Beasts of Beyond

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NOVEMBER MONTHLY TASKS -- OPEN - Alithís Evgenis - 11-05-2020

Alithís Evgenis
[i]dum spiro spero-- while I breathe, i hope

Quiet were steps that led into the silent cave of sand and water, heat rising in the air and making the snow upon body feel less chilling. Rumbling as toes sank into sand, the stranger crept further into the cavern, ears flicking and twitching, gazing upon the board at the back. Quicker their steps became, light and airy, keen to disappear back into the unknown, akin to a ghost without death clutching at the fringes. Stepping over sleeping bodies, nose wrinkled at different scents, they crossed in deeper to the mouth of the gently lit cave, enjoying the scent of the water. Reaching the back wall, up they would stand, pulling down papers that had no such use. In their place, would be new papers, new tasks, new missions. The spirits were a silent pressure on the mind, voices clamoring in languages none could speak. There was something rising up, something causing unhappiness and violence in the territory. Lucky the unknowing, lucky the silent threat to begin to reach in so far. Departing silently, the visitor left no trail, only the faint scent of the cherry tree's sap flowing into the cave as the snowstorms outside brewed.

¤ cutting lumber
¤ hut/lodge building challenge
¤ making food storage and hearths
¤ smoking meats & fish
¤ making ceramic & wooden planks and dishware
¤ story-telling -- taken by halo mercer
¤ making trading trips to allied groups
¤ swimming -- taken by laeglin
¤ corn maze
¤ charting stars -- taken by halo mercer
¤ racing in teams of two
¤ baking competition
¤ making mulled wine -- taken by bai shi
¤ marshmallow roasting -- taken by leoku
¤ defense training -- taken by playerone kennedy
¤ snow sledding -- taken by playerone kennedy
¤ skating
¤ treasure hunt -- taken by wuyi


For those participating please have your character ic(in character)-ly take down as many tasks as you want and can carry out! More ideas may come out depending on the level of interest!

The link below is to the main event hub for 2020 where all important links are posted! It will be updated with each month and its important threads!


Re: NOVEMBER MONTHLY TASKS -- OPEN - teef - 11-08-2020

[Image: tumblr_podjm9hxLd1vd3h2u_540.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo & platinum silver fox. god of war - ancient. bai shi lynn lingré. proper chinese name is lin bai. prefers lynn if close. they/them. formerly blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family. courting halo mercer. kingpin of alithís evgenis. demiromantic gray-asexual. parent of veris, arvin, leoku, erian, flos, kekhai, evarhi, laeglin, sloan and colwyn. elder brother of ramona and hope, uncle of quennel and cosette. (strike is deceased/unknown status)
the lack of scent was what caught their attention first, the dragon pausing as they stretched from their sleep within the warm watered cavern, their nose twitching as they sneezed. trading their scaled body for their dark furred jaguar body, padding along the banks, head lifting to the moss crowding the roof of the cavern system. exhaling softly, the kingpin approached the board, humming in thought as they searched through their memories. who could be delivering the papers that held tasks? they didn't know, even with all their time in this land.

shaking their body to rid it of sleep, they approached the board, stopping before it as they perused the papers and tasks written there. humming as they did their selection, the kingpin would take a slip of paper, finding the task about making mulled wine. reading it over, they chuckled - this gave them a chance to replace the cider that they had found dumped upon the ground.

Re: NOVEMBER MONTHLY TASKS -- OPEN - Hope Arcanium - 11-11-2020

( Play will take Defense training and Sledding.

Halo will take Storytelling and Charting Stars.

Leoku will take Marshmallow roasting. )

Re: NOVEMBER MONTHLY TASKS -- OPEN - axiom - 11-12-2020

Wuyi sprinted to the bulletin and grabbed the paper describing the treasure hunt. “I GOT MY TASK!” Wuyi yelled. Xe jumped in place, spun in a circle, and bolted out of the thread. Because this crazy child needed to set it up!

Re: NOVEMBER MONTHLY TASKS -- OPEN - teef - 11-12-2020


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] laeglin would not be far behind wuyi, unfurling from his nest to stretch and yawn, dragging himself over to the board out of general curiosity, reaching up with a sleep numbed paw. yawning as he fumbled for a paper, his claws snagged in a paper that read swimming]. that he could do! he liked swimming after all ... it was a lot of fun and malak had said that it would help his legs to be moving around in the water. taking his slip of paper, he pulled himself away, off to go set up his task. -