Beasts of Beyond
Character Ideas! - Printable Version

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Character Ideas! - Bakugoes - 11-06-2020

I'm sure everyone has character ideas they'd love to make sooner or later! So I thought, hey, why not make a thread for people to share theirs? Just want to share, get feedback, or write them down for later- here's a place to share your ideas!

Here's mine!
  • A creature that runs a farm! It's a rather primitive farm in the neutral area that's just for growing herbs and maybe a few things to eat. They see themself as a lone medic for travellers to visit when they get weary and need a place to rest up, or for those seeking refuge away from home for a while.
  • An austroraptor! Not much else, I just like raptors haha. Probably would be combined with the above
  • Some kind of critter that wants to form their own religion (NOT based on a real one- completely original) on the island. Has a God complex and thinks they're better than everyone because yada yada idk they're just sooo much better. This would probably need acceptance from staff, especially since I would probably want them to be a fantasy creature. The end goal would be to make some type of group/religion/cult and see how far it goes. Definitely the most ambitious of my ideas haha
  • I'd LOVE to make a creature for The Typhoon or The Pitt! Some kind of rowdy, know-it-all punk who wants to make their mark on the world. Maybe a fox, wolf, or possibly a gator. How are they making their mark? By fighting everyone and then recruiting them to join their Cool New Squad. Probably a bit ambitious just like the last one? But much more plausible and less controversial
  • A witch cat. Does spooky "magic." Is it really magic? Who knows! But they like to use it to mess with people.
  • A saltwater crocodile from The Typhoon. lurks in the waters around it and "guards" it.

I'd love feedback and thoughts on my ideas, and I'd love to hear yours even more!

Re: Character Ideas! - kinglykingstone - 11-06-2020

tracking! ill read through and comment later but this is a cool idea!

Re: Character Ideas! - Poofy The Dark Master - 11-16-2020

Tracking for now, but might have something posted later!