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churning - open; mashing berries - Printable Version

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churning - open; mashing berries - rhosmari - 11-08-2020

[align=center]AND I GOT ANGEL WINGS
elsweyr — tanglewood — three years
One basket was already full of berries with a bright white color. She had gone this morning to collect them and she was on her way back with another basket that had dark blue colored berries. Her paws lightly hit the ground as she made her way into the village town, shifting to drop off the basket upon her porch next to the other one. Grabbing another she hoisted up the empty container sand left out again. She had to find something to do and as long as it looked innocent enough those Wanderers left her be. Simple, easy. They did not try to pick a fight. After all why fight against someone for berries that they couldn't eat? And even if some were edible she wouldn't give it to them. Her task was simple enough and it gave her something to do while she debated over the false king and what he thought he was doing here. She felt there was something that was happening but what that was she didn't know. It was almost beyond her as these animals didn't act like those of the distant tribes she had come from. Absentmindedly she had been collecting and  her basket was nearly fill as these thoughts filled her head. This one with orange yellow wild carrots and yellow thin leaves. The brightness she was looking for.

With care she made her way back home through the stable grounded forest. The thick branches and fallen needles making her steps quiet and muted. Her eyes closed as she tried to think of how peaceful it was, a lie to anyone who was not within the walls of Tanglewood. Did this place have friends? If so why had no one come to check on them? A frown pulled at her muzzle as she entered the small town and went to her porch, shifting through the many different berries and the large basket of soft clay she also had acquired. A large bowl of water sat ready for use and she dumped the bright orange and yellow berries in first, beginning to mash them up with the liquid to create a watery and very soupy bright orange coloration. It was too runny for what she had planned and so she started to add in clay to thick it up. Softly she began to hum to herself, continuing to make her war paint. But what else could she potentially be planning?

Re: churning - open; mashing berries - Grimm - 11-09-2020

Within the midst of dimly illuminated village, overrun beneath vegetation permitted unrestricted growth, once acting as quiet haven for those ostracised, serpentine monarch had erected a prison. Slowed the progression of time, grown a mere waiting game for opportunity that may permit another chance, dwindling but not gone the hope their imprisonment may end. How much more may they survive, entertainment the blood that soaked the soil for now, but what of when tiresome grew keeping them around.

Such thoughts forgein to mind plagued by doubt, unbefitting for one meant to act in the careless manner a child is freely allowed, relished the final days of his childhood. Yet, unbidden, they arose and lingered across more basic surface level thoughts, spun only as cover in vain hope ignored the current situation. Impossible such and disregarded the notion with a growl reverberating through low breath, attention flicking about the town, sought something that may distract. Restricted his movements in minor ways, for the most part ignored for what may a child lacking proper tutelage do against any of them, unwatched his abandonment of his prior resting place and approach.

Within baskets, both emptied of prior contents and still overfull with plucked berries, eyes turned for a moment before regarded Elsweyr as her work continued unimpeded. Action smooth, practiced or otherwise performed to such a degree she grew confident her skill sufficed, heavy his fall until he lay sprawled before her. Mouth worked, at times stopped as teeth chewed at the flaking skin of lips, hushed the words finally arising.

"I'm sorry…" Better time and place may have been presented had Salvia waited, shards of glass scouring his tongue felt it and thus spoke aloud in hushed murmur. As to what the apology pertained to one may only formulate a guess — for his lacking part in efforts to overthrow their usurper, his status as only a liability, possibly both and more. In a bid to make small this he took up one of the unused berries, with no taste for such vegetation he was at no risk of any issues that may follow consuming it, rather it sat upon his mottled paw as he looked it over.

"What are these?"
Stupid may seem the query, Salvia at least knew what berries were as a baseline, but the stark hue that bore no hint of colour drew forth only confusion, turned over the berry as he pondered it. Of course further ignited his desire to learn as the mixture Elsweyr tended was added to, the clay another he had not seen before, though closed his lips where it came to such for the moment. Best simply to await answer for the first before continuing on.
[Image: 402atww-RW3l-K.gif]
But I wish I could I could show you more of yourself, I wish I could make you somebody else but I left it way too late, are you stuck in your own ways? you only look at me properly now when you're drunk watching movies. where are you? what happened? I want what we had
code by Wisker

Re: churning - open; mashing berries - wormwood. - 11-10-2020

NOTHING BESIDE REMAINS — The odd peace that had fallen over Tanglewood's territory since the revolt unnerved Aurum as well, despite his best efforts not to let it get to him. It was just so hard not to let it, though. The Coalition acted as if everything was fine and dandy, while oppressing and brutalizing a group that had done nothing to them. Thankfully, that fact wasn't all bad. It just fueled Aurum's rage further, making sure that the angel had a generous amount of motivation for when he finally ripped that false crown off of Stryker's head. He yearned to do it every time he so much as saw the other lion, but he stayed quiet for now, aside from occasional snarls and hissed out expletives that didn't do much. The former proxy knew that they had to bide their time, until the group as a whole had a chance to take their revenge. A revenge that would no doubt be all the more sweet with every day that passed.

Similarly, Aurum also wondered where their allies were. Their only major ally was the Typhoon, but it wasn't as if the two groups had been distant as of late. They often had visits with each other, and he and Goldie were on quite good terms, as far as he was concerned. So why hadn't anybody come to check on them? The question left him with a sense of unease and worry, wondering if perhaps the Typhoon had suffered a similar fate. His anxiety drove him forward, up and out of the bunker without much resistance. The Wanderers had grown lazy as of late, complacent with Tanglers wandering about town given the recent failed revolt. As soon as the sunlight rained down upon Aurum's back, the lion found himself sighing in faint relief – he truly had missed a breath of fresh air. His one eyed gaze scanned around the small town before he spotted Elsweyr and her concoction, as well as his son standing nearby. Tail twitching with curiosity, the male made his way over, wing lightly draping over Salvia as he came to sit.

Inspecting the various berries that the cheetah had brought home with her, Aurum found himself mumbling, impressed, "I'm surprised you managed to get out of town long enough to collect all of this..." Part of him wanted to reach out and touch the paste-like mixture she was making, but he resisted the urge, not wanting to be rude. Instead, he just questioned aloud, "What are you making, Elsweyr? Paint...?" That seemed like the only logical explanation, at least to him. After all, the clay she had added in pretty much prevented it from being an edible mixture of any kind – unless one was feeling particularly adventurous. — OF THE MAN WHO WAS BORN AND DIED A KING.

Re: churning - open; mashing berries - rhosmari - 11-14-2020

[align=center]AND I GOT ANGEL WINGS
elsweyr — tanglewood — three years
A soft muttering gently against ear made her audit twitch before her paws stilled for a moment. Just a brief moment as she shifted her focus from her war staining efforts to the child she was becoming most fond of. She was hopeful one day in being able to train him. She believed that he would make a fine warrior, that others would tremble in fear upon seeing him on the battlefield. She did hope the best for him and a small smile pulled at her muzzle. However taunt it looked at least it was a genuine thing and she hoped to conceal her negative mood that was becoming a friend these days. It used relaxing to continue the pace, the easy push and pull through thickening paste. "There is nothing to say sorry for. She has not been disturbed." Her voice gentle and smooth as she gave a small sigh. Though she was happy to have some company currently as she pulled her white stained paw out of the mixture to wash it in the bowl of water and look over the paint that she had created.

"These are snowberries. White as snow but very deadly, they are poisonous when eaten. But fine on fur, good for decoration. White for clarity, precision, protection." Her eyes travel to the orange yellow mixture of leaves and small shaped veggies she was going to be using next once she had the white settled down. "Chamomile and wild carrots, not dangerous he can try them. But this is for yellow coloring. Vigor, energy, and excitement." She gave a smile as she looked at the cub before she motioned him to come closer and see for himself. Children were adventurous, she had been quite the sort when she had been young. Tapping the last bowl of blue looking berries she shifted it slightly. "Blueberries, you can also eat these if this one wishes. She needs little of these for blue color. Calming, focus, drive."

Her eyes glanced up then when she saw Aurum approaching and she allowed her eyes to roam over the lion in thought. Yes, they had not bothered her because she was not doing anything worth being bothered over. She hoped it stayed that way and she gave him a small nod of her head. "She is making war paint for us. To also appeal to her croc goddess, faith in her will win many battles." Though she knew that they did not know her which was fine, she knew her and she hoped that she would give her blessing and devour their enemies.

Re: churning - open; mashing berries - Grimm - 12-02-2020

A singular moment — counted each second trickling through glass container by heart that beats a slow tempo against fine ribs, halted as is breath, held with the gentle brush against curled back. Known this, the simmering embers fading into molten gold, stiff each quill yet conforming as it settled about, a veil handled with care. Thoughtless action drawing them closer, distance crossed until short strands came together, against side gently pressed. Actions repeated, always the same, made miniscule and weightless beneath dense feathers.

Brief the closure of eyes, felt more than heard the words he posed to other, near forgotten the pilfered berry held. Realisation arose when voice broke through, a gentle cadance, exhaustion beneath vernacular Salvia had grown accustomed to. Alike they in this, the smile which swept along his own visage a fragile thing, a mere ghost bearing shaky edges, yet there was a truth there. Unobtainable the pedestal did he place Aurum upon, figure of mythical propositions beyond even the status that made him no mere mortal, her own more simple yet no less was Elsweyr held in regard.

Chin flicked upward at her dismissal of his apology, wrongfully taken but relief was present in quiet hum all the same, disregarded the issue. If she saw issue it may be addressed at a later time, for now he may enjoy this, regarded the berry held as she remarked upon it. With mention of the more undesirable aspects deposited it once more but forth did ears swivel, a display of curiosity. That she listed, attributes linked to varying hue, drawing eye along the pathways paint made along her coat. Attention turned, next regarded. Confusion expressed in slight tilt of his head as looked to the gathered flora, among nestled pale stalks adorned with small buds, the earthen scent discouraging a test.

"Chamomile…" Rolled the letters across tongue, tested the shape as he inspected a particular specimen, pleasantly sweet if only to a slight degree. "I never thought of flowers as being useful." He knew of the herbs, how those few who bore medical knowledge were inclined to their upkeep and use, but the attributes listed seemed contrary to this. Questions bubbling along his lips but were held back as next was addressed, her gentle beckoning answered with a few shuffling steps closer.

Largely uniform this, if varying the size and colour of some by small degrees. Taken her offer this time, odd his diet as a whole though still prioritised meat by necessity the darkly hued berries were tantalising, more so than the ivory snowberries deemed inedible. It seemed tiny against his paw, experimental a tentative lick at the dry skin, uncomfortable it settling between his teeth as it was taken into his mouth. Unexpected the somewhat sour tang, widened the eyes that turned to Elsweyr. He bore no worry over them acting in deadly fashion, full the trust he held for the cheetah, more this experience was new and oddly pleasant, tongue sweeping along his lips as she continued to address Aurum once she had concluded her explanation.

"Is your Goddess from your home, will she really bless us?" Struggle ensued to keep tone neutral, recalled the prior assault upon their captors, a distraction for most part but hope had died with their defeat and subsequent capture of the boy they had hoped to spread their plight. Yet it was no fault of Elsweyr, nor of this crocodilian Goddess she carried forth with her into these lands, his distaste more to the fact it seemed the Goddess did not favour them, possibly unworthy for her worship was not common.
[Image: 402atww-RW3l-K.gif]
But I wish I could I could show you more of yourself, I wish I could make you somebody else but I left it way too late, are you stuck in your own ways? you only look at me properly now when you're drunk watching movies. where are you? what happened? I want what we had
code by Wisker

Re: churning - open; mashing berries - wormwood. - 12-06-2020

NOTHING BESIDE REMAINS — Aurum had gathered a bit of knowledge, about the home that Elsweyr had traveled from to ultimately end up in Tanglewood. He didn't know most of the details, since he didn't make a habit of drilling others about their pasts – he certainly didn't like talking about his own – but there were certain things that had come up naturally. It seemed as though she had lived in a tribe, who was mostly nomadic, and incredibly ritualistic. While the lion hadn't exactly thought of much of any religion in some time – for obvious reasons – he didn't think it was in good taste to openly criticize someone else's worship. Not unless they were seriously hurting others with what they were doing, and even then, you couldn't be so generalized. As an archangel, his job had once been to judge all those that came before him, and everything that their lives had involved. He had always hated the way that his heavens above have judged those of other religions, acting as if they were lesser just because they didn't believe in one divine spirit and a cloud paradise above. He supposed that was just yet another reason why he had chosen to break free, as many problems as that had ended up bringing him.

Having zoned out slightly as Elsweyr explained the various berries and bits of herbs to Salvia, Aurum found himself standing to attention once again when he heard that the cheetah was making war paint. He supposed that made sense, considering what their plans for the future were. Still, the mention of a croc goddess caused him to tilt his head to one side. He had definitely noticed the Elsweyr was spiritual, and her old home very likely was as well, but that didn't mean he knew anything about who she actually worshipped. Ever curious, Aurum hesitated for a moment before he questioned, his voice soft, "That's very kind of you, Elsweyr. Uh, forgive me if this is a bit rude of me to ask, but what is your 'croc goddess' like? I think I've heard you talk about her before, but I don't know much beyond the fact that she's a crocodile, and that she helps with combat." He hoped that Elsweyr didn't consider his question to be kind or inappropriate in some way. He knew that there were some out there who disliked having questions asked about their religion, but he wasn't asking to ridicule or persecute Els. Instead, he just genuinely wanted to hear what she had to say.

When Salvia spoke up, Aurum found his gaze shifting over to his son, resisting the urge to wince when he heard the barely held back skepticism in the other's voice. He could understand why it was there. After all, it was hard to believe in kind and all powerful beings, when your home was being ravaged and subjugated with no end in sight. However, the angel knew that things weren't always so simple, so he let his tail unfurl, wrapping it around Salvia and muttering to the boy, "Even goddesses sometimes get busy you know, Salvia. And sometimes, a blessing from someone may be more personal, rather than extending to an entire group. In my experience, things are usually much more complex than they originally seem." Of course, it would probably be difficult for Salvia to understand that at this point of his life. While the other had certainly already faced hardship along with the rest of them, he was mostly kept safe and didn't have too much on his shoulders. Not yet, anyways. — OF THE MAN WHO WAS BORN AND DIED A KING.