Beasts of Beyond
AND WHO ARE YOU | meeting 11/15 + clanwide meet & greet - Printable Version

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AND WHO ARE YOU | meeting 11/15 + clanwide meet & greet - gael - 11-15-2020

With a recent uptake in newcomers, the vulpine decided to conduct matters differently, taking a seat in the marketplace rather than the temple steps.  Failing to recall many clanwide social gatherings, he suspected this would be good exercise in the practice -- the Pitt was a rough-around-the-edges community, but a community nonetheless.

"Pittians, gather!"  His preferred place of discussions, the Ardent hardly expected much confusion over the change in location.  He was an efficient individual, not one for flair. 

"I only have a few announcements, but I would like to follow them up with a clanwide meet and greet -- as we've welcomed a number of newcomers into our midst very recently."

"As some of you know, we hold a feast early in the month for those who have completed their blooding.  This month we'll be handling the matter a little differently.

He inclined his head.  So far, this applied to Chernaborg and Virgil, but they had a number of new faces who may soon complete their ritual.  "We shall be holding a larger Fall Feast, to celebrate the Pitt.  Those who have completed their blooding in the past month, will be held as guests of honor at the occasion."

"In other news, Bai Shi, kingpin of Alithís Evgenis approached us in the hopes of establishing a trade route between our groups.  We will remain neutral for the time being," as the Pitt did not possess alliances. "But I believe such an arrangement may be beneficial and worth the time to put to the test."

"If there are any opposed, please, speak and we can discuss the issue at length.  I believe Bai Shi will be sending an envoy to further settle details."

"If not, feel free to speak and introduce yourselves to your clanmates.  For those who do not know me, I am called Gael."

// tl;dr
A Fall Feast will be held around Thanksgiving, celebrating the Pitt and those who recently completed their Blooding
Welcome to all our new and returning members! [member=5081]Crackers[/member] [member=16629]Elle[/member] [member=16597]Poofy The Dark Master[/member] [member=16691]Sombris ![/member]
Alithís Evgenis is interested in establishing a trade route with the Pitt

In light of all the new faces, the meeting is to transition to a meet + greet!
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / ardent / lamby

Re: AND WHO ARE YOU | meeting 11/15 + clanwide meet & greet - aine. - 11-17-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]I'LL C[color=#36829c]OME BACK WHEN YOU CALL ME
The petite Fleshweaver trotted up quietly, hazel hues curious.  The marketplace was where her father hosted discussions and smaller events, not meetings.  But that seemed to be the point, as he mentioned a meet and greet to follow the announcements.  Her ear twitched absently, hooves shifting with antsy energy.

Aine had never been particularly social.  Sitting silent and patient as he spoke, nodding with no comments of her own.  She had no questions.  Nor qualms with anything.

Softly, she cleared her throat.  The sooner she spoke up, the sooner someone else could after her.  "'m Aine... 'm your Fleshweaver, or-or healer."

"It-it's nice to meet everyone, wel-welcome to the Pitt."  The druid smiled softly, head dipping.

Re: AND WHO ARE YOU | meeting 11/15 + clanwide meet & greet - Poofy The Dark Master - 11-18-2020

[div style="width: 800px; height: 400px; background: #000000; text-align: center; font-family: comic sans ms; font-size: 14; line-height: 12px; letter-spacing: 4px; word-spacing: 8px; color: #9400D3; margin-top: 6px"]Ember heard a commotion and looked at Flame before looking back at Geel, then she looked at Aine hearing her. Ember watched and listened as Aine. She then looked at Flame after Aine spoke.

She then looked in front of her. "Hello, everyone." She said before looking around. "I'm Ember and I'm new here." Ember added before looking at Flame. She waited for her daughter to introduce herself.

Re: AND WHO ARE YOU | meeting 11/15 + clanwide meet & greet - Flame - 11-18-2020

[div style="width: 800px; height: 400px; background: #F5F5F5; text-align: center; font-family: comic sans ms; font-size: 14; line-height: 12px; letter-spacing: 4px; word-spacing: 8px; color: #000000; margin-top: 6px"]Flame loooked at her mother and then everyone around her. "I'm Flame and I'm Ember's daughter and just like her I'm new." She cheerfully chimed. "I can't wait to meet all of you." Flame added looking at Geel, then Aine, then finally her mother.

Flame smiled watching the others that where apart of the The Pitt and she was just happy to be apart of it. She then just looked at her mother.

Re: AND WHO ARE YOU | meeting 11/15 + clanwide meet & greet - SirDio - 11-18-2020

SOMBRIS NOCTE - Female - Spotted Hyena - Pittian - Pansexual
Sombris was pretty much just lazing a bit during the meeting, half listening and half not. That's not to say she wasn't paying attention -- she was, just not as much as she should have. Watching Aine, Flame, and Ember step up and introduce themselves, she decided to follow. Waiting for them to finish their introductions, she stepped up and began to speak after a few seconds of silence. "Hi! I'm Sombris. Can't wait to start working with everyone." She smiled broadly before stepping down and going back to her spot.


Re: AND WHO ARE YOU | meeting 11/15 + clanwide meet & greet - VALE - 12-03-2020

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ mutated wolf
“GAELIC BREATH IS A USELESS LUMP OF FLESH!” The crow flew down, splattered against a rock, and the flesh wiggled and oozed. The ball of blood and gore shivered and grew, until a skull and bones began to form. “He hasn’t done anything, oh, I’m so bored! Does anyone agree? Why, if he’d get off his arse for a second, I’d be FLOORED!”

Vale cackled in sarcastic sorrow, as black wings began forming on the strange canid’s back. The muscles and fats squicked together and formed anew on vis bones. “I’m Vale Aston, if any of you lot don’t know, and I’ve been challenging Gaelic Breath here for over a month now! First, when Stryker showed up! Second, in a rap battle! Third, when I artsified his pyramid! But the bastard keeps ignoring me, and so you lot do, too? The fuck am I supposed to do? Just sit on my bloody fucking ass all day and keep screaming? I’M CHALLENGING GAELIC BREATH BY THE PITT’S OWN BLOODY RULES, THE FUCKER!”

Black fur coated Vale’s mutated form, and, finally, the shapeshifter looked relatively normal, as a black wolf with glossy wings. Ve threw vis head back and howled to the open sky. Rage, rage, rage. If there was one thing Vale couldn’t stand, it was being bloody well ignored.

“AND LOOK-SEE! What has this bastard done for the Pitt? Besides, you know, sitting on his ass and doing the stupid little meetings? Like, really, you’d rather just follow along with whatever stupid reality this fucker comes up with? You’ll just blindly follow whatever he says, regardless of the rules or regardless of other people’s feelings? Fuck all you, especially the bitch Aine, because that illogical waterlogged brain of hers can’t see past her own mushy mushy familyyyyy, except, you know, I have more respect for her than Gaelic Breath. At least she believes in something! What does Gaelic Breath believe in? Ignoring every problem that shows its face and sitting on his arse all day? Yeah, that’s what I’ve seen of him.”

“Well, I’m tired of being ignored. For no bloody reason, mind you, than the fact Gaelic Breath doesn’t like what I have to say. Fuck him. And fuck all of you that ignored me right along with him, like the sheep you are. Pah, here I thought the Pitt was full of independent thinkers with strong wills! You just go along with whatever your leader man says, you damned bastards.”
