Beasts of Beyond

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DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
    but the clouds are clearing up
        and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
                                              like a bastard on the burning sea.

*tldr at the end
It'd not been an abnormal morning - though generally such events were never expected, no matter what time of the day it was. Goldie had decided to go out and pick some fruit from the jungle. There'd been a slight noise that persisted in her head since just before the last meeting, but it'd been quiet enough she'd not needed to pay much mind to it. However, as she moves further into the jungle, suddenly the noise in her head gets significantly louder, and as she stands, it feels as if she is suddenly shoved elsewhere, soul transported to a location in seconds, whoever causing such a thing not even bothering to make her mortal body unconscious.

By a figure in a veil, a long, complicatedly woven thread is held, ever so delicate. They sit upon the stump of a large tree, a pond at their feet. They stare down in front of them, a dark pit obstructing the path from Goldenluxury to them. She lifts a paw, and feels a tug, looking down to find the thread wrapped around her own legs. The tigress was no stranger to encounters with the Gods, their cryptic messages and indirect manners of demanding things from her, but this felt different. This force still felt immortal, still felt just as powerful, but it was foreign. She did not know who was staring at her, she was not certain why they held a thread tangled around her body, or what their path in front of them was meant to lead to. However, her only hopes of finding out, would be to simply move forward.

The thread is tight, tangled in knots. When she attempts to stretch it too far, she feels a sharp pain throughout her body, and she swears she can almost hear a faint giggle emit from the veiled occult. She stops for a moment, stares at the intricate thread entangled around her. Her paws begin to move, trying to reach for a particularly large knot. Perhaps she could make it easier, escape the tie to the thread altogether. But as she uses a hooked claw to pull on it, the pain shoots through once more, and the knot grows tighter. She winces, settling down once more. Thinking of the best approach, it seemed the most logical to simply loosen the thread. But, doing such an act punished her. Perhaps, instead, she should simply try to work with the heavy load. It makes it difficult to move, but still she tries, slowly. Maybe if she gets closer to the figure, they will help her, maybe they will have a message for her.

And so she pushes forward, slowly and carefully. Do not tug too hard one way or another, do not trip over the string. But, as she places her paws on the dirt path, she feels a pull behind her. Her head turns, feathered ear tips pricked as she observes what the source was. Scorched and ancient, a black wolf, teeth baring, red glaring gaze intense and cold. But she was not unfamiliar to such a sight. It's teased her before, sneered in her childlike fears not moved past, but burned away in a raging fire. A revenge in parts, never fulfilled for either. He grew larger with each step, bits of ash and dirt falling from his body. The female takes a slow step towards the male herself, feeling one of the larger knots tug at her and shoot pain through her body.

She growls in frustration, staring up to the huge canine. "Stay away, or die," she warns to the familiar figure. She hears two voices laugh now - the wolf, and the figure behind her. The cold voices cause her ears to lower, eyes wincing from the chill. "You won't kill me, darling; you're too tangled up. You may have burned me, but you haven't let go. And now everything else, too, is much too heavy for you." The pet name causes her to tense. More eyes begin to grow upon the now ten-foot tall wolf's face, popping open and staring down at her figure. The female looks away now, staring towards the ground. She hears the sound of waves, deep down below.

Her paws twitch, trying to pull the water closer to her, though she has to reach far. Her paws now shift, she feels the pain shooting through once more, but she attempts to bare through it, just enough. And as she tugs on the thread, she feels a knot growing tighter, one loosening. It felt as if her own muscles were shifting throughout her body, under her skin, in ways they never had. The water finally raises, and she uses her electricity to join in with it, the sparks shooting throughout the liquid until she finally managed to hit the other, a loud rumble emitting from him, her own body collapsing and holding itself close together as she feels a striking pain shoot all throughout. When it finally subsides, she lifts her head, looking out in front of her. A snake, now, takes the place of the wolf. "You cannot fight what's already happened, Goldie-locks." And with those words, it lunges at her, darkness surrounding her for a brief moment until she returns to where she'd been before.

Though, as she comes back to the present, she realizes the sound of sparks are surrounding her, and she further realizes, those sparks, were coming from her own body, electrifying the air around her. She lowers herself, looking around. The captain attempts to contain her powers, having not dealt with such an overcharge since when she'd first got them, struck by lightning in the middle of the ocean. However, the attempt is not fruitful, and she only feels a larger burst of energy coming on. So, she moves from the underbrush of the jungle, not wishing to potentially damage any of the foliage, carefully stepping out onto the sand, moving several feet into the light beach before verifying there was no one too close to her. Once sure, she pushes down into the sand sending the bolts into it, causing the sand to shoot up and create glass sand around her body. That's what she'd done as a child, however, now as she stares back down at her paws, looks to her back, still, electricity shoots from it uncontrollably.

Fine then, once more, she tries to push down, causing the same effect, now even larger around her. Surely that would be enough. But still, she stands sparks emitting from the same locations of her paws and back. She grits her teeth, it's starting to hurt now.

tldr: goldie was picking fruit in the jungle before her soul was transported somewhere she'd never been before, seeing a veiled figure she'd not seen before. a thread is tightly woven around her body, knotted and tangled, and tugging too hard one way or another hurts, making it hard to move. she has a hostile encounter with a wolf she knew before, and attacks it, only for it to appear as a snake, hissing a warning to her before lunging at her and sending her body back. now she's conscious in her body again, and finds herself having a power malfunction with her electric elementals. she moves to the beach and tries twice to release the energy, turning the sand into glass, but still sparks emit from her paws and back.