Beasts of Beyond
BANG! ★ joining - Printable Version

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BANG! ★ joining - charrie graveyard - 11-02-2020

It was a clear night, Kuragori's white feathers reflecting the light of the moon as he flew over the ocean water. Thank god he was out of the cold now, thankful for the warmer temperatures on this side of the island. It had taken him ages to get here, so he hoped his journey was worth it. Of course, he wouldn't even be here if the fools back in his old home had realized how much of a better ruler he would have made over his ex. Oh, they'd regret their decision to exile him, he was sure of it.

He had loved Lei. He really did. Never in a million years did Kura think that he would be the one to slice the other peacock's throat open, spilling the young royal's blood across the palace floor. The bastard had been cheating on him with a female, secretly planning to make her the queen. How dare he... how dare he. After promising they would be together... his heart had broken that day, beyond repair. The right-hand felt used, having lied and manipulated others for Lei's benefit too many times to count. So, how did Kura decide to solve it? By finally using the knives he had collected over the months. Of course, the dumb bitch just had to walk in right afterwards, ordering the guards to arrest him for murder. With the council's command, he was banished, left to fend for himself on the outside.

While things seemed bad now, Kuragori was confident he would have much better luck in this new land, the groups of animals here just brimming with possibility. He had heard talk of a group planning an uprising of sorts, something he was most definitely into. Coalition of the Condemned, they called it. A rather... long title, but that wasn't too important right now. If he played his cards right, Kura hoped he could regain some of the power he held in his old kingdom... yes... that sounded delightful. Wings flapping as he tried to make his way through the mist, he hoped he was heading the right way. His question was quickly answered as the island finally came into view and he would swoop down to land on a large rock on the beach, the battle claws he wore on his talons clacking loudly as he did so. Taking in a breath, the slightly oversized white peacock's crimson gaze scanned his surroundings briefly before he called out. "Wanderers of the Coalition, my name is Kuragori. I wish to join your cause- if you'll have me." Kura would say in his regal tone of voice, tail flicking and talons shifting as he continued to stand tall on the rock. Now, he would wait.
"so put your best face on everybody, pretend you know this song"

Re: BANG! ★ joining - SirDio - 11-04-2020

This was certainly an interesting arrival. White peacock. Regal and royal -- not Stheno's aesthetic, but whatever worked for Kuragori. She had seen him land, as she was hidden in the underbrush and foliage, finishing up her latest meal. She had half the mind to strike at him but decided against it. Instead, she opted to simply slink up to him, head raised, hood pressed hidden against the sides of her neck. Ears flickered, a mix of delight and curiosity flashed in her silver eyes.

"I certainly would not mind having you in the group -- but I am not the leader. Stryker takes that role. I am Stheno, one of the many wanderers of this group." Her long tail coiled in around her legs as she sat down before the royal bird.