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NINAZU x STRYKER || medic x leader || ONE AND ONLY LITTER - Printable Version

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NINAZU x STRYKER || medic x leader || ONE AND ONLY LITTER - Orion - 11-09-2020

[div style="margin: auto; font-family: impact; font-size: 47pt; color: white; text-shadow: 1px 1px black, 1px -1px black, -1px 1px black, -1px -1px black; position: absolute; margin-top: -36px; max-width: 625px; text-align: center; margin-left: -20px;"]— STRYKER X NINAZU
[div style="font-family: impact; font-size: 47pt; color: #F2F9DD; text-shadow: 1px 1px black, 1px -1px black, -1px 1px black, -1px -1px black; text-align: center; height: 50px;"]STORY
After a long conquest within The Pitt as lovers, the two had always been by each others side. They were ardent and vicar in crime. As one led, the other supported the other. Even as they two succumbed to Jervis' devious capture and lasted months chained within a cave, their love blossomed. Persistent and determined, the two eventually escaped from their tyrannical reign and ran.

Shortly after they escaped, the two discovered Ninazu was pregnant with Stryker's children. Desperate and homeless, it was not long before they heard the rumors of a tribe on an island afar past The Typhoon, so they travelled there. Upon arriving, the group was peaceful and serene. The female gave birth in no time. In the meantime, the two lovers assisted as they could with their children in tow, but as the meteor struck within The Typhoon's bay, their island crumbled.

Stryker, determined to stick up for his new home, stood up and took leadership of the group and deemed them the 'Coalition of the Condemned.' Within no time, he appointed his lover to Guru. Since then, the Coalition of the Coalition's power couple conquested throughout the groups. Their success has paved a path for their children to truly thrive as Malus' and Harbringers.

These will be adult children of two years. They will have lived through the meteor strike within COTC and any events following that. This litter will strictly be lions for their birth only unless shapeshifting is listed. Lions can inherit either of the parents traits include: fire mane/fire elementals, venomous fangs, earth elementals, spiked horns, slitted eyes, snake-like shedding/shapeshifting, mental manipulation, and many more qualities. Please remember that you will need to buy the power if accepted with any of the features listed above. Along with this, lions can have any concept or design. There is no limit on your creativity, so run wild with your ideas!

Ninazu Harbringer will be the mother of the this litter. She is currently the Guru of the Coalition of the Condemned [HP] and former leader/medic of The Pitt. Her current body is a tawny-colored lion with golden colored eyes. Along with this, Ninazu has a forked snake tongue and fire lining her head as a mane and on her tail. She also has vampire digestion, allowing her to consume blood. Here are her tags for more information.

Stryker's body is a male lion. Stryker is a bold, albino white lion. He dons two curved horns wrapping around his ears with several jagged points on them. Not only this, but his neon green tongue is split like a snake and his eyes are in the same green shade + slitted. Stryker is the current leader of the Coalition of the Condemned and former two time leader of The Pitt. He has successfully taken over multiple clans, along with destroying Snowbound with assistance. Here are his tags for more information.

— These babies will carry the Malus and Harbringer last name.
- These are REHOMED children but as blank slates. Three of their litter went inactive awhile back.
— Children will be able to start roleplaying at two and a half years old.
— Please keep your child active. If you fall inactive, Axiom and Orion have every right to rehome your child. Please post every other week to be considered 'active'. We want these children to be active, as this is Ninazu and Stryker's ONLY litter.
— Stryker and Ninazu are good parents. They are not abusive, so keep this in mind when creating your character.
— Please stay within Coalition of the Condemned until after two months of in-game roleplaying.
— Do not kill off your character early, please. If there are issues, let us rehome them.
— This litter is not first come, first serve.
— Remember, quality of application over quantity!
— All site rules apply.

The form for this litter is free-for-all. Please at least provide the basics, like your character's name / gender / appearance / personality. Other categories are also appreciated. Make sure to also follow all rule and provide significant genetics.

Re: NINAZU x STRYKER || medic x leader || ONE AND ONLY LITTER - axiom - 11-09-2020

parent track <3

Re: NINAZU x STRYKER || medic x leader || ONE AND ONLY LITTER - milks0da - 11-10-2020


Re: NINAZU x STRYKER || medic x leader || ONE AND ONLY LITTER - Stryker - 11-11-2020

tricking with dad's account!

Re: NINAZU x STRYKER || medic x leader || ONE AND ONLY LITTER - rhosmari - 11-11-2020

tracking and will likely apply


[div style="background-color: #616977; width: 140px; height: 20px; color: black; margin-top: 100px; text-align: center; font-family: times new roman; letter-spacing: -1px; font-size: 10pt;"]SOJOURN MALUS
— smile, show your golden teeth
Sojourn Malus, Coalition of the Condemned. Bitchy Princess, Ghoul, Cannibalistic Devourer.

FULL NAME: Sojourn Harbringer Malus
— NAME ORIGIN: text here

AGE: 2 years of age
— BIRTHDATE: text here
— AGING STYLE: at rpers discretion

SEX: female
— SEXUALITY: bisexual

ALLIANCE: Coalition of the Condemned
— CURRENT RANK: Wanderer
— PAST RANKS: none

DETAILED DESCRIPTION: Classically known as a heartbreaker and a womanizer both she has a streak for leading other on and using them up before she leaves them in the dust. She never has plans for a true relationship so she just plays around, she likes having fun. She is heavily conceited in herself and her looks always thinking how she looks and acts better than others, the bitch of the scene. Though Though was plays her cards right and she easily has a charismatic air, able to manipulate her way around situations and leave others trailing after her. She is strong in appearance ans attitude, fierce and sharp. Always ready to face a challenge when she has to and never backing down but she has a habit of rushing in, not thinking when her anger spikes and thoughts are just too taxing to matter anymore. Which can get her hurt, yet she is always one to bounce right back. Never falling too far from the tree she herald from, she is more a tyrant and a dictator than someone who is fair and just mainly looking after herself and if someone gets in the way of her desires well they will have hell waiting for them.

MOST DEFINING POSITIVE TRAITS:[/b] determined, leadership, fierce, charismatic, assertive
MOST DEFINING NEGATIVE TRAITS: conceited, judgemental, stubborn, rash, elitist

LIKES: killing, eating the flesh of her own kind, fighting, collecting skulls, sometimes flowers, sweets, relaxing, throwing her weight around
DISLIKES: dislike dirty animals, not being clean, nasty smells, annoying individuals, laziness, prey animals
HOBBIES: collecting skulls from things she kills but also from what she finds
PHOBIAS: has no known phobias


DETAILED DESCRIPTION: The woman from birth seemed to have a look about her. Her gaze ever watchful are a soft and pale colored pink, with slitted pupils. Her mouth is pure white, gums and all her flesh but her tongue is forked with a deep resonating almost royal blue color. This also goes for the rest of her flesh being white as well. Her body his slim but it has a certain weight to it because of muscles and toned figuring. With fur that is a pastel blue it is only broken up by large cracked swaths of black and white patches that take up much of her body. She wears a piercing in her right nostril with a chain that clips to the bottom of her right ear. On top of her skull she sports horns that are a lighter shade than her body. These horns are wickedly curved in shaped and also appear cracked in various places, a glow of hot pink seeping from these cracks. Her nose and pawpads are a soft shade of pink. Because of her ghoul like nature and her need to consume any feline flesh for survival she has a hunger state she sometimes goes into, where her irises a deep rich pink and the whites of her eyes turn black. Her chest fur as well along her shoulders, neck, and back have longer fur and the end of her tail as well. Atop her head rests a crown of horns with what appears to be vein like cracks that ripple across the surface of them. Hot pink glows within these cracks almost like molten lava.

BODY TYPE: slim, yet sturdy
— WEIGHT: text here
— HEIGHT: text here

COAT TYPE: silky
— LENGTH: both short and long (has a mane)
— COLOR: very soft shade of blue
—— MARKINGS: black and white cracked markings
—— SCARS: no scars
EYE COLOR: pastel pink colored eyes with slitted pupils

— ITEM NAME: text here

FAMILY AFFILIATION: Malus, Harbringer families
— GRANDPARENTS: text here
— PARENTS: Stryker Malus, Ninazu Harbringer
— CHILDREN: none

— CURRENT CRUSHES: not currently looking

— GROUP AFFILIATIONS: Coalition of the Condemned
— FRIENDS: none
— ENEMIES: none
— RIVALS: none

— PLOT NAME: text here

RANDOM CRACK: text here
— SHIP CRACK: text here

AU IDEAS: text here

— FROM NAMEHERE: "text here"

— EVENT: link
— EVENT: link

— EVENT: link
— EVENT: link

— short description of what this song is about and why it relates to your character.
— short description of what this song is about and why it relates to your character.
— short description of what this song is about and why it relates to your character.
— short description of what this song is about and why it relates to your character.

template © kicksie

Re: NINAZU x STRYKER || medic x leader || ONE AND ONLY LITTER - milks0da - 11-11-2020

✧ name | Circe
✧ female | she/her

✧ lioness (ref.) | health: 100% | birth/current body
— Circe is a muscular lioness decorated with a tanny pelt that has spots of white, similar to the 5th design in the ref. She shares her father's green eyes.
— accesories
— current injuries


— knows her worth, thrill-seeker, rebellious, loves parties, explores unrealistic ideas.

Her personality is really rough, imma re-write it later, but this is the general gist
Circe is highly curious, insanely loyal, and has quite the temper when provoked or when she doesn't get her way. She is usally very out going and is very much a 'go with the flow' kinda gal, traits that help her over-all friendly demener. Ask anyone, and they will tell you that she is a crazy logic-loving, radical optimist with limited self-control. She firmly believes that, in the end, the only thing that will help her friends over come anything in there way will be trust and, well maybe not friendship, but certainly something stronger-whatever that may be.
Circe loves picking plots of books or movies apart and often questions other's motivations and what makes them tick. In her quieter moments, Circe has been known to simply be. She people watches in her spare time and has a little note book, in which she writes all the little things she notices about people- from their nervous itch to their (suspected) love affairs. She is contently adding to this notebook and often scribbles drawings and notes about her days and any cool findings in it.
Nobody's perfect of course and Circe has a share of darker sides to deal with too. Her vengeful ways, short fuse, weird intrest in death, and stubbornness tend to get in the way and make things uncomfortable to say the least.

✧ Homestuck classpect: knight of doom

✧ name bank cos im not sure about Circe:: Nuru, Loveletter, Teatime, Adonis
— specifics right here

Re: NINAZU x STRYKER || medic x leader || ONE AND ONLY LITTER - Stryker - 11-12-2020

loving what i'm seeing! i hope to see more <33

Re: NINAZU x STRYKER || medic x leader || ONE AND ONLY LITTER - Orion - 11-12-2020

this guy is going to be their brother once i flesh out their concept <3

Re: NINAZU x STRYKER || medic x leader || ONE AND ONLY LITTER - milks0da - 11-13-2020

oooo sick! I love his design!

Re: NINAZU x STRYKER || medic x leader || ONE AND ONLY LITTER - Orion - 11-15-2020

aaa thanks! i really enjoy your concept so far also! everyone has some really dope entries