Beasts of Beyond
We listen to the roar of the waves -- Joining, Open - Printable Version

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We listen to the roar of the waves -- Joining, Open - SirDio - 11-05-2020


Along the coast before it became forest laid a large beast, bear and shark, feasting on a seal carcass she had brought from the cold ocean. muzzle bloodied, shark tail swaying in the sands, she was peaceful. At least, until something of light fur and leather leg armor ventured forward, lips curled in a snarl. The beast lifted her head from her food, meeting eyes with the invader. Jaws opened to reveal shark teeth instead of bear teeth, bloody and serrated. The invader kept snarling and etching closer.

Body lifted from the sands, a low noise of anger coming from the hybrid. But the invader kept coming closer. It seemed they wished death. It was death they would get, then. The wolf lunged and the hybrid reared onto her hind legs, using her thick tail for balance as she slapped the wolf. Sending the wolf into the ground, she dove down and sank her teeth into it's neck and shook. She swung them aside, away from her food, dead. She snorted, then laid back down and continued to feast.

Re: We listen to the roar of the waves -- Joining, Open - teef - 11-08-2020


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] the female wouldn't be alone for long, the soft sound of dragging body soon apparent. from trees would appear serval tom, blue scales and ivory antlers amongst his fur, scar over his lip. normal appeared the front and top, against ground laid his legs and tail, fur matted and scarred around location that touched ground. he looked curious yet tired, keeping his distance once he reached the sands. against his legs were pads made of moss and vine, his ears standing tall. "ma'am?", he would ask quietly, "that was really neat. i wish i could move like that ... thank you for killing that one ...", he would pull himself closer, his ears quickly showing that they were battered and freshly bloodied, scratches on his pelt showing wounds from scraps.

coughing softly, he seemed embarassed, "that one is a bit of bully. well, they all are. my name's laeglin! um. what's your name?", he asked softly, head drooping as he laid on the sands, body aching. he'd been escaping that bandit after taking a trip to the forest, needing to get away from everyone else. the bandit wolf had taken him by surprise, beating him up before growing bored of the beaten and broken body of the boy. obviously, the wolf's boredom had led it to this place, where it's own death awaited it. panting slightly, he settled to catch his breath, hoping that the bear wouldn't come to attack him. he didn't want her food, he just wanted to rest somewhere safer than the forest. -

Re: We listen to the roar of the waves -- Joining, Open - SirDio - 11-08-2020


Head violently swiveling to the scent of a new individual, almost rearing back again to roar. When she saw the poor boy, dragging his legs across the sands, she let out a sympathetic huff. Such a poor lad, rendered unable to truly walk. As he spoke she picked up her meal, ready to carry it to him. "... You're welcome." Quiet her voice, careful of her surroundings now. With the seal in her jaws she walked toward Laeglin, eyes searching the surroundings for anyone else. Dropping it before him, a low, soft word came from her, "Mystheis."

Re: We listen to the roar of the waves -- Joining, Open - ¿¿ - 11-08-2020

          Popy ran down the beach after popping out of the trees of the forest. He was originally playing by himself this time but then he seen his brother along with the bear-shark hybrid. Having to much confidence he ran over to them with laeglin his main focus. When he got close enough he jumped right over his brother. "Hey brother!"

Re: We listen to the roar of the waves -- Joining, Open - teef - 11-09-2020


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] looking up in surprise as she approached, he studied her curiously, "thank you ...", he murmured, nose twitching at the scent of the seal laid before him, brought over by this stranger. his mouth watered, the taste of bitter herbs thick upon his tongue. swallowing, he looked up to her with a bright smile, "hello mystheis! well ... i guess i'm the first person to come this way in a while, haha", he would laugh warmly, youthful smile upon his face. looking down at the seal, he looked back up to her, "i live here, funny as it might seem with all these snows. i belong to a group called alithís evgenis, they live here in these lands, though we don't often come down to the beach.", he smiled, whiskers twitching at the smell of the seal.

should he ask for a bite? no. he just met her, it would be rude. instead, he returned his gaze to her, tipping his head curiously. "you look really pretty, miss", he would speak softly, curious of her looks, as strange as he must seem with his own antlers and bright blue scales. turning his head as he heard the branches and bushes rustling along the forest, fur rising in an arch down his spine, claws sliding out and ears swiveling back. he was afraid of more bandits coming out to attack him, but relaxed as he smelt the milkier scent of his younger brother, poppy. exhaling, he regarded his younger brother with a huff, "hello poppy.", he would call out before turning back to mystheis, "he's my little brother, miss mystheis, he's harmless.", he would try to explain, sensing him rather than feeling him jump over him, ducking his ears so the small legged hybrid would not knock into his head. -

Re: We listen to the roar of the waves -- Joining, Open - ¿¿ - 11-09-2020

        Popy sat tall and very close to his brother acting like a puny guardian with a huge smile on his face that wrinkles all of his skin. "Yess we got pops so we cam be very friendly. You can meet us all after your meal." Tou can hear his excitement in his voice with his tail flapping with it and if he was talking about himself it would seem like incredible boasting.

Re: We listen to the roar of the waves -- Joining, Open - SirDio - 11-09-2020


Gentle the smile that lifted on her lips, gently revealing the shark teeth that she bore. Eyes looking to Poppy, she gently stepped back. "Hello, child." She said fondly before she motioned to the seal carcass. "Eat some, I urge you. I can always catch another seal." She huffed, sitting down. Such young kids in these snowy lands. Poppy said they had a parent, but where were they? "And where is your Pops usually? is he patrolling for more of those fools?" She tilted her head to the two, shark tail drifting lightly against the sands.

Re: We listen to the roar of the waves -- Joining, Open - ¿¿ - 11-11-2020

      when Mysthis showed some teeth Popy was waiting to see if it was friendly or a threat. Not long after there was a friendly greeting given to him with the gift  of the seal. "Ahhh really your amazing to." Very excited Popy lit up and shook with it. He bounced towards the seal and took some larger nibbles from it. "Hey brother ya hear have some to!" Hearing the guests question about their father taking note that they might know about the bandits. "Pops dose everything, hes amazing and unbeatable so the bandits better watch out. But I am good to because I managed to sneak out but im with brother now so its fine." He visibly beamed with pride talking about Bai, and gave a very mischievous snicker about being out.

Re: We listen to the roar of the waves -- Joining, Open - teef - 11-11-2020

[Image: tumblr_podjm9hxLd1vd3h2u_540.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo & platinum silver fox. god of war - ancient. bai shi lynn lingré. proper chinese name is lin bai. prefers lynn if close. they/them. formerly blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family. courting halo mercer. kingpin of alithís evgenis. demiromantic gray-asexual. parent of veris, arvin, leoku, erian, flos, kekhai, evarhi, laeglin, sloan and colwyn. elder brother of ramona and hope, uncle of quennel and cosette. (strike is deceased/unknown status)
a low rumble would sound from behind the two young alithians, the kingpin emerging in their jaguar body, head down and tired, tongue working over a new scratch on their chin, silver ichor rolling down their jaw. looking up, they saw their two sons, "laeglin and poppy, what in the world are you doing all the way out here?", they asked quietly. scenting the air they caught the scent of blood and fear, eyes moving further as their gaze took in mystheis. tipping their head slightly, they would exhale after a sharp inhale, seeing the twisted body of the bandit wolf in the background behind the hybrid.

taking a step forward, the kingpin would dip their head slightly in greeting, "hello miss.", they would begin, stepping close to overlook laeglin's scratches and licking his fur tuft upon his head, doing the same with poppy. they would speak to their children soon enough, but the newcomer was of interest. they would give her a look over, curious, "my name is lin bai, but feel free to call me bai shi. i'm the father of these two, laeglin and poppy. both of them are my sons, and i'm the kingpin of this land.", they would murmur, grateful that she was helping to look after both of the children.

Re: We listen to the roar of the waves -- Joining, Open - teef - 11-12-2020


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] looking to his brother with a soft chuckle, he shook his head in deep amusement, turning his head back to mytheis before looking to the seal laying before him. jaws watering once again, with her permission he ducked his head to take a bite of the blubbery creature, the taste flooding into his mouth, his whiskers trembling in delight. "our father is usually patrolling yes, ma'am. they don't rest very often.", he would murmur, raising a paw to cover his mouth properly.

coughing slightly in surprise when bai entered the scene, he twisted his head back with a rough greeting purr, enjoying the fond touch to his head. rubbing his muzzle on his paw, he looked back up to mystheis, smiling fondly, "this is our dad.", he laughed softly with a curl of his tail. -