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good times; open - showing ares books - Printable Version

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good times; open - showing ares books - rhosmari - 11-22-2020

[align=center]AND I GOT ANGEL WINGS
elsweyr — tanglewood — three years
With everything that was going on she was keeping a heavy and sharp eye out on the newest addition to Tanglewood. She wanted no Wanderer to think that they could simply come and snatch the child up. Potentially brainwashing the youth to be like one of them. She would never let something like that happen to the young cub and so she was watchig her. Feeding her when she was hungry and soothing her when she became upset. It was not so easy to do with her differences but the tribal woman was trying. Here now she was within her home she had nestled the young kitten into and she was wrapped around the small youth. Between her paws rested a book, one that had was less of those weird characters and lines and more of the pictures like Salvia had showed her before. Pointing with a paw she light gestured to the painted figure of rabbits. "She knows these. These are rabbits. But also this whole thing is a book. Aurum told her they were for reading...whatever that means. But she was also told that these books have pictures. She likes the pictures so many this one will like them too."

Gently she tilted the book so that little Ares could see the rabbits and the bright blue sky that was also painted. Grasslands across the landscape with what seemed to be wind flowing. The picture told a story all on it's own and she didn't need words to understand it. It was a serene thing but it also made her a bit hungry with how plump the rabbits looked currently in the image. Still she hoped that the child was getting something out of this as well.


Re: good times; open - showing ares books - Ares - 11-22-2020

Ares. Female. Tanglewood. Child.

She seemed to be a sheltered child within Tanglewood. Not that she knew, but she knew she was scared of that one strange beast whose silver eyes bore into the child's soul. Ares wanted her gone, she wanted those strangers gone. But huddled up with Elsweyr, being looked after, being cared for, by the cheetah, she felt safe.

Staring at the book, looking at the rabbits, the child of war let out a little mewl. "Rabbit..!" Her soft voice pierced the air. The blue sky and green grasslands caused her to feel a strange feeling. Familiarity. Softer than before, she said: "Home..?"


Re: good times; open - showing ares books - wormwood. - 11-23-2020

NOTHING BESIDE REMAINS — Aurum had always loved books, ever since he was just a cub living within the Pride and dealing with a life that wildly alternated between pain and happiness, whether he was around his parents or his brother. Stories had been an escape for him, since he was always able to immerse himself in the stories and forget about what was going on in the real world. He had learned to read fairly quickly as a result, but he could understand how it could be easier to just enjoy books that only included pictures. After all, it was much easier to enjoy pictures that were simple for anyone to understand, rather than needing to learn all of the letters of the alphabet, and figuring out how they worked together and sounded in order to read properly. However, part of him did want to at least try and teach Ares a bit about actual reading, if only so that the child could have a chance to decide for herself whether she wanted to actually learn properly or not. It was because of this that he found himself drawn over when he noticed Elsweyr and Ares heading towards the library. He waited a while until the pair was sitting with their book before he moved over, his tail flicking behind him as he spoke up, "A picture book, huh? That's a pretty good thing to start with." He then came to sit down, making sure he was sitting with Elsweyr, rather than near Ares - mainly since he knew that the child didn't trust him quiet yet.

It was easy to notice the soft and slightly sad look that the girl possessed after looking at the picture, and the former proxy found himself tilting his head to one side curiously. He questioned, making sure to keep his voice gentle so that Ares wouldn't grow scared, "Home...? Is that what your home looked like? Do you miss it? Perhaps when things around here settle down a bit, we could take you for a visit." He was unsure of whether or not Ares's home was even still intact, but he could at least offer. There was always the chance that Ares had just been left behind by a stressed out parent, or her home had temporarily been occupied by a threat, and she could be reunited with her family once more. — OF THE MAN WHO WAS BORN AND DIED A KING.