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shut it up - [MEETING, headcount] - Printable Version

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shut it up - [MEETING, headcount] - Stryker - 11-07-2020

At the statue's base, the newly endowed leader of Tanglewood reigned supreme. His head raised high and his neon gaze focused out onto the horizon, observing the swamp at it's finest. As the breeze shook at the trees and the vines swooped through the sky, so did his mane in it's sheen glory. A wicked smile curled upon his maw as he lowered his slitted eyes to the floor, watching as a small crowd began to gather. They knew he had important news. Stryker did not have to call out for a meeting. His mere presence attracted followers, whether for good or bad, and he would gladly keep them on their toes.

When the majority arrived, his eyes specifically drifted to the Coalition wanderers that had gathered. Their loyalty was valuable. If they remained with them, they would receive a great prize and wonderous glory along the way. As for the rebellious, they would be damned. Vigenere, Atbash, and Atticus had already their fate determined. What about the rest though? That varied from moment to moment.

The lion gave a firm huff. How pleasurable for them to arrive promptly and so orderly. So far, at least. "If you haven't shown your face yet," he started off with a growl, "I recommend you do." His claws tapped impatiently at the stone beneath his paws, awaiting their dismay or approval.

Re: shut it up - [MEETING, headcount] - wormwood. - 11-07-2020

NOTHING BESIDE REMAINS — Frankly, the newly endowed leader of Tanglewood could eat swamp mud for all Aurum cared. In fact, he could do a lot worse than that, and the lion had a wide range of different suggestions he'd be happy to offer up if asked. Despite this, Aurum still found himself drawn over, mainly for the safety of other members of the group. He was exhausted from their attempt at a distraction, but that didn't mean he wouldn't fight tooth and claw for any of the other Tanglewood members that gathered around. If Stryker tried to do anything, to any of them... well, the angel had no intention of giving the mercy that his kind was so well known for. Heavy steps eventually led the lion over to the front of the crowd, one blue eye narrowed in rage up at Stryker as the Coalition leader spoke. With his claws digging furiously at the stone beneath him, he found himself speaking in a snarl, "Pretty sure you know my face, fuckhead." Despite the fire that was clear in his voice, Aurum made no move to cause trouble – at least not for now. He wasn't going to be reckless and risk someone else getting punished because of him. For now, it was just time to watch, and wait for the perfect opportunity to knock the bastard off his high horse. — OF THE MAN WHO WAS BORN AND DIED A KING.

Re: shut it up - [MEETING, headcount] - SirDio - 11-07-2020

"You heard the leader -- Show your damn faces!" She called out from her area by the back of the crowd. She slinked by other members, heading toward the front of the group. There was a lot going on. Half-blurry vision settled on the white lion as she sat down, flicking her ear in irritation. A scar was beginning to form over her wounded eye. Eyes moving to Aurum, she snorted. She looked away, looking back up to Styrker.

Re: shut it up - [MEETING, headcount] - trojan g. - 11-07-2020

[align=center][div style="max-width: 450px; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]At first, the jaguar didn't want to go to the meeting. She wanted to try and think of a way for her to get her son back from wherever Stryker was holding him, but eventually, she thought it best to go. Making her way up towards her brother, Moth would lean into him as she sat down, tail flicking around in worry as she looked up to the snake-mutated lion. What did he have planned?

//quick track oop

Re: shut it up - [MEETING, headcount] - SirDio - 11-07-2020

Icthyovenator   Tanglewood Adult, unconfirmed age Heterosexual Physically hard Mentally strong
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: trebuchet ms; color: #281B7C;"] Heavy thudding of the icthyovenator could be heard as she walked her way to the gathering group. Staring down Stryker and Stheno with angry eyes. But she dared not do anything. Her flashing fins and claws that clutched at air said enough. A beast as powerful as Tide hated being under oppressive rule. But she knew better than to snap out. Instead, she just sat down at the back of the group, head resting on the ground.


Re: shut it up - [MEETING, headcount] - rhosmari - 11-07-2020

[align=center]AND I GOT ANGEL WINGS
elsweyr — tanglewood — three years
There was anger in her gaze, disgust in her heart at just seeing him. The mere fact that he thought he was allowed to call them to the statue and demand that they listened to his words. But she was not vocal about it, for they all knew how she felt about the situation at hand. She hated them with everything that she ever had because she was not one for oppressive rule. Especially one led by someone that was too arrogant to see past his now nose. That would be his downfall and rather he realized that before it was too late was yet to be seen. But she was ready to take him down, she was ready to sink her claws into his throat just as he had put his disgusting fangs into her own. She wanted to make him writhe in pain and she felt the fur along her spine lifting up as her muzzle curled with distaste. With little care she shoved her way past some of the Wanders that had already gathered, eyes focused solely on the want to be leader, the croc skull hiding her face as the wild woman sat down and curled her tail around her paws. Her eyes were shadowed but the fire that glowed within them was visibly seen through the sockets of the skull she wore over her head. Heat seemed to weaver around her body as she lifted her head up and solely focused on the point of her anger. The lion before her though she didn't say anything and did not move. What could he even possibly have to say to them that they would even bother with listening to?

Re: shut it up - [MEETING, headcount] - suvi. - 11-07-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]and͠ I w̙͐a̗͘n̠̓t ̨̄a̩̓ mom̶̜̿eṋ̌t̞͐ t̘̋ŏ̝ ̺͞be r̳͘é͚al
Show your faces.  The petite vixen might've laughed.  Something cynical in her burning.  Bitter.  Her small form flickered in and out from view, fighting against her will.  Visible.  Invisible.  Tangible.  Intangible.  Glitching.

Despite it, the former medic stood straight.  Mitch-matched hues narrowed.  Still resolute.  Silent, as she had been for some time.  Silent but clearly stubborn.  Unbroken.

If she could get her glitches under control... If she could... She could try.  They may have tried once and failed, but that didn't mean anything except that they could try again.  They wouldn't stand down.

Re: shut it up - [MEETING, headcount] - Grimm - 11-08-2020

They had failed.

The possibility had been present, of no import the time utilised during the planning and subsequent enactment of that deemed the most beneficial course of action if not accounted for each possibility, yet hope had prevailed. Bolstered their meagre force by that believed advantage, downfall all the more bitter for such misguided conviction.

Quiet the child where he had come to linger about outskirts, routine followed in fashion he was permitted, a threat to none or one that posed little enough issue to not be fretted over, sullen in his observation. Concentration broken with flurry of movement, jeering coward parting about as though he was but a stone in shallow rapids, about head turning as their procession continued past. Towards treeline vision skipped, chest tight about held breath, gentle the expanding ache wound about his ribs. He may escape by for how long, and what might be done against those who remained.

Further consideration postponed, attention caught by ringing call, nausea settling like a stone within the pit of his stomach. Slow his approach, those assembled briefly assessed though further disheartened the cub when it grew apparent outnumbered were those few drawn by beckons. Halt lead Salvia to occupy the free side of his father, settling and drawing himself in close as though, if reduced his size, possibly he may be overlooked. It was with the sharp retort Aurum voiced that notion was disregarded, to forefront of mind arising a few of the choice words Sophiea was rather fond of using.

"You…" Strained the quiet beginning, against the back of his head ears pressing as lips moved without sound, words formulated before once more he began. "You're just a big old twat, you don't belong up there and you're not our leader." Last remark was paired with a shift in attention, regarded the reptilian felidae who had spoke a falsehood as though such made it truth, pale muzzle contoured with a snarl more along the lines of a grimace.
[Image: 402atww-RW3l-K.gif]
But I wish I could I could show you more of yourself, I wish I could make you somebody else but I left it way too late, are you stuck in your own ways? you only look at me properly now when you're drunk watching movies. where are you? what happened? I want what we had
code by Wisker

Re: shut it up - [MEETING, headcount] - Stryker - 11-12-2020

Slitted eyes peered down at the crowd. Their special revolt leader had some words to say, which was not surprising. He smirked as Aurum spoke and offered a cackle in response. "I know you're face," came his sly comment, "But I do not know your name, eyepatch." A brow rose. "Nor do I necessarily care." As always, a nickname would suffice. From Goldie Locks, Rhiney Whiney, Snake Bitch, and now Eyepatch, they would all have their own Stryker-ism eventually. 

Moving onto the general crowd, he noted Stheno's direct orders. 'Wonderful,' the lion reminisced within his thoughts. His paw shifted outwards to the snake hybrid and his claw pointed directly at her, specifically at her damaged eye. "This is unacceptable." Clicking his tongue in disappointment, he continued. "Take note that if anything like that happens again... There will be consequences." Truth be told, Stheno's mercy was smart at first. Atticus was supportive of his movement within The Pitt, but things were taking a turn for the worst. "Your revolt-" His words spit towards Elsweyr and Aurum. "-will only make things worse." Needless to say, Vigenere was in for a treat later on. A special surprise to spice things up, really. "And during that time, our lovely Stheno found an intriguing Pittian trying to leave." Green hues intentionally shifted to Moth in the crowd. "He has been dealt with." Or will be. He was currently within their island's captivity, waiting his eventual fate in agony.

With one last gesture towards the wanderer hybrid, the Kingpin continued on. "Stheno will be your new leader as the conquest continues," he stated. "Her word is law. Betraying it will have detrimental results, so I advise you to be on your best behavior." Especially Mr. Eyepatch. His gaze moves over towards his fellow wanderer, looking her in the eye. Stryker offered a stern nod. He knew she would do well, despite being a newer addition to the Coalition's family. "If you have any words, Stheno, please step up to do so."

Before she spoke though, there were some small subjects that they needed to discuss beforehand. "In other news," he continued with a smirk. "You may notice Palmclan wandering our territory. They are assisting us in our endeavors, so I advise you to be friends." Once again, it was a thinly veiled threat. "Alithís Evgenis may join us later, perhaps Elysium." Stryker hadn't convinced them yet. He hoped to change that soon, but for now he wanted to prep them for other visitors. Keeping the Tanglewooders on their toes was vital.

Stryker found solace in his own words. Satisfied, he awaited for Stheno to possibly step up, but in the meantime he listened to the crowd's mumbles. From the back, a voice spoke up. The fear and denial in Salvia's tone rang out clearly. 'You're not our leader,' came their challenging call from the back of the crowd.

Rubble from the floor began to float upwards and the ground shook wildly. The marble underneath his feet began to crack as his fury began to physically manifest. A rumble sounded out as the statue's head split down the neck, successfully beheading the worn down figure. With a swift movement of his paw, the head whipped in Salvia's direction. The rubble that followed quickly shifted into dagger-like crystals that would cut swiftly through their targets in the crowd. Marbled debris attempted to slice at the cub in the crowd, followed quickly by the thick marble head that would slam into their head and potentially knock them out or render them dead.

Despite the results, the floor would continue to shake and his head would turn back to the crowd with a wicked sneer. "Anyone else?"

Re: shut it up - [MEETING, headcount] - wormwood. - 11-12-2020

NOTHING BESIDE REMAINS — Stryker really did think that he was an infallible God, didn't he? It was... pretty pathetic, honestly. In reality, he was nothing more than the scum of the earth, probably trying to take things over to make up for his daddy issues. Immediately, the lion found himself rolling his eyes, snarling at Stryker, "Oh, shut the fuck up and stop monologuing, you massive braindead twat. Do you really think we give a shit about your little threats? Tanglewood has already been through this before, and we beat the shit out of and killed the guy who did it. And he was far crazier, and more intimidating than you. You're just some pouty little child who likes to believe he holds any power here, when he doesn't. Nor do any of his little lackeys." He shot a sharp glare in Stheno's direction, his one blue eye practically boring holes into her. As soon as the ground began to shake, Aurum was on the move. He stepped in front of Salvia, his large wings spreading out to protect his son.

Lifting up his own paw, the angel reached out with his earth elementals, trying to stop the shards, as well as the head. If he was successful, he would then send them off in [member=16503]Stheno[/member]'s direction, trying to slice into her flesh and have the statue head hit her in the good eye. Whether he was successful or not, he would them rumble furiously, his nose dripping with blood from the effort of his elementals, "You're a cunt, Stryker. And so is Stheno. You're both pathetic, and you should just leave here before we're forced to kill you all. And if you ever so much as look at my child again, I'll murder you myself. Oh, and I hope you never see again, whore." His last statement was directly at Stheno, no sign of fear in his voice as he stood there, snarling and full of rage. He was so tired of this shit. Stryker wasn't even doing anything, and it was so boring. He was all empty threats and stupid shares of power, and Aurum couldn't wait until he was the other toppled off of his false throne. If there was one thing that the angel was sure of, it was that he was never going to listen to either of them. Not Aurum, and certainly not Stheno. She wasn't even good enough to stop herself from being injured by a child. — OF THE MAN WHO WAS BORN AND DIED A KING.