Beasts of Beyond
Upon one summer's morning -- Mystheis - Printable Version

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Upon one summer's morning -- Mystheis - SirDio - 11-05-2020

"May happiness attend him, wherever he may go."

Name: Mystheis (pronounced Mist-heys)
Nickname(s): unknown -- will be added as time goes on.
Age: presumably 2 years
Gender and Pronouns: Female, goes by She/Her and They/Them
Sexual orientation: Pansexual

Appearance: Large black bear/ great white shark hybrid. The front part of her body looks predominantly black bear, though her teeth are noticeably more like those of the great white. She has sea-green eyes and a brilliant blue tear marking on her forehead. Her underbelly is void of fur, replaced by shark skin. Her hind legs are more bear-like as well. she has a shark tail and a dorsal fin on her back. Her shark tail is colored much darker than natural great whites, the greys almost black while the white underside stays white. Scars litter her tail.
2nd form: Great white -- Her second form is a great white shark with a charcoal grey topside and a white underside. Scars are scattered around her shark body.
3rd form: Black Bear -- Her third form is a black bear with a blue teardrop marking on her forehead. Scars are hidden in her fur.

Personality Mystheis is a sweetheart with sinister undertones. Vicious, but loyal to her group, she's a force to be reckoned with. As a siren in her past life, her haunting voice has carried over into this one. She's easy to befriend and hard to reconcile with. Any wrongs done to her will be remembered. Physically combative, mentally average.