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I'M A DEAD MAN WALKIN// Sevcon Bio and storage - Printable Version

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I'M A DEAD MAN WALKIN// Sevcon Bio and storage - SirDio - 11-24-2020


General Info: Sevcon Verban is a 4 year old clouded leopard with dark red base fur, dark beige underfur, and white clouded leopard markings. His tail hosts a thagomizer consisting of four spikes coming from his tail. His left side appears as though something tore off all fur, skin, and flesh, revealing his muscle and skull. This is hidden by a bright white mask that covers his face at all times. He goes by he/him, is pansexual, and is not looking. He currently resides in the Coalition of The Condemned, though for now he is living among Tanglers and Wanderers within Tanglewood. With a seemingly calm and laid back disposition, he tends to get picked on by Wanderers and Tanglers alike. But when he needs something done, he does it himself and with a violent approach.

In his life he has had only 2 partners. He had a boyfriend named Joc, who was a lion, and he had a girlfriend named Luciva, who was a mountain lion. Joc left him on a sour note, and Luciva died from illness. He was once a prisoner for a war-tribe that quickly fell apart, though his life has now been cursed with slow decay. Essentially, he will slowly decay until his body is too weak to go on, in which case he will die. This curse may have had repercussions, but he doesn't know.

He has a serious dislike for Stheno, seeing her way of leading as insufficient and knowing that the war-tribe he was held prisoner for had fallen apart because of that distant leadership. he knows Tanglewood wants them gone but orders are orders. Thus, he tries to be nice and kind to the best of his abilities, even if that means moving for Tanglers and being called a softie by Wanderers.

He's not opposed to fighting, he just doesn't like doing it unless needed to. Unfortunately, it's sometimes needed to shut Tanglers and Wanderers up.
