Beasts of Beyond
Set aside // open+visitor/trespasser // the highlight reel - Printable Version

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Set aside // open+visitor/trespasser // the highlight reel - jacob w.c. - 05-13-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob didn't know who else to go to. He couldn't bring himself to breakdown and beg for help in front of Killua or Cry or really anyone other than Jersey in Snowbound. He knew they'd seen him emotional before but even then it hadn't really been something he wanted to happen. No, Jacob's only thought was of Pincher. Harrison was gone and he needed someone, anyone. He'd tried to sleep. everyone told him that he'd feel better if he got more rest but he would never feel better until his son was returned home and was sleeping, safe and sound. Jacob always had problems sleeping but he knew he wouldn't be able to go to bed tonight. So, when everyone else had fallen asleep, he stormed off to make it to Typhoon as soon as he could. He had no idea what time it was when he arrived but he barely even acknowledged the border. He just needed to see Pincher. He didn't think about how late it was or how unlikely Pincher would even be up to help him but he needed to see the pirate. His thoughts weren't even on their complex relationship or uncertainties or what everything that happened at the lighthouse had meant. His only thoughts were of seeing him and finding Harrison.

Jacob wasn't sure what he wanted to get from this place, exactly. He wasn't sure what Pincher would be able to do or what he'd say or if he'd even want to see Jacob this late at night but he knew he couldn't be alone. Jacob made his way through the territory easily by himself now. He'd followed Pincher here enough times to know where he was going and he would never forget where the captain slept. He'd stayed there for nearly a week, after all. Jacob's breath was ragged beyond what it would usually be, even after coming all this way. He could barely get air in and seemed to be on the verge of hyperventilating but he'd made it this far and he wouldn't give up now. If he started getting worse now, he might pass our before Pinch saw him and before he could explain anything and then he'd lose another night and day of looking for Harrison and he couldn't afford that. Not only that, but he didn't really want his own clan knowing that he'd immediately gone to Pincher for help rather than trying to gather the resources in Snowobound. While he would never admit it, he was mostly seeking Pincher for emtional comfort. If he could actually help him find his son, that was just another benefit of the situation.

He came before the door and finally he hesitated. He'd gone through the border without a thought, went all the way to their camp, and then came to his door but just now what he'd done was starting to connect with his thoughts. He didn't have time for pleasantries though. His son was missing and Jacob desperately needed someone, anyone, to be with. So, he rose his paw and knocked as hard as he could. "P-P-P-Pincher, p-please, somethin' terr-r-rrible's 'appened!" He tried to keep his voice soft but he couldn't keep the panic from his tone as he slammed his paw against the wood, not stopping for a moment. He intended to knock until Pinch opened up or until he couldn't bear to knock anymore, whichever happened first. It was possible that Pincher wan't home but he doubted that. It was late at night, he didn't think anyone would be out. As he continued to knock, he finally felt the fatigue of the trip and situation setting in and his sobs grew more uncontrollable. He had been quiet, at first, keeping them reigned in, but now his breathing had increased to an alarming rate and sobs broke from his chest despite his best attempt to keep them at bay. "P-Please open, please open..." he murmured the words with tears streaming down his face and nearly his entire frame shaking. Someone had to be bale to help him find Harrison or bring him some comfort, at least. he was hoping that person would be Pincher but he was up for just about anything at this point.

[member=452]lilyspoise[/member] —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP

Re: Set aside // open+visitor/trespasser // the highlight reel - lilyspoise - 05-13-2018

There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
Hmm? Was someone crying? What was going on...?
Lil picked her head up, torn ears flicking as she focused on the source of the yelling. It sounded like... Jacob...?
Well, it’s time to investigate. The tabby mused, stretching before hearing the loud bangs and cries of something horrible happening. Oh— oh, this was serious.

Okay — first, herbs. Jacob was crying, hysterically at that, and needed to calm down.
Thyme I should have, chamomile is in the garden. He’ll need water— She jumped up on a shelf, grabbing one of her potion bottles that she believed to have water in it. Perhaps if it wasn’t so dark out, and perhaps if she hadn’t been rushing, she would’ve realized it wasn’t water but instead the Typhoon’s signature jungle juice. However, she didn’t notice, so when the filled bottle was secured into her rope necklace alongside the needed pouches, and the necklace secured around her neck, she hopped down from the shelving. And Pincher; Jacob will need Pincher, probably. For a moment she felt a spike of anxiety run through her— Pincher didn’t like her very much, and he certainly seemed to like Jacob more, so she needed to get in, do her job, and get out.

Heading out to her garden, she carefully padded on the stepping stones to make her way over to her chamomile patch. Plucking a couple of the herbs, she carried them by the mouth as she followed Jacob’s voice.
"Jacob, here." Lil said, speaking softer than usual — and admittedly, it was not just because of the other’s anxiety, but her own too. Quickly, she began to distract herself with medicine, a habit which wasn’t uncommon for the tabby. "Eat this chamomile and thyme, and drink this water." Technically the next step for treating shock patients was to lick their fur, but not only did Lil doubt Jacob wanted that, but she also didn’t want a mouth full of husky fur. "What’s going on? We can help you."

Re: Set aside // open+visitor/trespasser // the highlight reel - CAESAR CIPHER. - 05-14-2018

Crying? Now who the hell would be crying? Some sad sap who fell for the entrance ritual shit, maybe. Caesar thought to himself, irritation going through him as he remembered being tricked into doing the ritual himself and getting stuck at Haven Island. But at least he didn’t cry when it happened. He might have been afraid (although he would never admit it a loud), but he definitely did not cry. Pathetic twig. The demon rolled his eyes as he thought this, following the noise of Jacob’s sobs.

Once he got there, however, he saw that Lil was talking to the canine. Caesar’s lips were curled in disgust as he came over to the two. ”Who the hell is this?” He demanded, as if he had some sort of position here - which he didn’t, of course. ”He’s not from here. There’s no need to help him.”


Re: Set aside // open+visitor/trespasser // the highlight reel - Kian. - 05-14-2018

ϟ "Well actually," the Irish-accented feline called, flicking his tail, "he's from a neutral clan, if you couldn't tell by the scent, an' I believe we're trying for an alliance, so I do believe helping him would be the correct course of action." Given a sense of decency, that is, he added silently, rolling his eyes.  Of course, pirates would be pirates, he knew.  He could not expect all of them to be decent.  At least Lily had the right sense of mind.

That being said, Kian didn't immediately recognize the Soundbound canine, and he was not entirely sure what to make of his appearance.  Hopefully, he hadn't woken up Keona; it was late after all.  But he was not the kind to dismiss someone who looked like his world just ended.  "If there's anything I can do, just tell me," he offered softly.

Re: Set aside // open+visitor/trespasser // the highlight reel - lilyspoise - 05-14-2018

There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
"This is Jacob, he's the leader of Snowbound, an ally of ours." Lil replied, making sure she kept her tone formal and informative, and not angry. That had upset Argus last time, and the medic did not intend to make the same mistake twice. Especially since that this was Jacob, who was not only was her friend -- she hoped, at least -- but at the moment was her patient, and Lil always wanted to take the best of care of her patients. "He needs space for now, and we'll need Pincher because it likely involves something in which our alliance will come into play. If possible, could you two go see if he's out in the territory?" It was an entirely real possibility that he was just a heavy sleeper, but Jacob needed space more than anything, and sending people off on a logical errand would not only clear the space, but also locate Pincher if he did happen to be out and about.

Re: Set aside // open+visitor/trespasser // the highlight reel - CAESAR CIPHER. - 05-15-2018

"Sorry I don't care to check the scent of a tresspasser." Caesar retorted back to Kian, narrowing his eyes. He literally just met the strange Irish-speaking animal, and he already fucking despised the bastard. How dare he talk to Caesar like that, first of all! And secondly, he didn't give a damn if Jacob was from a neutral Clan or not, he was still tresspassing. Although Lil did contradict Kian's statement by stating that Snowbound was an ally, so... Maybe Caesar should care just a little. But he probably won't; that's just how he was.

As Lilyspoise asked if he and Kian could go look for Pincher, Caesar's tail twitched in irritation. Great, now he had to work with the bastard. Although he supposed he could deny Lil's request, but that wouldn't get him anywhere, now would it? It wasn't like she was asking for herbs he didn't know the look of; she was asking for a person. "Yeah, I suppose. C'mon, Irish asshat." The demon grunted, glancing over at Kian.

Re: Set aside // open+visitor/trespasser // the highlight reel - jacob w.c. - 05-15-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob turned to see Lilyspoise, his entire body shaking as he took the water and herbs from her. He didn't even bother trying to explain himself to the other two right now. Having so many people near him was overwhelming and he needed to focus. "H-Harrison! My son, he-he's gone and-and-and, we looked ev-ev-everywhere but I-we can't-t-" the chief's voice shook as much ash is body and tears continued to stream down his face as he gasped desperately for air. He put the herbs in his mouth obediently and then took a drink of the water, taking a few sips before setting it down. It tasted a bit off but he couldn't focus on that now. He had to find Harrison and Deniz was the only one that could help him do that. He was aware of the others talking but he only focused on Lily asking for them to go see if Pincher was somewhere else. His eyes drifted beyond the woman and past her. Suddenly, his eyes widened and he opened his mouth, agape in absolute horror. "Wh-Why didn't ya' tell me?" the words were quiet but full of pain and grief. He ran forward, past the group and to a different area nearby. There was nothing there but Jacob could see it all.

He practically collapsed on the ground, a louder sob coming from him. How could he let this happen. He tried to think of the right herbs to use but there was so much blood, so much blood. Deniz was practically drowning in it. His paws ran over his body. He was still alive but barely. "Lily, why didn' ya' 'elp 'im? How long 'as he been like this?" The words were distraught and angry and his breathing grew even more erratic. "Save me," Pincher croaked the words at him and a sob ripped through his chest again. "I-I'm sorry, I dunno' what ta' do, I can't remember, I can't remember. I dunno' why, I'm tryin'- he spoke through gasps and he ran his paws over the man's body, trying to find a way to patch his wounds. How could he let this happen? How could he lose his son and his closest friend in one night? Then he stopped breathing. "No, no, no. Don't go! Come on, caro, come on-" Gasps and sobs were torn from his lips now. How could he fail this much? After all his training in medicine, after all he'd done, why couldn't he help his dear friend? There were so many things he'd wanted to say and do and he'd never have them now. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP

Re: Set aside // open+visitor/trespasser // the highlight reel - lilyspoise - 05-15-2018

There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
Jacob's son? Oh-- oh was he lost? Or kidnapped? Well, Lil supposed that if they knew, they wouldn't be in this predicament in the first place.
"We can send out a search party-- we'll have multiple out between the two groups." This wasn't her decision to make, this wasn't her place to give orders. Why was she doing this when this was Pincher's job? Yes, it would ultimately help Jacob and he was her patient, but she not only lacked the authority an official medic had, she also had no place to be making such promises. Logically, Pincher would agree with the idea and send out a party, but Lil wasn't the leader, either. What if it wasn't logical, or if there was something else to do? Why was it that time and time and time again Lil only ever filled the role of a false prophet?

"Wh-Why didn't ya' tell me?"

What? What didn't she tell him? What was he looking at?
"Jacob where are you going?" Lil called, confused. What was he looking... at...
No, no, she couldn't have-- she-- she brought him water and herbs. Water and herbs. Water and herbs.


Lil really had done it this time, huh?

"No, Ja-- Jacob, come back. Please I-- I messed it up I--" Oh god, what was he hallucinating? Which potion did she genuinely give him-- she couldn't believe she messed it up this badly. Jacob was going to hate her-- Jacob was going to despise her and, and, and Pincher was going to hate her; what if she got kicked out? She'd have nowhere else to go, she'd be shunned from the allies and she wasn't going to ally herself with Tanglewood and she just-- just--
She was sobbing and felt guilty even for doing that.

"Jacob-- I screwed up. I screwed it all up I'm sorry, it's not real, I'm sorry." Lil cried, taking a moment to steel herself before she placed herself in front of Jacob, hopefully skewing the hallucination. "I'm an idiot, I'm sorry-- your son is fine, we'll find him I promise, I'm sorry that I did this to you-- I'm sorry that I made you see him like this." He came her for console on his son, and Lil made it all so much worse. He had to be hallucinating his son's corpse, because who else could it be?

Re: Set aside // open+visitor/trespasser // the highlight reel - MADI - 05-15-2018

Re: Set aside // open+visitor/trespasser // the highlight reel - jacob w.c. - 05-15-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob was vaguely aware of Lilypoise's words but his eyes were locked on the dying Pincher. His distress only grew and more sobs came from him. He heard her words and his ears flattened against his head. "This is real! Your captain is... is-" He couldn't even bring himself to admit it. Deniz was dead. Yet he leaned over the man and held his body against him, rocking back and forth as he sobbed. "Come on, Pinch, come on. Ya' can't go. Th-there was s-s-so much I had ta' tell ya'. I jus' didn' know how ta' say it,"[/color] the words came between gasps and sobs, some of them being nearly indistinguishable. "'M sorry, Pinch, 'm sorry I dunno' how ta' save ya'. I can't remember. Oh God, I can't remember-" he broke into a new fit of crys as this reality set in. He didn't even remember how he'd go about saving Pincher. He was absolutely useless. His friend... no, not just his friend... his companion was dead and he couldn't do anything about it. "P-Please come back, Pinch, please-" There were a few cries before his next words. "I love you. Jus' come back, please, don' leave me. I dunno' what 'm gonna' do if you go too. Don' leave me-" His voice broke completely at this point and he curled around what he believed to be Pincher's body, sobbing uncontrollably. How could he lose his son and his... his Deniz in the same day? What did he do to deserve this? For once, Jacob didn't even notice the nearby flames. He just bent over the captain's body and sobbed. Not even fire could distract him from this pain. How could it hurt so much to love people? —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP