Beasts of Beyond
they call kids like us vicious [open/returning?] - Printable Version

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they call kids like us vicious [open/returning?] - Crackers - 11-02-2020

[Image: 389Was.jpg]


It had been a good chunk of time since Fourthwall had gone back to the Pitt, longer than he cared to keep track of. At one point in time the beast of a canine had considered the unforgiving lands his home, had spent days lounging in the sun with Jervis on the roof of his treehouse or patrolling the desert beyond. He could name a dozen people he could remember off the top of his head, but the ones that had really mattered weren't there anymore. That was life though; there one moment and gone the next. A series of chaotic, random, and often cruel events that were entirely out of everyones hands. And 99% of the time Fourthwall rolled with that arbitrary way of living, embraced it even. Of all the people there were to meet in the world, he was probably the most unpredictable and morally grey of them all.

It's how he could work his ass off for a clan to reach a high position only to leave one day without a word. How he could agree to bare children for a man and then leave them all behind when that man was publically executed in front of everyone.

Had Jervis been insane? Undoubtedly. But a part of Fourthwall had loved that madness, and had thrived in the currents of it's ocean. That fox had let the wild and violent side of the wolf run wild during their reign, and it had been beautiful right down until the last second, even when their jungle was being burned to the ground- right up until Jervis drew his last breath.

There had been nothing left for him in the Pitt after all that.

As much as he respect Kydobi, the male wasn't meant to lead the Pitt. He'd been too soft, too troubled by the weight of what such a clan did to a person, and Fourthwall had no interest in being muzzled again. And perhaps it was a cruel thing to say, but not even his children had been enough to keep him there. Jervis may or may not hate him for that one, but no leash could ever hold Fourth unless he let it, not even the leashes set upon him by their offspring. Besides, they all knew Fourth couldn't do anything for them. He wasn't a parent by any means. He could have trained them, yes, could have made sure they stayed alive first hand, but that parental bond would have never been there. He just didn't have the emotional capacity for it.

So why was he back? Not even he was entirely sure. On one hand he doubted very much that anything had changed since he'd left, not when it came to the big picture at least. The Pitt was supposed to be a clan that thrived on violence and war, that was fearless and ambitious toward its enemies, but the only time it had ever been that way was when Jervis had lost his goddamn mind. And as much as he liked Gael and Ain and Kydobi and the rest of them, the fallout caused by their Ardents actions had scarred them and left them shy of war, too caught up in the horrors of it to ever be able to embrace it again. Coming here and staying would mean having to muzzle and cage the monster inside of him, and he didn't like that at all.

And yet he still found himself seated on the border, waiting for the usual patrol to come along and spot them. Because while the maroon and charcoal hellhound may have been a monster, he was a social monster, one that sorely missed the sense of belonging to a community. 



Re: they call kids like us vicious [open/returning?] - VALE - 11-02-2020

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ vulture to mutated winged wolf
A vulture circled overhead, a black blot against the blue sky. The circles closed, tighter and tighter, until the vulture dropped closer and closer to the Pitt’s side of the border. Black feathers drifted to the sand, and the vulture grew to the size of a wolf. The vulture’s beak landed between Fourthwall’s paws, oozing black pus and congealed blood.

“You look interesting,” Vale purred, vis paws touching down on the sand. “Have we met? No. I would remember someone like you. I can already tell.”

The wolf fluttered vis wings as the bones cracked and popped, moving down to a comfortable spot between shoulders and midback. After lifting a paw, the wolf scratched at the side of vis face, ripping skin and flesh away with every tug. “I am Vale Aston. I would be ardent here, if Gael had the balls to accept my challenge. Haha! Don’t tell him I said that, because—oh my god, you won’t believe this, Becky—I think he likes to pretend I was joking each and every time.”

The flesh piled into a heap between Vale’s paws. One side of the bandit’s face fell away entirely, leaving a white bonehead beneath. The other side of Vale’s face grinned at the hellhoud.

Between Stryker’s last reign and Gael’s ascension, Vale had known no home but the wilds. The bandit hungered for freedom above all else, and wandering as a violent outsider suited ver splendidly. Ve should’ve done this a long time ago, but the shapeshifter had wasted time in Elysium with vis brother—watching and supporting him as he ascended to leadership. But Clarence disappeared one day, and nothing shackled Vale to order any longer.

“And what is your name? Something tells me you’re already familiar with this place, hmm?” Vale’s head tilted sharply to the right, and two eye sockets formed in the exposed skull. Blood leaked out of the new openings, dripping down to vis paws, as a red eye formed in each. Vale sighed, raised a paw, and licked the back clean.

Re: they call kids like us vicious [open/returning?] - Atticus Roux - 11-02-2020

//atticus is stuck in tanglewood rn, but tagging [member=10555]sweeney c.f.[/member] + [member=10503]MERCEDE[/member] !! glad to see you're back <33

Re: they call kids like us vicious [open/returning?] - SirDio - 11-02-2020

The ugly being swooped in behind Vale -- black wings blocking the sun until they folded in. She said nothing as Vale spoke, talking of Gael and his failure to accept challenge. A hearty, grumbling laugh rose from her throat, bubbled out of her mouth. "He'll have to accept at some point. He can't pretend for too long, or He might lose respect." She looked to the hellhound, tilting her head. This was certainly an interesting person.

"I'm Chernabog, a Pittian. Not like that's not obvious." She shrugged, then sat down.

Re: they call kids like us vicious [open/returning?] - trojan g. - 11-02-2020

The first thing Sweeney had felt when she had seen the hellhound at the border had been surprise, but soon that had turned into anger, an all too familiar feeling to the female. From a young age she had always been angry, and the sudden appearance of one of her fathers was just the icing on the cake. "What're you doing here?" The kitsune would speak out, eyes narrowing towards the other. Although Sweeney was in a different body than the one she had been born in, the style of her fur had stayed the same, and she very much so looked like how she did when she was younger, the eyes being the most telling part. "Leaving me and my sisters once wasn't enough? You planning on trying to do it again?" Ears pinned to Sweeney's head as she looked over her father, disgust clear on her face. If Fourthwall had left at any other point in time, maybe she would be able to forgive him, but to watch Jervis die and then leave without a trace immediately after, leaving their children without parents? She wasn't going to forgive that any time soon.

Re: they call kids like us vicious [open/returning?] - Crackers - 11-02-2020

[Image: 389Was.jpg]


The first Pittian to encounter him was a talker it seemed, but that hardly bothered Fourthwall. If anything the beast was amused by the casual- if not random- conversation the grotesque vvulture seemed to willing to offer up. And it was informative too, filling in answers to questions the maroon canine hadn't even asked. He wasn't sure weather he was surprised or disapointed to hear that Gael was leader now. On one hand he was glad to know that there were some familiar faces around, but on the other it meant Kydobi was probably gone as well, leaving the throne to another who lacked the taste for violence that so many of them -including the vulture- seemed to crave. Gael was a smart man though, one who would be able to keep the Pitts head above water, and that was still something. Though from the sounds of it the fox had trouble coming their way from those like the crow and the dragon who'd just come to land beside them.

"So it's Gael whose in charge now, huh? He won't be the first fox facing a mutiny if he keeps that up." the canine noted, knowing all too well how quickly the masses turned against each other here. They'd been divided since the first day Fourthwall had joined, and he wasn't surprised to see that things were much the same now.

And now the vulture- who had turned into a wolf and picked half of it's own face off- had finally gotten around to the point of things, asking just who he was and remarking that he looked at ease in such a place. "Oh, I'm familiar with it alright. I was a Marauder here back when Jervis and then Kydobi led the place, and I'm here to rejoin." the hellhound would say, letting his win red visionaries shift from Vale to Chernabog, offering a casual nod of greeting toward the pair to accompany his 'formal' introduction.

He didn't know Gael well and so he couldn't say if they'd be sour over his abandonment of the group back then, but considering all that had happened if anyone had a right to bail on that sinking ship, it was Fourthwall. Besides, what was the alternative; stay and make everyone as miserable as he had been? Yeah, that would have been some life. Laughable. Fourthwall had no intention of suffering for anyone unless that person was himself. It wouldn't have served him, his kids, or the rest of the clan for him to be around, not when a part of him had hated them all for taking away the only outlet he had. And maybe that hatred still lived in him, but he'd made his choice; he'd rather live with people he hated than force himself into solitude.

And from the looks of it, he'd come at an interesting time.

"So, why'd you challenge Gael anyways? What's he been up to?" the wolven beast would ask with a chuckle, planting his ass to lazily scratch at an ear. But no sooner had these words left his mouth was another Pittian arriving. His gaze drew even with hers, unable to understand the icy animosity within their depths as they glared at him- that is, until he took a proper look at her.


She was in a different body, but he wasn't an idiot. Even without all that parental instinct he could still tell who someone was when they looked almost completely the same and were being as open about it as she was. Her anger left no mark on him, though. If she expected him to be angry or regretful or to come up with excuses then she'd find she was barking up the wrong tree. It was hardly her fault though- it's not like she'd ever gotten the chance to know anything about him or who he was as a person.

"I couldn't stay, and you couldn't follow." the canine would say, blunt and perhaps too honest. This was why he had needed Jervis to be here. Fourth may have carried them to term and brought them into the world, but he didn't know what it was to love something unconditionally. It wasn't anything personal, it was just the way he was hardwired, faulty right down to the last frayed wire. Or would you have prefered me to stay and ruin all of our lives? Maybe watch them do to me what they did to Jervis?" Because eventually that's what would have happened. Between the sheer disgust that an outsider like Goldenluxury could be allowed to play dictator over the Pitt, and watching his peers turn on each other like starving dogs only to rob him of his only outlet... The spite and resentment within Fourthwall had bee catastrophic. Eventually he would have snapped and done something, and then he'd be dead too.

So he'd gone away and taken his time, had let his feelings for Jervis numb themselves out into some dull memory he never brought to mind less he reawaken the feelings that came along with it. And when he'd mellowed the fuck out and gotten control of himself back, he'd returned to resume where he'd left off. Sweeny, Noor, Mercede, Juno, they could all hate him if they wanted, but they'd only be wasting their energy. His presence in their life wouldn't have made anything better, and chances were they'd end up on a similar road anyways. At least this way the only thing they had to hate him for was not being around to fuck up.

"And as I was just telling your clanmates, I'm here to join. The solitary life doesn't suite me well."




Re: they call kids like us vicious [open/returning?] - VALE - 11-02-2020

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ mutated wolf
The wolf hummed along with Cherna’s comments. Vis grin turned fiendish and wide, exposing wiggling white teeth pulsing against an off-grey gumline. Vale tilted vis head, tutting. Each flick of vis tongue pushed out a tooth one by one, and jagged shark teeth grew in place of the canine teeth ve’d lost.

“Did I miss your name? Or did you forget to give it?” The wolf chuckled. “Or have you been lost so long, you’ve forgotten? I would understand if you did. Quite forgivable! The wildlands are a ca-razy place to live, and they made me who I am today. Well. Rather. I was already like this! But I never expressed myself, you know, until all that solitude brought every awful truth about myself to the surface.”

Vale lifted a paw to the other side of vis face, then looked at the pawpad with an irritated glare. “No. Bad paw! Can you, you know, not do this while I’m talking to people? I would absolutely love to have a conversation without tearing my own face off!” Vale rolled vis eyes, all four of them, and looked back at Fourthwall. “Breaking the habit’s a work in progress, obviously. Didn’t even realize I did this all the time, until I returned from the wilds. Even then! Took me a month to notice.”

The wolf slouched over with a sigh, rubbing vis grey tongue over vis jagged teeth until it bled. “Oh, how can I list all the ways? Gael’s an idiot. He’s trying to turn us into a little trading port with some ittle wittle espionage activity on the side. As if that makes up for the territory burned down by a Roux! As if that is proper revenge against the Typhoon for taking over the place! Idiot. He didn’t even show up to my political slam poetry event… though, to be fair, I would’ve roasted his ass in the figurative and literal sense.”

Vale sighed, waved a paw over vis eyes, and portentously collapsed in the sand. “Oh, woe is me, to try to better the Pitt through my individual cunning and intellect, but the leader won’t even show for a rap battle, never mind a real one! Haha. What a loser, am I right?” The shapeshifter removed the paw and winked at Fourthwall with the one eyelid—the hellhound would be able to tell, by the overly exaggerated smirk and squinty motion.

Then Sweeny came over, and Vale grimaced. “Yikes! Oh, boy, so this is Fourthwall, aye? I suppose he better make it up to you! Otherwise, this is gonna be really awkward for everyone.”

Re: they call kids like us vicious [open/returning?] - j a c k . - 11-04-2020

The kodkod had spotted the group, not too far from the ruin of ashes. His form blended right inside where he had made his den, oh so many moons ago, now he retreated from it, his figure a small dot along the mar of the sands before he grew slightly, barely reaching the size of the smallest creature there. he accepted it with a grace, ice cold eyes watching the newcommer as he settled along the spot, seating in the sands. " don't think I've seen you, but from what i hear you were here- and left long before i showed up as well, hm?" The kodkod's voice was kind, boyish even as he greeted forthwall.

"You can call me Jack," Jack offered a low grin along his maw turning a touch mischievous. "I was a marauder too, before: though I think Imperator isn't anything to scoff at, hmm?" He shook his head, knowing that the small joke might more peeve the audiance here than anything else, Vale's current clash with Gael, and the sense of dramatics vey played at to get other's to their side was dirty, but in a challenge it should remain on the challenger and the challenged, he saw no reason to drag the rest of the clan into the game.

Were vey expecting revolt? Rapid change? Vale was bloodthirsty and wished for that blood to be paid, vey tried to argue for their right for justice, when it was actually Gael and aine who had lived it, had moved on from it. He shifted his eyes towards vem for a moment, his look more... praising than it was annoyance.

"There is plently to catch you up on, if you plan on staying, this time" for good Jack thought carefully, watching the interactions play out. He kept his tone withdrawn from his initial emotions, but allowed that same flicker- faux nature slip out clearly. "But as the clan has changed- is still, i expect you have as well, hm?"

[glow=#add8e6,2,300]I DID WHAT I HAD TO DO[/glow]

[glow=#add8e6,2,300]AND SAW IT THROUGH WITHOUT EXEMPTION[/glow]