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strange - open; large turkey - Printable Version

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strange - open; large turkey - rhosmari - 11-24-2020

[align=center]AND I GOT ANGEL WINGS
elsweyr — tanglewood — three years
Her eyes were watching the waves, figure tense she pulled taunt as she waited. Her shadow was casted across the sands considering she was fishing. Much of her day had been spent alone but she was now out to gather some food for herself and little Ares. They both needed to eat, though the child more than herself because she was growing. Though her hunt was beginning to become a bit less fruitful. The ocean waves didn't seem to be a good spot for catching fish as she had hoped and proved her point further that the ocean was a soulless maw waiting to suck someone down. Pointless when it yielded nothing and dhe curled her muzzle in disdain. Yellow paint marked her body today in lines and swirls before she shook out her frame and decided to go and hunt instead in the swamp. She was hoping for energy and vigor today but she was more tired than anything. The last few days had been taxing but she was still trying to keep her hopes up, still trying to keep her own frame alive though she couldn't help but wonder what her tribe was doing right now. The turn of the season had come, they would be moving at this moment. Traveling to the jungle.

A bit of homesickness entered her figure, settling into the pit of her stomach. She missed her parents and her siblings, still hoped they were alive and well. Everyday was a fight for them but they had each other. Slowly her eyes lifted up from.the path she walked and she paused, tail raising as she saw a large bird. Two of them in face and she twitched her nose. Confusion as they were just there staring at her. One tilted its head and she tilted her own before she parted her jaws. They would make excellent meals that much was certain. The idea crept through her head and she lowered herself slowly, slinking forward before one made a strange noise. It made her head jerk up as she stared. They talked? Could she communicate. "Ooloolooloolooloo." The king cheetah tried to mimic their noises and to her surprise they responded back. Their cadence a bit higher and quicker. Maybe she could bring them back to the village. One of the large avians was white and brown, while the other was black and grey.

Taking a step to the side she watched them as she began to head back to the village. "Oolooloolooloolooloooo." She didn't know what she was saying to them but their responses seems positive. They even started to follow her and so she led the birds back to the town, eyes alight with intrigue and excitement as she looked around before announcing her find. "She has brought back some Oloos!" Her designated name for them because of their vocals.

Re: strange - open; large turkey - SirDio - 11-24-2020


Sev-man really wasn't the kind of guy to butt into conversations with Tanglers, knowing they hated his guts because he was from the Coalition. Wanderers shunned him too, which wasn't new for the clouded. He was usually sleeping by the statue, keeping a closer eyes on things while Stheno 'ruled from a distance'. The thought made him scoff. Had she lost her mind when she lost her eye?

He wasn't able to figure it out before Elsweyr brought in some turkeys, calling them Oloos. A smirk curled on his lip behind his mask. He raised his head, quiet voice hopefully reaching the cheetah. "Do you mean Turkeys? I mean, I have no problem calling them Oloos, but just making sure."


Re: strange - open; large turkey - rhosmari - 11-27-2020

[align=center]AND I GOT ANGEL WINGS
elsweyr — tanglewood — three years
She was unsure if she should be talking to this Wanderer. He was with them after all and he did nothing to assuage the damages that had been done. The pain and suffering that had them beneath the paws of that snake dung woman. Her eyes narrowed a bit as she stared at him, her tail flicking back and forth before she glanced back to the Oloos that she had brought to camp. Theh were just moving around close by now and pecking at the ground. "Turkeys?" She tasted the word as it fell from her lips before she looked back to the male before her. There was clear distrust in her gaze as she kept her distance from him. Unsure if there was any trust to be gained in a situation like this. "If that is what these creatures are then yes. Who is this one though?" Her claws that never full retracted scrapped at the ground before she pulled one ear back to make sure that these turkeys didn't go anywhere as she did plan on making a meal out of at least one of them.

Re: strange - open; large turkey - SirDio - 11-28-2020


The leopard stayed where he was, adjusting his mask slightly. Nobody really trusted him, not even Stheno or other wanderers, so her distrust wasn't met with shock or anger, but an accepting grunt. "Yes, Turkeys. They love bein' loud." He smiled.

"My name is Sevcon. Feel free t' call me anythin', though. Insults an' mocking nicknames seem t' be my trend," He shrugged. Corpse, maggot-consumed, rot-bag, the list goes on. "What might be your name?"


Re: strange - open; large turkey - wormwood. - 11-28-2020

NOTHING BESIDE REMAINS — The male had never really encountered turkeys before, outside of seeing pictures of them within books. The large mostly flightless birds hadn't exactly been plentiful around Aurum's old pride, and they hadn't really seemed all that more plentiful around Tanglewood. Occasionally he had seen one or two turkeys near the farm, but he had never really been able to get close to them. They were often intimidated by his large size, and ended up flapping their wings so that they could hop and soar away as quickly as they could manage. It had been frustrating the first one or two times, when the lion had just been trying to observe them, but he had honestly grown used to it. Of course, he never would've expected that Elsweyr would be able to lure some turkeys into camp, considering the other was also a big cat like himself. Considerably smaller, but that didn't make her any less intimidating, especially to mostly defenseless creatures like turkeys. It was because of this that he couldn't help letting out a slightly impressed chuff as Elsweyr ended up strolling into town, the pair of turkeys trailing after her.

The approach of Sevcon caused Aurum to stiffen, but the angel managed to keep his mouth closed, at least for the moment. After all, the other wasn't saying anything insulting, and as much as the lion would've loved to rip every Wanderer limb from limb, he knew that would just end up causing problems. That didn't prevent him from shooting a harsh glare Sevcon's way as he padded over, however. Once he had come to sit nearby, Aurum let his one eyed gaze drift from Sevcon to Elsweyr, along with the prey that she had managed to lure in with her strange sounds. The turkeys seemed vaguely unsettled by his presence, but he made sure to lean back, not wanting to scare the cheetah's hard work away. It was because of this that he spoke more softly than usual, his head tilting to one side, "I'm surprised that you managed to get them to follow you. Whenever I've seen turkeys, they've always ended up running away from me. Not that I can really blame them, considering big cats are frequent predators of them..." His intention in those moments had never been to eat them, though. He had always just wanted to see and interact with them, since they seemed so strange to him.

Shaking off that old childish wonder – mainly because he was feeling rather embarrassed, the winged lion then added on, "It's pretty good timing for you to bring them, too. I remember reading about a human holiday around this time that involved eating turkey as the main protein." He didn't know much about Thanksgiving aside from what he had read, but humans really did seem to have some strange holidays. Most of them seemed to just be excuses to eat a great deal of food, though. — OF THE MAN WHO WAS BORN AND DIED A KING.

Re: strange - open; large turkey - SirDio - 11-28-2020


He didn't spare Aurum a nod, knowing very well the lions hatred for The Coalition. Did everyone in Tanglewood judge the sins of the community and ignore the individual? It wasn't unheard of for Sevcon, given his tumultuous past.

Holidays. The leopard forced a snarl down, instead letting out a huff. "The War tribe that held me prisoner had a holiday around Turkeys as well. It marked the end of Autumn an' the Beginning of winter. They would party and game. Throw scraps an' inedibles at me like I was some caged beast."

And they weren't wrong. He was a caged beast among them. They hadn't broken him until they fell to their own distant hands. Maybe he was still a caged beast, but he doubted it. Even with everyone avoiding him.


Re: strange - open; large turkey - Grimm - 11-29-2020

Beyond enforced perimeters a world woven into patchwork expanse, an unknown and vast blank spot within meagre knowledge. Once dedicated the eradication, how tongue grew clumsy over queries posed until halls had rung with his dwindling voice, outward turned mind as bright burnt the hope framing each beat of tender heart. Yet, upon their doorstep, it had visited with intention vicious, mockery made of their scant number. Beneath the cruel heel ground into their throats it had died with a distinct lack of fanfare, simply extinguished with a call answered by brutality.

Few the times he had ventured beyond, even as further lax grew the hold with departure that left serpentine beast at helm she seemed to bear no wish to man, further restricted by means that left cheeks aching. Shallow that carved into his flesh, yet reminder enough, discouraged further exploration. Light the doze he was within, familiar his placement on porch, discarded with the odd call that rang forth. There was a distinct excitement in the trilling, a voice he knew yet changed by circumstance, joined by other, a pitch that arose in throaty warbles.

Head lifted and narrowed the eyes that perceived unfolding scene, her approach one not conducted alone, as though sheep behind their shepherd the sizable avians trailed. Against the wooden boards the tips of his claws scraped, slight the tilt his cranium took, merely watched how the pair broke away and began to scratch at the soil. Almost peaceful, if odd, the scene before another spoke in hushed tones, attention briefly settling on the statue before leaving it. Sickened Salvia over the manner stomach clenched, tightened his chest as paw rubbed along it, minor those inflicted but enough the memory of supposed attempt on his life.

New this one, at the least, mistrusted as the rest but ears angled towards them as conversation continued. Alike seemed his sentiment as Elsweyr addressed the other, though her words did not make apparent such her tone differed. They continued on and once more visited upon the notion of approach, cemented when his own was discouraged for a moment, eyes lifting to take in his father. Against pale lips frown settled, vision averted. Twice had he come now to protect him, a son without worth, incapable of acting as anything but a liability to the cause seeking their freedom.

The wood creaked softly as Salvia abandoned his perch, exposed claw tips carving small grooves into the soil with each step, disregarded the wanderer that addressed the pair without care, more jovial than any other. By side of Aurum did he come to linger, looking over the birds as they proved almost calm amongst so many large predators, seemingly soothed by the calls Elsweyr had spoken in turn to their own. "They look funny." Light his remark, smile flicking to life.

Almost bulbous the two, the wide fan of their tails disturbing their figure, heads drawn close. Slowly forth did he reach but halted, supposedly fixated on the wattle that settled against their chests, the red offset by the blue of the head.
[Image: 402atww-RW3l-K.gif]
But I wish I could I could show you more of yourself, I wish I could make you somebody else but I left it way too late, are you stuck in your own ways? you only look at me properly now when you're drunk watching movies. where are you? what happened? I want what we had
code by Wisker