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Tonight is the Night -- Raid Patrol, open - Printable Version

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Tonight is the Night -- Raid Patrol, open - SirDio - 11-11-2020


Asteri chose a select few for the patrol. [member=16057]Sam[/member] , [member=2426]Playerone Kennedy[/member] , and some nimble, lithe NPCs. Following Bai's recommendation of armor, she acquired her own and suggested those of the patrol do the same. In her winged form, she wore a neck guard, back guard, and leg guards. They clashed with her absorbing black fur, much to her dismay, but she decided to go along with it. Ready to lead the patrol, she walked into the Inn, where she hoped her chosen group would be at. Raising her voice a bit, she called out the announcement. "Alright, Evening has rolled in, it's time for the patrol! Those of who I have chosen, come to the entrance of the Inn so we can head out. We'll scout the area surrounding the towers first." Then she sat down, waiting for the group to arrive. They had to find the hideout tonight, or they would not be prepared. Asteri was willing to stay up all night just to find it. They hurt her, they hurt Bai, they hurt Alithis. That could not go on any longer. None of it would go on. Wings folded at her side, she waited patiently as her group began to filter in.

template by orion

Re: Tonight is the Night -- Raid Patrol, open - Hope Arcanium - 11-11-2020

Playerone strangely decided to follow Asteri in her smilodon form, as it held both a darker tone and power behind it, draconic wings tucked at her sides. Despite the size difference, at least everyone knew who she was still, and now saw the resemblance in the cubs she and Kade had. This was that same smilodon form she took that night... she could still remember it vividly. But this wasn't the place for looking back on memories. They were walking into a war.

The goddess remained quiet as she carefully navigated the lands, making sure to not step on anything that would make a loud noise and alert any potential enemies that may be hidden still in their homelands as she made her way to meet Asteri. Once she had arrived, she gave a quick nod, then waited for the rest to follow in.

Re: Tonight is the Night -- Raid Patrol, open - ¿¿ - 11-11-2020

          Used to having the least amount of stuff Sam really only had a neck guard which is to protect the easiest kill spot. I5 h7ng looks around her neck and not having access to metal that next best thing she made it out of is wood and compact fibers going up the head and back and gaping at the back so she can move but not allowing assess to her thought. She was waiting to be called when Asteri came in with heavier looking protection. Attaching emergency medicine right below her neck guard in a small.pouch she rushed to the inside entrance to meet Asteri and the other.

Re: Tonight is the Night -- Raid Patrol, open - teef - 11-12-2020


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] coming behind the three ladies was one of bai shi's sons, laeglin. he looked annoyed, if not tired but brimming with excitement. he had a lot to pay these bandits back for, they'd taken his only sister from him, and in doing so, they had cost him the use of his back legs. huffing slightly as he waddled towards the group, the yearling gave a low grunt, "ouch. ow. please wait for me.", he would whisper harshly, stumbling slightly. with his brother and malak's help, he had created, or rather, been given some padding for his legs where they rubbed against the ground, and they had made some sort of stilt by use of vines, planks of wood, and plenty of cobweb.

stumbling to a stop, he winced at the pain in his legs before looking up at asteri, "i'm coming, even if i have to be at the back of the group! they took my sister from me ... i can't fight but i want to do something against them.", he quietly would request, brows furrowed with determination. -

Re: Tonight is the Night -- Raid Patrol, open - ¿¿ - 11-12-2020

          Seeing Laeglin come over and hearing his request she understood and realised that he I'd both brave and foolish but as is angry grief. "The say would be Asteris but know if we get into trouble itll be very dangerous for you if you cant keep up and I dont think our payroll would need a bait." Sam was addressing him with respect but battle is no place for soft pleasantries so she stated what she thought in straight truth and Asteri and use this info for her own desision.

Re: Tonight is the Night -- Raid Patrol, open - SirDio - 11-12-2020


She nodded to Sam and Playerone as they arrived, along with the rest of the NPCs that joined them. Laeglin though? That was a bit shocking. She admired the kid's determination, a soft chuckle coming from her. She let Sam speak her piece, then weighed the options. Push comes to shove, Asteri could defend him. So could everyone else in the group. "Alright, you can join. Should the need arise, we will protect you. Hopefully, it won't come to that." She smiled gently. "If that is everything, then off we go." She announced as she pushed open the doors, holding one open for the group to follow through. "We'll take a quick rest after scouting the towers, before setting back out while there's still some light left." She spoke while everyone got out, then took the lead.

template by orion

Re: Tonight is the Night -- Raid Patrol, open - ¿¿ - 11-12-2020

          As soon as they got out Sam's eyes and ears are taking in as much as they can because they may be in danger soon. She didnt really think it was the wisest option to let Laeglin tag along but it was his wish as long as he knows the what if could be good enough after all this is purely a volunteer effort.

Re: Tonight is the Night -- Raid Patrol, open - Hope Arcanium - 11-12-2020

If there was one thing Playerone has learned over her many reincarnations it's that you should never involve children in battle or war, almost an adult or not. A training patrol was fine, but not something like what they were about to embark on. This would not stand, and the goddess was almost outraged by the compliance in this shown by Sam. Were they seriously about to allow Laeglin, Bai Shi's son, on a dangerous mission with them? He was barely ten months old! The old dragon would have their heads if something happened to him.

"You can't be serious." She spoke up, anger in her tone, along with worry. "Are you really going to allow a child to join us on a patrol that could potentially end up deadly? Do you really want that on your conscience? I would highly suggest against this." Her tail lashing, she would look to the crippled youngster.

"It's not that I think less of you, I just don't want you getting hurt, Lae."

Re: Tonight is the Night -- Raid Patrol, open - teef - 11-12-2020


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] a huff would come from him, his ear twitching as he looked between the three older beings in the group. biting his lip, he waited for them to speak, his tail drooping. he was always the smallest, always the weakest, always the one left behind. ears laying back to his head, he bared the words with a soft groan of despair, "i'm not going to drag you down! i'm big enough to look after myself! they've taken too many people from me ...", he murmured, tail beginning to flick as his mind drifted back to memories of veris and clover. "i don't even have my mom anymore! i only have my dad and leoku, and, and, and i'm tired of being a weight on their shoulders!", he couldn't help the frustrated feelings welling up in his chest. "they've taken my best friends from me, i need to do something! if i still had the proper use of my legs it wouldn't be this way.", he huffed, feeling his heart aching in his chest.

looking up at the three of them stubbornly, he kept his ears back, only lifting them when asteri said that she would allow him to come with, hope flooding his chest. his breath caught as playerone would make her own statement, ears laying back, "this isn't the first fight i've been in playerone! out of everyone here i know the leader the best! when everyone else was gone, their leader took me in and made sure i had enough to eat until i could sneak away!", he snapped, tail lashing and fur bristling, "if anything, they would trust me more than they trust any of you if they saw you!", his voice was bitter, caught between betraying the one who had looked after him for months, and the group he called home. true, the bandits had killed and taken so much from him, but they still looked after him when nobody was around ...

feeling his eyes sting with tears, he shook his head, "all of you might think of me as a child but i swear i'm not just a child! they took away everyone ... i ... i need to prove myself. i'm just going to be treated like a baby for the rest of my life if i don't do something now!", he choked out, feeling the tears racing down his face. he could remember clover, that stupid idiot of a lion that rescued him when he was going to visit his mom in the pitt and fell into a sinkhole. he could remember his attitude changing from annoyed to warm, seeing his smiles ... gods be damned, they'd taken away his only friend that he had felt so strongly for! "i don't care if i get hurt! you're all going and i know none of you care about if you're going to get hurt! let me do something for once in my life! i will look after myself, you guys just need to focus on what you're doing. even if you say no, i'm going to go!", he snapped, ears standing back up and legs trembling as he wiped angrily at the tears on his face. "i need to go in there on my own, and come back out on my own! i need to prove myself, for all the people i've lost." he murmured, looking at all three adults in turn with a stony, resolved expression upon his young face. -

Re: Tonight is the Night -- Raid Patrol, open - Hope Arcanium - 11-12-2020

"If you want to prove yourself so badly, then I'll treat you like a full adult. Is that understood?" Tough love was the only thing that would work here, as clearly Laeglin would not leave them to do this on their own. And if being treated like an adult was what he wanted, then he would be treated as such, She'd give him a chance. She knew what this was like for not only herself but many other younger creatures she'd met over the years.

"But there's one thing you should understand, Lae..." Her tone softened at this moment as she lowered her body to be at eye level with him, "You don't need to prove yourself to anyone. You just need to prove yourself... to yourself. And that's something you'll have to handle on your own. There can be help, but you'll be the one who does it in the end. If worst comes to worst, I'm flying you back to the camp."