Beasts of Beyond
LIVE FOR THE APPLAUSE ☆ snowball fight - Printable Version

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LIVE FOR THE APPLAUSE ☆ snowball fight - wormwood. - 11-17-2020

NOTHING BESIDE REMAINS — Tanglewood needed a bit of a reprieve lately. It was no surprise that the entire group wasn't exactly feeling great as of late, forced to deal with both the Wanderers and the slowing of their entire lives because of the takeover. The trickle in of joiners or visitors was essentially nonexistent, giving most of them the impression that there was no chance of their escape or success as a group. Aurum had to admit that even he had his moments of doubt, curled up in his house staring out the window as if he could somehow teleport all the way to The Typhoon on his own. However, the former proxy also knew that they couldn't give up hope. The moment they gave up hope, they were done for, and that was something that the lion outright refused to let happen. It was because of this that he had found his spirits brightening slightly when snow began to fall from the sky that morning, raining down slowly onto the swamp. It was one of the first snowfalls of the year, and it was a magical moment, even if it only represented a small reprieve of wonder in their current terrible situation. It was because of that reprieve that Aurum had come up with an idea, meant to lift everyone's spirits.

Once the snowfall had slowed down to a crawl, the angel had made his way out of his house, beginning to gather up most of the snow into large piles with his paws and broad strokes of his wings. It took him an hour or two, but he had eventually managed to form two large forts near the middle of camp, along with a decent supply of snowballs sitting near them in piles. It was the perfect environment for a snowball fight, something that would hopefully put a smile on any participant's face. Not only that, but it might come in handy, giving them some battle practice without outright training in the open. Sure, snowball fights weren't a one to one conversion with actual raids, but they did teach strategy at the very least. So, the large lion flew over to one of the snow towers, settling himself onto it before he cleared his throat and called out, "Hey, Tanglers! Who's up for a good old fashioned snowball fight? I think that we deserve a bit of a break, at least for a while..." He didn't see many Wanderers nearby, and those that were earned a sharp and vicious glare from the lion himself, so hopefully they wouldn't be bothered. If they were, he'd be sure to personally dump a pile of snow on the head of the one that interrupted. — OF THE MAN WHO WAS BORN AND DIED A KING.

Re: LIVE FOR THE APPLAUSE ☆ snowball fight - Grimm - 11-27-2020


They gathered together in quick succession, instances of development and learning, time slowly striping them back into a few meagre ones barely encompassed a handful. All the same limited the natural phenomenon that he had come to witness, particular the place and time for many. Arising that morning he had expected nothing more than that which had shaped the prior, dour the atmosphere, weighed beneath expectation as awaited the time for change. What direction one may only guess upon, their captors may grow tired of this and deem them fit for eradication, or their plans may finally reach fruition.

Along the small slither of exposed panes his vision moves, barely registered the slow fall of ivory flakes passing by. Rousing himself in full was not something he wished and so, beneath the heavy comfort, he buried himself, the world at large ignored. Until the call beckoned. Groggy the child as he slowly pulled himself forth once more, lost in a light doze that broke beneath that familiar voice, the exact words slipping from his mind before he may parse them. Trudging his progress through the silent house, the location of the other occupants unknown and he cared not to check each room, if they were present he would allow them privacy.

Harsh the clatter as door swung open and struck the wall, wide the eyes that grazed the covering disturbed by the towering structures, swept up and left bare much of the ground. Frigid still was it with his steps down from the porch, craning upwards to look upon the creations. Above perched figure familiar, a sight he looked upon with confusion and yet proved eager. Mistake taking up one of the prepared snowballs, however, seeping through clenched teeth a low hiss as the temperature registered, the snow falling apart as it landed upon the ground with the release of his hold. Sheepish now Salvia was more prepared with the next, all the same he could do little with it.

A target of molten gold up was lifted the ball and he threw it as best he might. The distance covered was not great, the midsection of the outer wall of the fort struck, quiet his voice was he uttered a gentle sound. "Oh."
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But I wish I could I could show you more of yourself, I wish I could make you somebody else but I left it way too late, are you stuck in your own ways? you only look at me properly now when you're drunk watching movies. where are you? what happened? I want what we had
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