Beasts of Beyond
dark age - [COTC CAPTURE, open] - Printable Version

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dark age - [COTC CAPTURE, open] - Atticus Roux - 11-05-2020

This thread is after the trap set up and during the revolt! Will open up soon.

With their plan in place, traps set up, and Aurum's ravishing scream throughout Tanglewood's swamps, it was time for him to go. Atticus' heart dropped to his chest as he crept through the underbrush with his chest low to the floor and ears perked. Yellow eyes swerved throughout the territory, surveying for any wanderers that could possible catch him during his escape. Paws lightly stepped closer to Tanglewood's end. No one seemed in sight. The injured feline let out a soft sigh of relief.

The border came into view in no time. As the chaos reigned behind him, the domestic feline darted forward. Away from the screaming. Away from that dastardly reign. Running through the open fields of the swamp, he reached the border and crossed it with a victorious, mocking whip of his tail. Despite that, he kept up his pace. Atticus would need to reach The Pitt and The Typhoon quickly...


Re: dark age - [PRIVATE FOR NOW] - SirDio - 11-05-2020

God, some people just don't learn, you know? Stheno wasn't one to hand out mercy on a whim. It was a one-time chance. You fuck it up, you get the fucking boot. That said, she really did expect the revolt to happen, as did she expect the little birdy to not be at the site. She understood the stupid move. He wanted to get help for his wittle family. Tough shit, kid. You don't always get to call for help.

The revolt was something the coalition could handle, but only if anyone didn't get help. So, seeing the feline gone from the fight, she went to find him. Hunter instincts didn't fail her. There the little birdy was, crossing the border. From her position in the swampy bushes, she readied her strike. 3...2... now.

She sprang out of the underbrush, aiming to jump onto Atticus' back and dig her claws into him. An eerily cheery phrase left her mouth, "Where you think you're going, little birdy?"

Re: dark age - [PRIVATE FOR NOW] - Atticus Roux - 11-05-2020

The gust of wind caused his head to whip around, but there was no chance. Yellow eyes widened in surprise. Sharp claws raked down his back and Atticus stumbled to the floor, landing square on his broken ribs. He attempted to wriggle free from her grip, but he was trapped underneath the large hybrid's weight. A ragged hiss left the feline. "Away," he spat. He kept his phrase short. That slithery wanderer wasn't going to get any information out of him anytime soon.

Underneath her, the feline attempted to swing around onto his back and push upwards to scratch at her chest. If successful, he'd pull out from her grip and try to continue running. 'Promise me you'll be safe, okay? Come back if anything happens, come back home.' Atticus would keep that promise... or so he thought.

Re: dark age - [PRIVATE FOR NOW] - SirDio - 11-05-2020

A hiss answered Atticus, a sly smile reaching up her face. "Away, hm? To where? Or does the little birdy feel stubborn and unwilling to spill his bag?" She chuckled. Intentionally letting him flip around, she flared her hood. Despite the scratches she got from the little cat, she tried to slam her paws into his chest, while her tail tried to coil around his midsection to squeeze his ribs. "There's bound to be more than you just leaving -- you have family here, no? That's why you clawed my eye, you little fuck?" She growled angrily, vision blurry out of her left eye. There was definitely going to be scarring, and possible issues with shedding with that eyecap.

Re: dark age - [PRIVATE FOR NOW] - Atticus Roux - 11-07-2020

His ears pinned to the back of his head as she spoke. A low growl echoed from the depths of his throat as stained teeth bared in disapproval. Atticus wouldn't tell them anything. As paws slammed down on his chest, a ragged hiss left the feline. Pain seeped through his abdomen. He kept trying to wriggle free underneath her weight, but no luck. Stheno was much larger than him and wouldn't be willing to spare him after last time. Even so, he continued to writhe as much as he could. Someone had to show up eventually.

Her tail wrapped around his midsection, causing his shaking to be suppressed and his breathing to grow short. "You're right," the Pittian mustered up through painful breaths. A wicked smirk curled upon his maw and his claws attempted to dig into her tail as he spoke. "And I'd do it again, you slimy cunt." Yellow eyes narrowed and attempted to lock with her one-eyed gaze. When her grip tightened, he aimed to spit on her face. The move wasn't a distraction tactic for his escape, but rather for his own pleasure.

//opening thread now! stheno will be taking him as a capture

Re: dark age - [COTC CAPTURE, open] - SirDio - 11-07-2020

Claws dug into her tail. She squeezed even harder. A vicious, violent grin was etched into her face. "Stubborn little fucker." She chuckled, her own claws digging into his chest, but not too deeply. "抵抗は役に立たない" She hummed lowly, flinching when he spat in her face. "Scaly, not slimy. Get it-" She squeezed her tail tightly. "Right."

///Translation: Resistance is useless.///

Re: dark age - [COTC CAPTURE, open] - trojan g. - 11-07-2020

[align=center][div style="max-width: 450px; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]Safety, that was why Moth had accepted Atticus into Tanglewood when he had come home from the Pitt. She had thought he would be safe. When Stryker had come and had captured the whole of Tanglewood under his reign, she had felt her stomach drop, and it seemed as though from there it would just keep dropping. They had planned to send someone out to get help, to sneak out and to go to the Typhoon, and those there had decided that it would be a good idea to send her son to fill out that mission, while everyone else caused a distraction.

It would be a while before she would forgive those that had been a part of that, her brother included, for when Moth had turned around to quickly see how things were going, she noticed Stheno, and she noticed Atticus underneath her. A gasp left the female and she quickly ran, tears pricking her eyes as body shifted and changed into a large leopard, feathered mane surrounding her head and wings outstretched as she jumped up, reaching out with outstretched claws in an attempt to shove Stheno off of her son. She wasn't a fighter, she was a healer, but just for today, she would try.

Re: dark age - [COTC CAPTURE, open] - wormwood. - 11-07-2020

( tracking as aurum is busy with the distraction )