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please me - [PALMCLAN VISIT] - Printable Version

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please me - [PALMCLAN VISIT] - Stryker - 11-09-2020

With Palmclan and Coalition of the Condemned's alliance, Stryker offered many amenities for them to experience. One of which was prey assistance. Due to the small group's snowstorm, the Kingpin had offered for them to reside within Tanglewood and use their hunting grounds as needed. Both suffering groups got what they needed out of the deal. Needless to say, things were going to swell. For Palmclan's first visit, he had decided to escort them too. There was nothing better than wooing a new ally with his excellence.

At the head of the pack, the lion sauntered past Tanglewood's borders. His paw gestured forward, pointing out towards the swamp and the unforeseen horizon. With a flick of his tail, he wandered on until he reached the middle of the territory and graced the town's edge. "This is where you can reside if you need to rest," he commented. His tail swiftly then flickered out towards the surrounding area. "Feel free to use the rest of our land to hunt or gather as needed." Neon hues looked back at the group. He was curious if they wanted to hunt now or whether they'd like to wait, but the lion wasn't picky. Any chance to interact was pleasant.

// Feel free to hunt/interact here or make threads within the board! <3

Re: please me - [PALMCLAN VISIT] - wormwood. - 11-10-2020

NOTHING BESIDE REMAINS — Palmclan was not really a group that was on Aurum's radar at the moment, aside from briefly hearing them brought up in a conversation with Goldie. Above all, the lion certainly wouldn't have expected the tiny group the tigress spoke of to be allied with the Coalition. That alone would've been enough to worry him, considering big allies usually meant a group was no longer small. That would mean potentially another problem for them, and a very bad one if things went the wrong way.

For now, of course, the lion was merely confused. He had heard the trudging through the forest, and had gone to investigate from afar, figuring it was just some particularly noisy Wanderers. Instead, he was assaulted by not only the scent of the Coalition, but also something new. It vaguely reminded him of the Typhoon, but... not. It caused his fur to stand on end as he slunk through the shadows, claws digging against loose earth as he tried to get a closer look. For the moment, he stuck a fair distance away, one blue eye staring out to inspect the group that Stryker was addressing. The sound of the false king saying our land made Aurum want to rip him limb from limb, but he stayed hidden, at least for the moment. Hopefully, no other Tanglewood members would grow too close and risk getting themselves hurt. — OF THE MAN WHO WAS BORN AND DIED A KING.

Re: please me - [PALMCLAN VISIT] - Grimm - 11-10-2020

The confinements present about the overgrown village held nought but silence, a strained intermission one may not readily deem a show of peace nor a truce. Prisoners they within walls once beneath their possession, craven the false king flaunting achievement accomplished through dirty means.

Time once before safe felt the child among those structures woven with thriving vegetation, clinging vines and branches softened beneath moss, delicate buds interspersed throughout dwindling, withering beneath the light chill. Stolen that in a single foul moment, tense now the air, their quiet voices and prying eyes ever present. Alone Salvia, minimal the comfort derived from light that painted the worn cobbles, ignored the world beyond himself. For only so long may such be achieved, the steps too numerous, the chatter nervous though edge of excitement tinged, above all one in particular notable.

Along tip of tongue lingered insults he wished to throw at other, distance enough quelled worry for he was secure in knowledge he may escape. It was not guaranteed, might never be, over confident the child spurned and made low, idea abandoned with a sigh. His resting place was abandoned with ease, parameters of the town left behind as Stryker addressed the masses that crowded about, unwelcome intruders that were complicit in this though they lacked hand in imprisonment. They benefited from land not their own, did not care to assist in taking a stand against the man that spun lies with a silver tongue, enough that for Salvia.

Warmth present within damp swamp land, the humidity striped by the colder temperatures that controlled more open areas, the final vestiges of summer fading. It would take only time for such to fade, the first frost arriving with it, for now enjoyed by youth who had known only the heat. Unstable the ground he tread with growing confidence, along aerial roots moving to keep the mud from his paws, not out of a need to keep clean but more the offense of the wet and grainy texture. Within thoughts was he lost as continued his slow walk, tufted tail swinging slowly behind, enjoyed a moment alone before he must return to the rabble Stryker had brought into their midst.

[Image: 402atww-RW3l-K.gif]
But I wish I could I could show you more of yourself, I wish I could make you somebody else but I left it way too late, are you stuck in your own ways? you only look at me properly now when you're drunk watching movies. where are you? what happened? I want what we had
code by Wisker

Re: please me - [PALMCLAN VISIT] - rhosmari - 11-10-2020

[align=center]AND I GOT ANGEL WINGS
elsweyr — tanglewood — three years
She didn't know how many different groups actually lived in close proximity with one another in these distant lands. All she knew was that they did not move as her tribe did with the turning of the season. They stayed and they lived within the walls of the same land, hunting the prey that did not move. They had odd things that much was certain and she was learning how to best navigate the bog that she had even calling home for some time now. Silence was her strength, along with agility and quickness. Her stamina had been unmatched in her tribe but the issue there was that they had all been cheetahs to an extent. Rarely did they let anything join their tribe due to various reasons. Here she did not feel so out of place and she didn't think she was falling behind too much. She adapted quickly to situations both dangerous and not. Her eyes gleamed in the darkness of the swamp's edge as she heard the voices that spoke along gave edge of the village. The town that housed many Tanglers. Her tail flicked against the ground as she narrowed her fiery sights. Some of these scents were not right. They were mingled and mixed with those of the vermin that thought they had control over Tanglewood.

They were not them but they were with them and that was enough to make her understand that they too were not friends. They were enemies. The false king was attempting to let them come here. To use their lands and lay paws on what was not their's and these heathens were simply okay with this. Her eyes snapped onto Stryker and she felt her claws press harder against the ground. Steam issuing forth from the ground as she clenched her jaws. They would have their day and they would show this lion and his conniving friends just what they were dealing with. For now she watched with a heated frame, moving along the edges of town, attempting to keep other Tanglers within her sight should they need her help.

Re: please me - [PALMCLAN VISIT] - VASS . - 11-11-2020

Meeting up with the kingpin himself, had been such a delight. The quiet scowl on his face- that rested in his eyes settled firmly in the tiger's maw at the sight, and it were only the presence of the rest of his clan that kept the medicine tiger mostly silent. He had come with the group for selfish reasons. With the snow the medicine- or what that the tiger held in reserve was spoiling quick. Ice wilted even dry plants, and encouraged rot. Even in the buildings of the boardwalk, of his home they grew sour, pungent with the dour scent that left Vaas wanting more.

Still, there was a silent pressure, as they approached the border, and realization dawned the familiarity. Dark jade eyes stared at the border, and eve passing it he felt a quiet presence only start to grow. they were being watched. By the rest of the lion's clan, or the one carefully subjected. Vaas didn't know, didn't care. His mind was lingering on the white fallen coat of the ally.

"What kind of vegetation grow here," Vaas voice was sharp in the silence after the kingpin's words. His tone a droll tinge of annoyance. He doubted the other even knew himself. The striped bangal shuddering as his paws sunk deeper through the bog. The sound of hissing silence, not even the prey of the area was present here, there were too many, not only of his clan or his ally's but something native, something knowing and judging. Vaas felt his sneer growing.

"Though, it'll be interesting to explore, i'm sure there are a few.... key points i can find, hmm?" In any lans there was always a place,a  small private well kept secret of drugs. Vaas was a tiger of habit, and the habit of using what he knew. He may not be the most conventional medic, but ah- well he wasn't going to let that stop him.
[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "

Re: please me - [PALMCLAN VISIT] - METEOR - 11-13-2020

The apprentice had split from the group long before Stryker’s words. The Tanglewoods forest, warmer than PalmClan’s snowy lands, called to his stomach. He hadn’t eaten a proper meal in days, and he intended on taking full advantage of the hunting grounds. Because that’s what he thought the Tanglewoods were—random woodlands.

Crouched in the swampy plants, he shook his head and pawed at his ear. Wake up, he told himself, but he already knew it wasn’t tiredness weighing down his paws. The hunger pains, impossible to ignore since three days ago, gnawed at his belly; Quasar couldn’t remember ever being this hungry. Not even when his dad—BRAIN GLITCH! don’t touch this memory—and he’d been miserable until his mom gave him roasted squirrel. He tasted that scrawny thing, even now, and wished he had his mom to help him.

His yellow ears twitched. Immediately, the vaporwave explosion focused on his surroundings, frozen like a statue. He barely breathed as he listened, head tilted, for the sounds.

The footsteps came again. On the tree’s roots, near the water’s edge.

He prowled towards the animal, each step deliberate and slow. Whatever the thing was, it was slow and loud, and Quasar tracked it easily. Without a sound, he closed the distance, and his teeth grinded together from nerves. He needed this. PalmClan needed this. He needed to kill.

A tawny pelt appeared in the gaps of the undergrowth, but Quasar couldn’t exactly pinpoint the animal’s species. Probably a rabbit, he reasoned to himself, licking his lips. Rabbits looked like that. Fuck, he’d bag a fat rabbit, and even Rhinestonestar would eat a piece.

Quasar exploded out of the undergrowth, leaping forward with his green paws outstretched. He attempted to slam the ‘rabbit’ down with his front paws and wrap his jaws around the thing’s head. As a canine, Quasar didn’t have the proper teeth and jaw for a clean, killing bite. Instead, he usually crushed his prey’s skull.


Re: please me - [PALMCLAN VISIT] - Grimm - 11-29-2020

Had a chance to learn of the rather uncouth moniker bestowed upon him it may well have caused amusement. Apart set the predator from such herbivores, surface level such contraction, however, beneath timid the child, as flighty as they. Yet such seemed they in days that expanded across hard drawn boundaries, a falsehood even as they were made for digestible understanding, a colony of rabbits pressed into a corner before the gaping maw death framed in the slathered jaws of jackals.

An enigma those that enacted control, purpose for such unknown though preparation continued behind the drawn curtain, another piece on the board those caught in the crossfire. Momentum came to a staggering halt, disturbed balance until, from prior perch, he was forced to step down from. Dense had grown the clustered flora encasing roots nestled among dense soil, hushed as though held a tense breath, all he may hear the crackle his own steps produced. Minimal the leaves that had fallen, withering as their hues changed, needles hidden within, unwelcome and thus rejected the change autumn sought to write against the woodland.

Upwards head moved, the sudden noise an alert he may heed for only a few meagre steps. Advantage the other bore, his own age permitting less difference between them in general size, yet, where soft baby fat still clung to Salvia, prior training allowed muscle to gather beneath multi-hued coat. Cry died as chin struck the ground, harsh the stars that burst into brief life over darkened vision, pressure grinding his chest down into the unyielding earth. Awkward his position, forelegs splayed out though beneath had gathered the back, unrestricted if hindered by the weight pressing down on his back.

Afforded no time to ponder over this development, nor to gauge what exactly may have deemed him suitable for hunting, afixed teeth into soft flesh. Blunt those tips that dug into cheeks, the force used building until he ground out a short and breathless hiss. Clumsy the movement that began a sudden kick out of his back legs, an attempt to dislodge the other by disturbing their balance.
[Image: 402atww-RW3l-K.gif]
But I wish I could I could show you more of yourself, I wish I could make you somebody else but I left it way too late, are you stuck in your own ways? you only look at me properly now when you're drunk watching movies. where are you? what happened? I want what we had
code by Wisker

Re: please me - [PALMCLAN VISIT] - rhosmari - 11-30-2020

[align=center]AND I GOT ANGEL WINGS
elsweyr — tanglewood — three years
The sudden movement of a Palmclanner and caught her attention, her beaded shaggy mane standing on end as she watched one of them. Perhaps a child but that did not make her pause as the king cheetah stood to her paws. Like lightning her figure moved as she realized just what was happening here. That someone was attacking the child. Salvia. Her tail streamed out from behind her tall frame as she beat the ground with heavy paws and game to a harsh slide. Dirt splayed up into the air and her jaws aimed to snap down on the back of [member=16276]quasar[/member] neck. Her teeth would most likely stab into skin with her harshly she had to quickly act but her means of attempting to pull him up into the air was more like a mom would do to one of her own children. If that was successful she would quickly drop the offending canine to the ground. Teeth bared as she held a protective stance over Salvia. Her tail whipped across the ground, heat like a mirage wavering off her body. "He will keep away from him." Her unretractable claws dug into the ground as the tribal woman waited.
Almost hoping that someone would begin a fight, one she would gladly participate in.

Her eyes glanced down to the child for a moment. Trying to look him over and she swore if they drew blood she would never forgive them. Palmclan would always be an enemy to her especially when they helped the Coalition to push down her new home. "Is Salvia okay?"

Re: please me - [PALMCLAN VISIT] - wormwood. - 12-01-2020

NOTHING BESIDE REMAINS — Quasar was lucky that Elsweyr had gotten to him first. If she hadn't, then the young canine would've been subject to Aurum's full rage, and he couldn't really promise that anger wouldn't bring with it blood and agony. Even as Elsweyr moved to drag Quasar away, the angel felt a vicious snarl fall forth from his muzzle, stepping out of the shadows with flames licking at the edges of his mouth. He stepped over Salvia, hovering protectively over his son as he growled lowly in Quasar's direction, "Keep your ugly maw off of my son, or I'll tear it off of you." As if to back up his claim, thick and sharp claws dug quite visibly into the earth in front of Aurum. Flames continued to dance around his teeth, jaws aching to crunch down onto Quasar's skull and see just how he liked it. However, the male was holding himself back. He wasn't about to drop down to their level, and hurt a child. No, he would only attack Quasar if the other made another attempt on his son's life. Because, while Aurum cared about his own morals and decency, he cared about Salvia more.

With this in mind, he looked down at Salvia, leaning down to drag his tongue soothingly over the other's head. He muttered quietly, hackles still raised even as he spoke to his child, "Like Elsweyr said... are you okay? I can get you back to Moth, if we need to..." Anger and worry blurred together in his mind, a knot twisting in his stomach as he held himself back from charging forth and tearing into the Palmclanners. He could understand their plight for food, but the didn't mean he would ever forgive them for this. He had only just barely begun to forgive The Pitt, and their transgressions had ended months ago. Needless to say, the group would be on his shitlist – as well as on many others' – for some time. Of course, there was a private hope in Aurum's heart that the two groups would end up turning on and destroying each other. That would certainly be entertaining to watch, considering Stryker's boastful nature. — OF THE MAN WHO WAS BORN AND DIED A KING.

Re: please me - [PALMCLAN VISIT] - VASS . - 12-01-2020

A mentor's job was never done.

Quasar was a good hunter, a damn good one. Refined under the tiger's careful gaze, they pair of them training more under moonlight than the timid day, yet here the presence of other's on the edge of sight, but not outside their true senses. Quasar was a good hunter- yes- but this was unfamiliar territory. It wasn't there's, and Vaas knew that the place was controlled by the kingpin- by their new ally, there was no doubt that it could've all been a trap, no matter how much the leader thought: Vaas would never trust Stryker, not truly.

As a sense of noise exploded behind him, where Quasar went to hunt, Vaas snarled loud. Making haste of the distance where his apprentice could be found between three of the natives. "You fucker's feel strong going against a cub? A trainee?" Vaas' voice grate even to his own senses, aware of the fact that he was outnumbered, outgunned, if the flames that flickered out of the golden winged lion's maw was anything to say about it. "carajo cachorro, lo que una manera de encontrarlos" Vaas looked towards his own apprentice, stepping towards them with the clear intent of separating his apprentice from the pair of warriors. "you real fucking desperate for a win, huh?" Vaas shot out, looking towards the lion " A fight?"

Here, there was a shift in priorities, from defense to offense. The wild medicine cat felt the water that coiled around his wrist suddenly gain weight, size as he pulled from the pool nearby them. His stance was a challenge and he grinned at the other, watching the other and refusing to meet eye- the fucker didn't deserve the right. "Well, let's go, let's get you a fucking fight! huh?" Vaas shouted out, his tail behind him a lashed at the dirt.

Even with the words, the swell of power, Vaas' entire form relaxed. His head was cocked, and a smile despite his words. He enjoyed this, a mockery of a challenge before the other. Rhinestone had picked the lowest of allies, but he was powerful. It meant that Vaas needed to see this place still had a back bone, and it would have to be one hell of a fight if anything were to be done. 
[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "