tail twitched with unease as he lifted his head up a but and pulled his angular ears forward. "Sound more like a danger than someone we should let join." A bitterness was in his voice as he slowly sat down. But truth be told he was uncertain of letting someone who had a tendency to attack and kill things be around him. Especially when he couldn't see anything. It was heavily uneasy and he twitched with discomfort. Though he knew that he had not introduced himseld and he wasn't about to either. Shifting he tried to angle his head and listen to what Rhinestone was going to say about the situation as a whole.

[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: A Long Journey To Pain *Hawthorn's Joining* - SirDio - 11-26-2020


Gentle pawsteps sounded as the hybrid walked up beside Dovah, golden shatter lines glistening. She set her eyes upon the stranger. "Indeed. I'm willing to give you a chance, kid, but you make any moves and I will throw you into the ocean." It was a tall threat from a feline hybrid, but a threat none the less.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px COLOR2; font-size: 24px;"]— MEDUSA

Re: A Long Journey To Pain *Hawthorn's Joining* - Hawthorn - 11-26-2020

[div style="width: 300px; text-align: justify; font-family: comic sans ms; font-size: 14; line-height: 14px; color: #4682B4; margin-top: 6px"]Hawthorn looked at the two that had shown up. He didn't like the tone of one of them, well actually both of them. "I won't attack, and I wouldn't dare attack the people that I'm live among." Hawthorn said still looking at the two. He was still sitting, but he was watching all of those around him, still excepting an fight or an issue, but he just wanted a home.

Re: A Long Journey To Pain *Hawthorn's Joining* - RHINESTONE. - 12-01-2020

The urge to attack. That was understandably worrying for Rhinestonestar, whose ears briefly flicked back to press against his skull. However, he wasn't about to outright refuse the guy. He sounded like he had been through a lot, and it wasn't as if The Palm Glades were an outright friendly group. They were considered warbound, even if they largely kept to themselves. Hawthorn could clearly be an asset, if pointed in the right direction. Glancing briefly between Dovah and Medusa, the serval eventually stated simply, "Well Hawthorn, my name is Rhinestonestar, and I'm the leader around here. While I do agree with my friends that you sound like a bit of a risk... I'm willing to give you a chance. You just gotta help out and follow the rules like everybody else, and everything should be okay. Focus those violent urges on prey and our enemies, alright?" Everyone deserved a chance in Rhine's mind, although he wasn't the type to give out many second chances. So, if Hawthorn screwed up, there would definitely be repercussions.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: A Long Journey To Pain *Hawthorn's Joining* - Hawthorn - 12-01-2020

Hawthorn | 5 years | Manticore | Palm Glades
Hawthorn nodded. "I understand." He said looking at Rhine. Hawthorn was happy to have a home finally. "And thank you for letting me join." Hawthorn said bowing his head to Rhine. He wasn't going to hurt the ones there and not anyone that was apart of Palm Glades since that was his home.