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[ MACHO MAN ] — PRIVATE FOR NOW - Printable Version

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[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family:arial;"] [member=112]jacob w.c.[/member]

"Don't you eva' think that this place is too cold, Jake?" The conversation was casual. Nothing in particular was really happening at the moment; Jerseyboy was sitting against the wall near the entrance of the cave, a small twig hanging from his maw. He found himself itching for a cigarette, but he knew that Jacob would lose his shit if he lit up right now, so he resorted to chewing on that instead. He just needed the feeling of something between his lips. The tuxedo tom paused and removed it from his mouth, taking it in between his paw toes and examining it. "Hell, it was cold in New York, but here?" He huffed and chucked it across the floor before continuing, "I feel like my balls are gonna freeze off." Not that Jerseyboy couldn't handle the cold, but sometimes he missed the city. There was so much to do, so many places to see, so many people to meet. Here, it was same-old same-old. Maybe it was time to start traveling again.

His thoughts were interrupted when Jacob got closer to him. His green eyes focused on the chief's features, and he spotted the stain of crimson that stood out on his lip like a sore thumb. That was new. "What's that on ya' lip? Blood?" Jersey questioned. There was another smell that he had just noticed, and it was vaguely familiar. It was... salty. Like the ocean. That didn't make any sense. Then, something clicked. Jerseyboy furrowed his figurative brows and got to his paws quickly, interrogating the younger husky, "Whoa whoa whoa — what happened to you? Huh?" Was there something that he wasn't telling him? As someone who was naturally nosy and intrusive, he wanted to know what was going on.

Re: [ MACHO MAN ] — PRIVATE FOR NOW - jacob w.c. - 05-13-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob had been working on cataloging the new herbs he'd brought back from the Typhoon when Jersey had come to visit. He didn't mind the company and he was more than used to multi-tasking with Jersey around. Besides, with Izuku's injuries lately, it was nice to have someone to talk to while he worked. He tried to juggle his duties between being chief and frosthealer as well as he could but sometimes he missed out on the more social activities that really kept him going. It was nice to sit and talk to his big brother, even if he did have to work while he did it. When he heard his comment about the weather, he chuckled and shook his head. "I like it. I wear my sweaters n' all tha' though so 'm sure it don' bother me as much as it does you. Plus I got thicker fur than ya' do anyway, even without all the bandages n' stuff." That was only partly true. While his fur was certainly thicker where he had it, most of the areas covered by his bandages were hairless because of the scars. Still, there was no denying Jacob probably retained heat a lot better than the feline did.

He had just been glancing up when Jersey noticed the cut. He'd nearly forgotten about it, honestly, although the memories of the lighthouse were clear in his mind. Pincher's teeth had just been a bit sharper than he'd anticipated. When he was asked about it, his mind began to try and think of excuses. But then Jersey demanded an answer. "Oh, uh, w-well, I-" his voice faltered while he tried to think of a decent excuse. Obviously telling the truth was out of the question but Jacob was a terrible liar. Then it came on him. Just tell things in half truths. Substitute the word 'kissing' for something more indicative of a fight and Jersey would probably just let it go. "Oh, well, ya' see... Pincher was kinda' drunk after the blind date thing so I decided ta' 'elp 'im get home n' then, uh, well, once we got there, he... he jus' punched me. I mean, really, we punched each other but he was kinda' drunk n' I don' think it was even that big a deal-" he answered, although nervousness slipped into his tone. He honestly hadn't been in very many fights so he was going to be stuck if Jersey asked him to describe it in full detail but he hoped the feline wouldn't be that observant.  —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family:arial;"]Jerseyboy watched Jacob intently, observing the subtle (or perhaps not-so-subtle) changes in his features. The stuttering, the weakness in his tone — it just seemed like he was scrambling for an answer. He wasn't telling him something, that was obvious enough. It was just a matter of what. The cut was the only thing that Jersey noticed, but doubled with the scent of the clan that he distrusted? He was very curious, indeed.

It only took about ten words into the explanation for Jerseyboy to interject, "Pincher? Who the hell is Pincher?" He had scoffed, clearly surprised that he hadn't known about this "blind date". Then again, Jerseyboy had been gone for the whole event, so he had no idea of knowing. "He punched you?" Jerseyboy furrowed his figurative brows in concern. This guy, whoever he was, sounded like an asshole. Maybe he should have just marched on over to the Typhoon himself to give him a piece of his mind. The tuxedo tom began to pace, his intense green gaze locked onto Jacob's. "Whaddid' you do? Kick his ass?" He expected that Jacob would know how to defend himself by now. He had been raised by thugs, for Christ's sake.

Re: [ MACHO MAN ] — PRIVATE FOR NOW - jacob w.c. - 05-14-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob let out an aggravated sigh as Jersey asked who Pincher was. He didn't have a reason to be annoyed but he rolled his shoulders back and stood, starting to walk towards the entrance. He had an idea of what was coming and he hoped his big brother would let go of his plans if they were in public. "'E's the captain in the Typhoon. Tha's all," he answered, somehow managing to keep his voice study. He could still remember the doberman in the moonlight. "Well, I mean, yeah. It wasn' tha' bad, though. Really, Jersey," he answered, trying to make himself sound extra convincing. "No, I didn'. Not everyone's solution ta' everythin' is tryin' ta' punch someone. Besides, he's... he's my friend. I wouldn' wanna' hurt 'im." Like he even could. Jacob was pretty sure Pincher was just made out of muscle, the ocean, and stale cigarette smoke. An oddly relaxing combination, if you asked him. He wasn't sure how that was possible but he was convinced of it. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP



[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family:arial;"]The Typhoon? Oh. The fish-freaks. The place that he had stumbled upon a month or so ago. "Oh, that place, huh?" Jerseyboy lifted his head, giving a slight sneer. It hadn't seemed that bad initially, but he wasn't too trusting of it anymore after Jacob had been kidnapped by them. Anyone who messed with his family was immediately on his shit-list. He shook his head, starting to pace once more and he snorted in response, "Yeah, I know it ain't your solution. Because you're a pushova'." It was true. In all of his time of knowing Jacob, he always had to be the one sticking up for him. And he was smaller than him! Jacob could fucking maul someone if he really wanted to, but he wouldn't hurt a fly. It was the most ridiculous thing he had ever heard of. No matter how much he tried, Jerseyboy couldn't get the guy to put up a fight or defend himself. He was far too pacifistic for that.

"Besides, he's... he's my friend. I wouldn' wanna' hurt 'im." He wasn't going to lie — suspicion began to well up in his chest. Perhaps it was jealousy, perhaps it was overprotectiveness, but he didn't trust this "Pincher" one bit. Especially if Jacob was punched in the face by him. The only drunken idiot he trusted around his little brother was himself, but anyone else? He would cuss them out if he had the opportunity. "Really? Is that so? Afta' one of his goons kidnapped you?" Jerseyboy hammered Jacob with questions, folding his ears and giving a frown. "I oughta' go ova' there and give him a piece of my mind." He shook his head, turning his gaze ahead and out the cave entrance.

Re: [ MACHO MAN ] — PRIVATE FOR NOW - jacob w.c. - 05-15-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob wasn't sure why he felt so defensive but he felt annoyance prick his consciousness when he heard the way Jersey posed his first question. "Don' say it like tha'. They're real nice Jersey," he muttered, flicking his ear in irritation. Then he heard the second statement and a low whine came from the canine. "I am not! I jus' don' think everythin' can be solved by hittin' someone," he snapped. While he was generally a patient individual, Jersey was an exception. When he began to accuse Pincher of sending people after him, he turned and seemed even more angry than before. Pinch never sent no one after me! Tha' was all Guru's fault on 'er own n' he was real mad 'bout it. He even punished 'er. Besides, 'e's the one tha' helped me after I was captured. 'E 'elped me get better, Jersey. 'E ain't a bad guy," he insisted before letting out a huff and turning. Then Jersey spoke again and he felt panic spring into him. "No!" The word came without a thought. When he realized his mistake, he tried to backtrack. "It wasn' tha' big of a deal, Jersey. It's fine. 'M fine. Ya' don' need ta' go see 'im." —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family:arial;"]Huh. Jerseyboy let out a huff, twitching his tail in irritation. If Jacob thought that this Pincher guy was the shit then why didn't he just marry him already? Actually, scratch that. Jersey would be beyond pissed if that ever ended up happening. He shifted his narrowed gaze up to the husky once more, and instead of choosing to let it go, he instead made it worse (as per usual). "Look at you, gettin' all defensive on me." He snorted. The tuxedo tom plopped down onto his haunches, peering at Jacob for a few more moments before sneering, "So, didja' tell your old man about your new boyfriend?" Hell, he had might as well be shoving his tongue down this guy's throat. They seemed to know each other well enough.

( rushed )

Re: [ MACHO MAN ] — PRIVATE FOR NOW - jacob w.c. - 05-16-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob let out a sigh when his big brother sat down and let out an even more irritated huff as he did the same thing, frowning firmly at the older man. Maybe that would make him stop being such an idiot. "I'm not defensive!" he argued, frustration now clear in his tensed position and his tone. While Jacob was generally pretty passive, Jerseyboy always seemed to know how to press his buttons more than anyone else and if he was an elevator, Jersey was usually insistent on clicking every floor. At his second statement, Jacob's eyes widened. Did he know? No, he couldn't possibly. It was just another one of his dumb jokes. Besides, it wasn't like Deniz was his boyfriend. They'd just kissed. That was all. "He-" his voice faltered before he cleared it and insisted, "He ain't my boyfriend, Jersey! We're jus' good frien's is all." —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP