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I'M A MONEY HOARDER;; open - cake - Printable Version

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I'M A MONEY HOARDER;; open - cake - trojan g. - 11-12-2020

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And during that time, our lovely Stheno found an intriguing Pittian trying to leave... He has been dealt with.

The words from Stryker had been echoing in Moth's head since they had been said at the meeting that had been held by the snake-like lion. When the meeting had ended, the news of their new leader and the news of her son ringing in her ears, Moth hadn't thought about where she was going. At first she had found herself walking in the direction of her old house that she had shared with Selby and her children before the meteor had struck the earth, and upon realization of where she was going, she quickly turned around in the other direction, letting her thoughts lead her once more. This time the mutated jaguar found herself walking back to her first home on Tanglewood territory instead, and for a while she sat there, staring at the wall and the small piles of collected things that had collected dust in her time since living here.

Then she got to work.

There was too much bad news that had come all at once since she had come back. If she had stayed dead, things would have been easier, maybe all of this wouldn't have happened. She was sure Atticus wouldn't have come back to Tanglewood if she hadn't risen from the dead, he'd still be injured, but he'd be safe in his own home in the Pitt. They had seemed to take care of him there, better than she had been able to while she was gone. He'd found a home there, and now he was... no. No she couldn't think of that now.

She gathered ingredients quickly through tears and quickly mixed them, throwing her concoction into a makeshift oven, fire underneath heating up her house and soon the smell of cake filled the air, clouding her senses and making her feel slightly better, made her forget all the bad in the world right now. Without thinking she had burned her paws, taking the cake out to cool without covering them, unphased for the moment, she didn't care. She'd have to look at them later, find some herbs to make the pain go away that was surely going to come.

It cooled off and she hastily made an icing and covered the cake in it. It looked sloppy, the opposite of her work in the past, but it showed how she was feeling, it showed it well. Tears fell from her eyes as she simply stared at the cake, thinking of what she was going to do now that she was all alone. Moth had her brother, of course, but a brother's love didn't compare to that of a significant other or to your children, which she could never get back.

Re: I'M A MONEY HOARDER;; open - cake - rhosmari - 11-12-2020

[align=center]AND I GOT ANGEL WINGS
elsweyr — tanglewood — three years
Despite her rage, despite her want to force these brutes to leave she was just one cat. She was just an individual that was fighting against a force that ehe knew nothing of nor could she defeat on her own. Even with their own hostilities their own revolts against their captives it seemed to do nothing and as days dragged on the friends that they were supposed to have never came. Never once showed their faces. How long had it been since they had been attacked and forced to subjugation? And the meeting it still rung in her head. A part of her felt like it was her fault that Atticus had even taken. During the meeting she had not wished to show that it had effected her but by now behind closed doors, trying to keep her head clear she thought about it. She thought about their secret meeting, the mere fact that she had let him take that risk. If they both had said no, to not let him do it then he would be with them still. What had they done with him?

Her mind swirled with ideas and one was just as horrible as the last. Pressing paws against her face she pressed hard, forcing pressure to make herself not cry. Pain was distracting. A warrior did not cry nor show distress. It broke morale. They were strong. But she felt her own will draining and more and more things piled up. A false leader was put in place despite everything and she felt something stirring in her, wild, chaotic. The same feeling like during the first battle. Like a raging leviathan waiting to be released, the feeling of power alluring and yet she was afraid of it. Maybe that was why it never happened again because if that fear. Suddenly she pushed herself to her paws and jerked herself from her home, ignoring the faces of strangers that occupied her new home. This was not what she had expected when she left her tribe.

Things were much, she couldn't think like that. Bleak eyes shifted from one place to another before they saw wisps of smoke lifting into the air. The smell of something drifting and it made her walk that way. It took her a moment to realize where she was and her ears pulled back then. Moth if she remembered her name correctly. The king cheetah peeked in and she tried not to be intriguing but she just wanted to...check in. "Um...hello. She is just checking in on her. Is everything okay with this one? .....I'm sorry." She was less interested in the cake, not knowing what it was as she had never had one before. She was more concerned about the woman before her. Hoping she was at least a little okay but then again she did not know her mannerisms. But she did not want her to be suffering, at least not alone.

Re: I'M A MONEY HOARDER;; open - cake - wormwood. - 11-13-2020

NOTHING BESIDE REMAINS — Stryker's words and actions had been lingering within Aurum's mind, despite the fact that the lion wasn't scared of him. No, Aurum wasn't fearful of Stryker or any of the Coalition, but he did fear for his friends, and his family. Stryker's attack on Salvia alone had been enough to make his blood run hot, and the news of Atticus certainly hadn't helped in the slightest. Unfortunately, there was little that the former proxy was able to do for Atticus. He had no idea where his nephew was, nor did he really expect that he'd be able to get there with Tanglewood's current state. He could've tried to prevent the Pittian from taking the risk in the first place, but... he really didn't think that would've worked. Atticus had no doubt inherited the Roux family stubbornness, and the angel had a feeling that, no matter what he and Elsweyr had said, Atticus still would've gone. Of course, this didn't stop Aurum from feeling guilty, but he also knew that it was probably the truth of things. After all, that was what the lion would've done, had their positions been reversed. He would've fought tooth and nail, rushing for the border no matter the odds against him.

After the meeting, one of Aurum's primary concerns was Moth. He doubted that his sister was doing well with Atticus's mention, and as soon as he knew Salvia was safe, the angel had took off in the direction of his sister's home. Much like her, his gaze had momentarily lingered on the old house that she and Selby had once shared, before he hastily shook his head and continued on. There was no time to dwell on that trauma, especially not when Moth was back, and needed his help. So, it wasn't long before Aurum came to a landing just outside the jaguar's house, spotting Elsweyr standing nearby. He gave her a short nod as he slipped by, padding over to sit at Moth's side. He gently pressed against her, one wing coming to drape over her shoulders in an attempt to provide her with some form of comfort. As he looked her over, he spoke softly, "He's not gonna get away with this, you know. None of them are. We're going to crush them, and we're going to get Atticus back. I promise you." Aurum's promises were not ones easily broken, even when life or death stakes were on the line. Of course, he wouldn't mention the manner of his own possible death to Moth – she already had enough to worry about.

Tail flicking behind him as he held his sister close, the former proxy's gaze then moved over to the messy looking cake, a small but sad smile coming to his face. He pressed against her once again, saying in the most reassuring tone he could manage, "At least it smells pretty tasty, right...?" He was pretty sure that the oddly decorated cake reflected a lot of their mental states right now, a fact that made him want to scream. They shouldn't have been the ones suffering, it should've been those dammed Wanderers. — OF THE MAN WHO WAS BORN AND DIED A KING.