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STAY WITH ME // o, moose - Printable Version

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STAY WITH ME // o, moose - Odina - 11-09-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]She could've done more. She should've done more. She could've protected her if she had been paying attention more closely. Instead, Odina had been foraging for berries and food for her calf, rather than making sure she wasn't wandering off. It had felt like only a second that she had looked away to get berries off of a tall branch. In those few moments of ripping the berries off the branch, she had lost her. Her child. She'd wandered off somewhere, maybe enticed by the smell of food somewhere else. The moose had spared no time, immediately panicking and searching for her daughter.

But it was too late. When she found her, she was already in the jaws of a mountain lion. There had been no screaming, no crying. Her neck was broken, fangs piercing her skin and throat. She charged forward at full force, causing the predator to drop her precious child. Her body fell lifeless to the mountain forest floor with a heartbreaking thump. She raced to her daughter's side, desperate and hoping that she could still be alive. But there was no breath, there was no heartbeat. There was only silence.

She stood, hovering over the limp body of her calf. Her dead, empty eyes stared back at her. Her beautiful pelt was coated in blood, holes gaping in her neck. A mother's worst fear, now come true. "Zhi-ga..." She whispered, paralyzed with grief. Little child. Once happy and full of life, she was now growing cold, her future stolen from her.

Re: STAY WITH ME // o, moose - Tena M. - 11-09-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: constantia; color: #c48d85; font-size: 15px; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free
The petite sand cat always felt a little rebellious whenever she patrolled now.  Knowing she was leaving a worry wort back at the house.  Maybe she should feel a little guilty but... It was the Jedi's own damn fault for caring so much.

She didn't someone to mom or fuss over her.  She... She didn't deserve that.  She lost that right a long time ago.

The sound of a brief scuffle alerts the wildcat, her good eye flashing in alarm at the sight of a mountain lion and moose.  Oh.  Stars, that poor mother. 

Tena didn't hesitate to let out a low growl at the larger wildcat as it dropped the calf, causing the wind to pick up around her in further warning.  The mother could grieve without worrying about that mountain lion.

Her tail lashed behind her, ear twitching at the brokenhearted voice.  "I-"  She couldn't imagine.  Kriffing hell.  "I'm sorry."

Tena was no healer, but she knew the calf was gone.

Re: STAY WITH ME // o, moose - sykes - 11-11-2020

tell him i'm not sure what is real and what is not
Tena was becoming rather more of an occurrence than she had been before, but that was fine with him- the little sand cat was quite entertaining, in all honesty, and he found her bravery and her willingness to speak up for her beliefs admirable.

That said, these circumstances didn't bring around a time for him to tell her this. He, too, had heard the scuffle, the yowls of the mountain lion as it was forced to drop its prey and scatter, the wind whipping past his face harshly as Tena forced it back. His own blue eyes remained on the child.

Pictures of a little grey and white child flashed behind his eyes, and he stumbled backwards, his shoulders shaking- this scene was far too familiar for his comfort, and yet he couldn't tear his gaze away from the mourning mother and her child, growing cold, growing stiff.

He said nothing, uttered no apology- based on his own feelings when he thought Wilma had died, she wouldn't want to hear it. Not yet, anyway. That said, the sympathy in his gaze, his flattened ears, his tail tucked between his legs- well, he was sorry, even if he didn't speak it.

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