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Earthquake, Powerful! -- Joining - Printable Version

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Earthquake, Powerful! -- Joining - SirDio - 11-06-2020

Icthyovenator   Tanglewood Adult, unconfirmed age Heterosexual Physically hard Mentally strong
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: trebuchet ms; color: #281B7C;"]
[align=center]Predating Takeover

The dinosaur was used to swampy lands. But that did not mean she liked them. Feeling her feet sink into the muck and water sent shivers of annoyance up her body, briefly lighting up the fin on the back of her head and neck. A low hooting noise echoed from her, traveling into the air of the swamp. Among the ugly smells of the natural swamp, there was another scent. More scents. Someone lived here, if not further inland. Giving her body a brief shake, she continued onward. Claws clutched at the air as she sniffed around, walking long enough to finally get some elevation. Not wishing to intrude any further, she let out a call, "Greetings, swamp dwellers. I am Tide-Fall, and I wish to join if you'll have me." Annoyance stained her voice as it traveled. Whoever thought of the swamp as a nice place to live, clearly never learned the dangers, the issues. Or maybe they did, and that's why they chose it. Either way, it was a stupid place to live at. Coasts served a less murky living space, as did river beds and riversides.


Re: Earthquake, Powerful! -- Joining - wormwood. - 11-07-2020

NOTHING BESIDE REMAINS — Tide-Fall was not the first to take issue with the territory that Tanglewood called home. In fact, it was more uncommon for joiners not to have a problem with the swamplands that the group had made their home within. Despite this, Aurum couldn't help but love their territory, even if it could be a nightmare for those – like himself – whi had a rather thick coat. He had hated it once, when he had first joined many, many months ago, but he had gotten over that hatred, and now knew the lands as easily as he knew the back of his own paw.

It was as a result of this that it was easy to find Tide-Fall by following the sound of her call, the massive winged cat eventually coming upon the dinosaur and her sour expression. He couldn't help chuckling in a good-natured way, his wings pulling in close so that his feathers wouldn't bend against the looming trees as he spoke, "Hello there, Tide-Fall. My name is Aurum, and I'm a member here in Tanglewood. I think it'll be fine for you to join, provided you can get used to our... unique environment." He might've been more surprised by her appearance if these had been his pride days, back when all he had known was lions and hyenas. Now, however? She was just another unique face in the crowd. — OF THE MAN WHO WAS BORN AND DIED A KING.

Re: Earthquake, Powerful! -- Joining - rhosmari - 11-07-2020

[align=center]AND I GOT ANGEL WINGS
elsweyr — tanglewood — three years
Sudden alertness was what brought her when she heard the sound. That low but baritone sounding hooting that traveled for miles. Like a signal that pulled her rounded ears forward as she paused and became still so that she could listen. For several more moments the sound continued on and within her mind she was attempting to try and figure out what the sound was. What it meant. Clearly it was some beast calling for attention but the sound did not have a matching creature to it for the foreign cheetah. Instead the woman would finally decide to go and see for herself what it could be that called for them. Her long tail swayed and twirled in the air as she moved through the more solid ground of the territory she was becoming more and more familiar with. Learning the ins and outs as she slides along fallen trees and over roots. This day she had not tried to wear her skull and instead was visible to the world. Her painted face of yellow, white, and black almost haunting in view as she came upon the scene. Fiery eyes widened at what she saw, body tensing up as she looked at the creature. Resembling the dragons that roamed the deserts but not quite.

A buzzing of excitement lit through her as she made her way closer, standing near Aurum. The breeze rustled her beaded shaggy mane as she titled her head a bit. Oh right, it was not polite to stare but she liked the look of the large beasts fins. Slowly a toothy smile pulled across her muzzle, hopefully welcoming as she sat down. "She is pleased to be able to welcome this one to Tanglewood. Ah, if the scaled one does not mind she is confused on what this one is? Are they...kin to dragons? She has never seen one like this before. " She was curious to know as she beckoned with her tail for the beast to come forth so that they might be able to show her their camp.

Re: Earthquake, Powerful! -- Joining - SirDio - 11-07-2020

Icthyovenator   Tanglewood Adult, unconfirmed age Heterosexual Physically hard Mentally strong
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: trebuchet ms; color: #281B7C;"]

Tide-Fall stared at Aurum, claws open, pointed down. Thin lizard lips lifted in a small smile, piscivore teeth poking through delicately. Thin yellow eyes squinted for a moment as he spoke. "I do hope I get used to the swamp." She said, trying to seem good-natured. Fins flexed as Elsweyr appeared, head tilting in response. Two felines. Was she to be an odd one out in Tanglewood? She briefly shook her head. They were welcoming.

"I am an Icthyovenator, a fish-eating dinosaur. I.. don't know what a dragon is, so I am unable to tell if my kind are kin to them." She tentatively stepped forward, the fin on her head and neck flashing briefly again like lightning in a storm.


Re: Earthquake, Powerful! -- Joining - wormwood. - 11-07-2020

NOTHING BESIDE REMAINS — Aurum was glad that Tide-Fall didn't seem too terribly disturbed by the state of the swamp. Sure, she didn't have the greatest first impression of their territory, but they could make it up in individual first impressions, right? With a smile on his own muzzle, he chuckled and nodded before speaking, "I'm sure you will... it might take a while, but hopefully you won't be too miserable taking some time to adjust." Besides, at least things would be cooling down a little more as the winter season approached. When the height of the summer came, Tanglewood's territory could be unbearably awful and humid, and the lion didn't think Tide-Fall would be particularly dazzled by that, either. Reptiles – or dinosaurs, in this case – did have a tendency to appreciate warm weather more than cold, but there was a difference between warmth and humidity. One was pleasant and comforting, while the other was far more overbearing and suffocating, like the air had an iron grip on you and just wouldn't let go. Those were the times where Aurum desperately wished his pelt was a bit shorter.

Elsweyr's question did cause Aurum to snort, but that wasn't because it was an unreasonable one. Dinosaurs and dragons could look pretty similar to anyone, but there were some substantial differences that usually made dinosaurs stick out as different. He shot a small smile in the cheetah's direction before looking back towards Tide-Fall to speak, "Ah... dragons are kind of like dinosaurs. They're very big reptiles, but usually they also have wings. I guess in a way you could consider them your kin, if you look at all vaguely reptile creatures as kin." For some time, he hadn't even realized that dragons existed, so he didn't know how exactly dinosaurs and dragons were related. Perhaps dragons were an evolved form of dinosaurs? Or perhaps it was the other way around, and dragons had evolved into the – usually – more ground-based dinosaurs. Either way, he didn't really think Tide-Fall would have the answer to that, since she hadn't even been familiar with what dragons were until now. — OF THE MAN WHO WAS BORN AND DIED A KING.

Re: Earthquake, Powerful! -- Joining - SirDio - 11-07-2020

Icthyovenator   Tanglewood Adult, unconfirmed age Heterosexual Physically hard Mentally strong
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: trebuchet ms; color: #281B7C;"] Taking another annoyed step toward the two, she listened to Aurum explain dragons. "Some dinosaurs had wings - but the wings were extensions of their arms and they were annoying. Always stealing fish. Taking what don't belong to them." She huffed, fin flickering with light as she remembered what would had been her family if it were not for the ugly quetzals that, with the help of a distracting group of allos, took her young. But she shook her head. They were gone now, and that nest was far behind her.


Re: Earthquake, Powerful! -- Joining - Ayla - 11-07-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Ayla soon approached, catching part of the conversation. She stared at the dinosaur's fin that had lit up, curious. Her stripes only glowed when she was photosynthesizing. She had yet to figure out why the stripes on the dinosaur's fins lit up. Was it something she could consciously control? Did it respond to the environment? The ti-tigon had many questions in her head, but decided not to ask. "You've joined our ranks? Welcome," She purred, bowing politely.

Re: Earthquake, Powerful! -- Joining - Grimm - 11-08-2020

Reprieve silence provided rare commodity, ceaseless din inescapable though volume may grow to become nothing but a quiet murmur, unique the sounds life revealed within. Different this call conducted in bellowing baritone, reverberation lessening volume yet incapable of much more, purpose and power in drawn out notes apparent even at a distance. Upward head rose, action sharp and left reeling for brief moment, light headed with what may be perceived as fear but was a giddy excitement, honey hued vision sweeping the surrounding land. Nothing came up during search, as may be expected, idle wandering forgone for more purposeful strides.

Limited his own experience pertaining to the dense swamp that edged central town, avoided on basis unpermitted his presence within as of yet, his desire to satiate his curiosity overpowering any notion punishment may conclude his journey. Of no surprise the state Salvia was left within when those assembled came into his line of vision, familiar most for various reasons. Almost was he not a lion, coat adorned in tell tall speckling no longer hued in off cream but more earthen tones, sickened his legs and belly by muck. Some also adorned neck and chin, arising along plump cheeks, as though a tumble had been taken.

Ignored all of this as steps quickened, before reptilian finally halting with a grin present on muddy visage. "Do it again." Eyes diverted for a moment, upon frills now dull once the display of luminescence drew to an end, lifting once more as tufted tail gave an unusual little flick, it seemed he almost wished to wag it within his excitement.
[Image: 402atww-RW3l-K.gif]
But I wish I could I could show you more of yourself, I wish I could make you somebody else but I left it way too late, are you stuck in your own ways? you only look at me properly now when you're drunk watching movies. where are you? what happened? I want what we had
code by Wisker

Re: Earthquake, Powerful! -- Joining - SirDio - 11-08-2020

Icthyovenator   Tanglewood Adult, unconfirmed age Heterosexual Physically hard Mentally strong
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: trebuchet ms; color: #281B7C;"] Low the huff that sounded from the dinosaur, sounding fond and relaxed as the cub arrived. "Thank you for the warm welcome, child." Shaking herself briefly as the second child arrived, a softness arriving on her face. The wonder in Salvia's voice made her chuckle as she slowly lowered down. Placing a hand onto the swampy ground, light flashed up all her fins. "My fins light up with my mood."
