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BITTER SWEET LOVE // intro - Printable Version

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BITTER SWEET LOVE // intro - Grimm - 11-05-2020

[ pre-take over ]


Despite the poor circumstances plaguing those settled beyond edges encased within radiation scoured swamp such had grown those caught within, quiet lives settled on the outskirts of perception. Routine forged and kept to, daily occurrences enacted upon basis of muscle memory, existence more than it was life. Accustomed the child slow to rouse from light slumber, impromptu the nap that left him sprawled along porch, suited to such yet so too was he prone to bouts of agitated energy pent up for all too long. Obscured dark eyes beneath hard touch, rubbed each in turn until gentle ache encased them, heavy the lids halving wandering vision.

Few those who occupied the main square of the town, stragglers permitted rest during the dwindling hours of the late afternoon, some preparing for their own work. Abandoned placement, though longing arose to further lounge, whittled away the remaining hours without care, elsewhere attention turning. He knew of the location pertaining to supply sheds, their contents allowing a more varied diet for those capable of such. Yet he cared little for any of it, purpose simple as the cub meandered through the town.

Pillaged one such stash until, upon exit that was rather clumsy and saw Salvia nearly fall as his weight was unbalanced, drag from within a half empty bag of seeds. A waste, he knew this and understood reprimand may be administered when found out, his care for such not there, however, stopping only long enough to close the door behind himself. Once more did he return to the central square of the town, in tow his stolen seeds, heavily settling before a large empty area. With none present to disturb he began to spread the seed with careless abandon, about it spreading until the ground was littered with brown specks.

Now it grew a mere waiting game, extracted a smaller amount of the seed he inspected with some interest. Along the mound tongue ran, drawn in those few clinging and sharp popping arose as he made short work of them, along tawny visage disgust worn clear. Salvia may not be deemed one of the more intelligent, once more into the back deposited those remaining, and to those he spread he turned waiting to see if any birds took the offer. Bait or mere wish to see them, one may only guess to the purpose, gleeful joy drawing a smile as the first landed, unsure as it hopped about before settling in to the supposed meal the lion offered.
[Image: P2rh8t-VEn5wx.gif]
But I wish I could I could show you more of yourself, I wish I could make you somebody else but I left it way too late, are you stuck in your own ways? you only look at me properly now when you're drunk watching movies. where are you? what happened? I want what we had
code by Wisker

Re: BITTER SWEET LOVE // intro - rhosmari - 11-06-2020

[align=center]AND I GOT ANGEL WINGS
elsweyr — tanglewood — three years
Normally she busied her days with hunting, always trying to provide food for everyone if she could. That was her role back in the tribe she heralded from. She was a hunter and also a warrior. She was one who most relied on and she took her duties seriously when it came to fighting, strategizing, and providing the necessary sustenance that her home and family needed. Even when they were fraught with peril and war she was there to do what she could and what she had been trained for. But today it was a bit different. Today despite knowing what her schedule entitled she felt the needed to clean up her home a bit more than what it was. Her decorations outside needed to be dusted. The feathers hanging above the front door rusting with the light breeze. The two skulls that adorned the stairs up to her porch needed cleaning too. But most importantly the inside needed a good fixing up. It was barren save for the few skins from the water buffalo and the crocodiles she had used decorating it. With care she began to throw out some leaves from and open window when she spotted the child. Today she did not have on her skull as she normally would, so her face was open to the world. Streaks of yellow paint marring her facial features with outlines of red.

Her eyes watched the child with vague curiosity, wondering what they were doing before she stepped out of her front door. She personally didn't know about their storages yet, though she would not give it much thought. She did not know of the purpose of storing things. Every meal counted. Stepping lightly from her steps the charcoal wild cat would approach as that seeds were being scattered,  brown specks decorating the ground and at first she wondered if this was a luring tactic. Because of one such bird that came fluttering down to hesitantly begin packing at the ground. But as far as she could see Salvia was not attempting to sneak up and ambush the small avian. Then no....just watching? The silent warrior would make her way closer before settling her rump beside that of the kid, tilting her head slightly, the beads in her rugged mane clacking together. "This one doesn't understand what this is for. He does not wish to practice the hunt?"

Re: BITTER SWEET LOVE // intro - wormwood. - 11-06-2020

NOTHING BESIDE REMAINS — Lately, Aurum had very gradually begun to emerge from the cocoon that he had previously formed within his large home. For some time, he had only remained within his home, resting and recovering after the injuries that he had sustained from the hyenas. However, he was beginning to feel better, which meant that it was time to return to his normal rotation of duties – things that he actually enjoyed doing, since they made him feel useful. Unfortunately, his job as an advisor had fallen to the wayside as of late, mainly due to the fact that he hadn't seen Vigenere around as much. It was a shame, since he missed seeing their leader and his friend around, and certainly missed being able to help him with the leadership of the slowing group. Still, this didn't mean he was lonely without Vigenere's company. He still had his children, who had been keeping his company within his home. Roy, Salvia, and Ayla. How he loved them all dearly, even if they did tend to be radically different. They certainly kept his life interesting, even when he was mostly just staying inside.

When the lion had gotten up from his rest that day, he had checked into all of his children's rooms as usual, with the intent to say good morning. Of course, when he saw that Salvia wasn't home, he had found himself curious and vaguely concerned, wondering where the cub had gone. Thankfully, it didn't take too long for him to reach the boy, pushing open the door to his front door and pausing when he saw Salvia in the distance, holding a large open bag of seeds as Elsweyr lingered nearby. He chuckled softly when he saw what the other was doing, descending down the still slightly warm steps of his porch as he made his way over. He flicked his tail lightly against Elsweyr's side as he passed, silently greeting her before he spoke, "I don't think he's spreading seeds because he wants to hunt the birds. He just wants to watch them eat... maybe befriend them. It's very peaceful, don't you think?" He tilted his head to one side as he glanced towards the cheetah, moving his one eyed gaze to Salvia next. He questioned with a chuckle, a flash of a toothy smile on his muzzle, "Am I right, Salvia...? Or were you just bored, and thought making a mess would be funny?" His last sentence was clearly teasing, without any sign of scolding his son. — OF THE MAN WHO WAS BORN AND DIED A KING.

Re: BITTER SWEET LOVE // intro - Grimm - 11-08-2020

Apart set on basis simple, derived from times behind passed by either oral or written means, custom and tradition dictating the current moments as though beside may walk those who acted their origin. Unique each culture, people their own and deserving of respect for such, co-existence and trade bolstering the already present. Yet, for what is given in brief interaction or fair trade, singular the facet all must adhere to.

Life bore needs rather simplistic at their core — shelter, food, and community.

Untested the child, even as head grew hazey beneath lessons conducted on the history and culture pertaining to this land and the inhabitants that once tread it, past now though remembered in markers in graveyard. Time enough had he to prove himself, as had the charcoal hued cheetah that faced the slowly dwindling day with face unobscured, a strategist befitting the placement at head of a war effort, or else a hunter with more skill in tracking, he need not worry.

Another fluttered down from prior perch when seemed safe the environment companion occupied, briefly startled, opened wings though only hops were conducted. More agitated this one, and within his chest built the desire to calm the avian as it begun to feast with beady dark eyes watching both, yet the opportunity was lost. The clatter of beads striking one another is what first drew attention, bitten off startled sound, passed as a rather agitated cough, confusion briefly rising before she began to speak. Back did his attention turn and realised finally the oddity this situation presented, tongue held between teeth, chewed upon the tip as he formulated a response.

"I like watching them." Rather foolish felt Salvia voicing the murmured response, made clear he had thought little before acting. While he lacked the names for any species he had found a certain fondness for bird watching, the more successful this method and so taken to was it without thought to the waste of resources that would be of use in the warmer months. "I, um… Don't know how to hunt." Heat scoured cheeks, though imperceivable the rise within temperature his embarrassment at admitting such caused, twisted the canvas bag between his claws.

Further words not given time to be voiced, alighting upon his lips another smile, smaller but genuine as approach of Aurum was noted. Initial remark offered to Elsweyr and so held his tongue, though he offered a brief nod at the notion the action was peaceful. To some there may be only boredom in the act, the repetitive motion of replacing that the birds ate and enticing more, slow the trust established with time. Mouth parted yet once more bad be been cut off, expression falling for a moment.

"Oh no, I just…" Into silence trailed his voice when it became clear that his father spoke in a light tone embedded with a teasing lilt, paired with a grin filled with teeth only further confirming this. Mirror pressed against into his muzzle as Salvia poked his tongue out, away attention turning only to note, with some disappointment, the two birds attracted by the seed had been driven away by the commotion.
[Image: 402atww-RW3l-K.gif]
But I wish I could I could show you more of yourself, I wish I could make you somebody else but I left it way too late, are you stuck in your own ways? you only look at me properly now when you're drunk watching movies. where are you? what happened? I want what we had
code by Wisker

Re: BITTER SWEET LOVE // intro - rhosmari - 11-08-2020

[align=center]AND I GOT ANGEL WINGS
elsweyr — tanglewood — three years
Her eyes watched the birds sharply as they fluttered around in the ground. Gaze narrowing slightly at the idea of stalking one. Taking her time to watch their movements before she felt that familiar tension in her muscles and then she leapt. Her claws sinking into flesh and tearing at feathers before she affixed heel teeth to the neck and broke it. It would happen in a matter of moments and this would be more food for the group to live off of even if to some it would be a mere morsel. But the noise from her approach seemed to have scared them off and right it should as she had not been quiet in coming over. Too preoccupied with trying to figure out what this was all about. It was still confusing even as Aurum announced his presence with a gentle touch to her side. Her skull tilted the other way and she watched the larger wildcat before shaking her head. Watching birds? Just to look at them? "She supposes but she doesn't understand what watching the birds does if one is not stalking. Peace comes with a full belly, yes?" She was trying to figure everything out and these strange customs that they had here. And it was soon confirmed that the child indeed just like watching the birds which was still mind boggling to the tribal woman. But maybe she would get used to this new concept of watching food

"She thinks she sees....maybe..." Yet there lingered a bit of doubt in her voice as she then glanced toward Aurum before Salvia spoke up again. He did not know how to hunt. A small smile pulled at the king cheetah's throat as she looked to the brown speckled ground. A thought moving across her head that had a small gasp leaving her at the whole idea. But she needed permission to do so. "With Aurum's permission she could teach the young one basics of the hunt. She will start easy she promises but only if little one wishes to learn from her." She wouldn't force him to learn how to hunt if that was not the path he wished to go on.

Re: BITTER SWEET LOVE // intro - wormwood. - 11-10-2020

NOTHING BESIDE REMAINS — Aurum had not thought much yet about Salvia's education as a warrior, but that wasn't because he wanted to hold his son back. Rather, it was just because the cub was still so small and so innocent. The lion had no desire to train Salvia in the ins and outs of fighting or hunting just yet, mainly because that had been what had happened to him. While living in the pride, he had been pressured to learn so much, even when he had been just a tiny cub, barely processing anything that was thrown at him. He had only eventually ended up aware of things when he had been forced to pay attention to them. After all, if you had another lion nearly three times your size charging at you, you needed to learn how to get out of the way, or you risked death. Aurum hadn't been able to afford rest, because Judith's strict training regiment had been brutal, and hadn't allowed for much time on his own. What scarce moments he did have were often dedicated to spending time with his brother, teaching Poet more simple and soft versions of his own lessons. He didn't want that for any of his children, because he could remember how miserable he had always been back then, save for those brief moments with his little brother.

However, the former proxy also knew that he wasn't Judith. He had grown a great deal since he had joined Tanglewood so long ago, and he was a better person now. He would never end up being the same kind of parent to his children, as his mother had been to him. This meant that, while he didn't need to pressure or force Salvia into strict training regiments and rare sections of alone time, he also didn't need to fully prevent it if the cub wanted to learn. With this in mind, Aurum glanced between Elsweyr and Salvia for a moment, thinking, before he rumbled, "I would be willing to let you teach him, if he wants you to. I'd never want to make him do anything he doesn't want to... but I think I can trust you not to let him get hurt." He hadn't known the cheetah for long, but she didn't seem like the type to just recklessly send a child into danger. Yes, Elsweyr had evidently come from a far more tribal society than Tanglewood or even the pride, but tribe's often took care of their own. They usually respected and took care of elders and children alike. He hoped that the same was true for Elsweyr's former home, so that he wouldn't have to spend every minute worrying about Salvia.

Turning back to the child in question, Aurum leaned over to press his nose lightly against his son's head, in a gentle and affectionate nuzzle. When he pulled back, he questioned curiously, "How does that sound to you, Salvia? Would you be interested in learning how to hunt, or would you rather leave it until a bit later?" He wouldn't blame his son if the other chose to give it some time. It made sense that one would want to cling onto their youth for as long as possible, not having to worry about the responsibilities that came with adulthood. Of course, most children didn't actually realize the worries of the future, and yearned for their opportunity to be considered "grown up." — OF THE MAN WHO WAS BORN AND DIED A KING.