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Love Lost in War | RP Thread - Printable Version

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Love Lost in War | RP Thread - Poofy The Dark Master - 11-09-2020

Sencerity Lee McKnight

Sencerity had been outside of her one-story home that her and her father had shared since her mother was taken away by Demons. She looked at the sky, for once it wasn't cloudy or rainy for that fact. She then looked around her at some of the houses that were gone. She hated this war and wanted it to end. She then took off walking towards the end of the street. Sencerity wasn't allowed to wonder too far from her house, since her father didn't want to lose her like he did his wife.

Ashford Crimson Parkerson

Of course Ashford had been watching the McKnight house still. He loved the fact that he had ticked off Drake when he took his wife, but that was his job as a Star Catcher. He was to capture humans, but instead of going after Sencerity he watched knowing he was being watched by the one person he hated which was Alishia. "I know your there, Alishia." Ashford said not taking his eyes off Sencerity.

Alishia Marine Alexander

Alishia had been watching Ashford. "What are you doing here, if you are spotted then you'll be killed." She said knowing that the same would happen to her if she was caught. "Plus you already hurt that family." Alishia added also knowing that he took Sencerity's mother Annabell.

Anna Cree Altson

Anna was sitting in a chair in her and Ember's underground house. "Ember, how much longer do we have to stay here?" Anna whined not wanting to stay out of sight. She knew why, but she didn't really care too much about. "I'm bored." She added messing with her hair.

Ember Slee Anderson

Ember looked at Anna. "Becasue if anyone sees us, the Facility will have us." Ember said. "And there's no way I'm going to fight in this war." He added watching Anna still as a smile came across his lips. "I know it's boring, but please understand I'm just trying to protect us." He said sitting next to Anna.

Drake Dean McKnight

Drake was at the headquarters of the Human side. He was trying to figure out a way to save Annabell, but also protect his daughter, whom didn't want any part in the war, which Drake respected. He looked out the window. The headquarters wasn't too far from his house, that way if something happened, he could get home quickly.

Annabell Addie McKnight[/font

[font=comic sans ms]Annabell was in a cell, somewhere she didn't know. She hated that she was there, but the only reason she hadn't been able to leave the cell was because the leader of the Demons hadn't decided what to do with her yet. She missed Drake and her daughter Sencerity. She was also plotting on getting Ashford back for taking her in front of her daughter.