Beasts of Beyond
a body like you — private - Printable Version

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a body like you — private - tinsel - 05-13-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; line-height: 20px;"]
"well i guess it would be nice, if i could touch your body," bianca sang as she stood at the counter in her kitchen, knife moving quickly as she julienned the carrots, hips swaying and shoulders shimmying to the george michael's voice playing from the speakers, "i know not everybody has got a body like you, uh," she sung, performing her best attempt at a hip thrust - and very literally slamming her hips against the corner. dropping the knife and gasping, shocked at how badly that hurt, she pressed her hands against the skin to try to dissipate the stinging, now scowling. "dammit." she'd mutter, laughing a little despite herself.

sighing, she picked her phone up off the island behind her, keying in the code to unlock it and shuffling through her music library before coming to a recent favorite: it wasn't me by shaggy. a grin presented itself on her features and she skipped to the twenty-second mark. "honey came in and she caught me red-handed, creeping with the girl next door," she sung, clicking the home button. deciding that she was more than a little bored, she tapped on the little green messages icon, curiously scrolling through her contacts before finding on in particular: elias.

tapping his name, her fingers danced across the keys, and she produced the first thought in her head, always a little bored with that how was your day bullshit. hey, do you believe in aliens? finger promptly finding the send button, she'd set the phone back down on the counter and cross to the fridge, opening it and snatching the lettuce out.


Re: a body like you — private - Beatles. - 05-14-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family:arial;"]( bee and eli need to have a dance party i s2g

Elias had just opened the bar about an hour ago or so, and so far he hadn't had any customers. Perhaps that was good though, since he had time to tidy things up before people started rolling in for happy hour. He wiped down the tables, as per usual. It was a practice that he had picked up as a bartender — washing the glasses, wiping down the windows, sweeping the floors... it was hard work sometimes. It was what made him happy, though. It was simple. After the shit that he had witnessed within the last ten years, maybe something simple was what he needed.

The man was just finishing scrubbing some dried crumbs off a table when the back of his pocket vibrated: a text message. Figuring that he was done with wiping down the tabletops, he straightened back up and walked back over towards the counter, tossing the damp rag to the side. Eli dialed in the passcode and checked his text messages, only to see Bianca's name bolded in his notifications. She texted him occasionally, and lately he found that she had been doing so more often, which he didn't mind. Sometimes he was slow to reply due to being busy, but while things were slow right now, he had the time.

Did he believe in aliens? This prompted a furrow of his brows. Bianca never failed to spark up a rather interesting conversation. He texted back, ? That was quickly followed by a Why? Eli needed a moment to think this over, really. Did he believe in aliens? He had heard a lot of theories over the years, and he could honestly say that there was no reason not to believe in them. Hell, it was sort of a nice thought to think that there was more to the universe than.. this. There had to be something else other than a world full of pollution, destruction, and war.

Re: a body like you — private - tinsel - 05-14-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; line-height: 20px;"]( i support this dance party )

her phone spasmed on the counter, groaning as it vibrated against the tile, and she shut the fridge quickly, lettuce in one hand and picking up the phone with the other. ? appeared and, a few seconds later, why? she smiled at that, setting the lettuce on the cutting board, she tore a few layers off, stacking them up and sliding the knife through the stack. grabbing a bowl, tossing the lettuce and the carrots in, she picked the phone back up.

why not? she typed, hitting send as she crossed back to the fridge, putting the lettuce back and retrieving the little cardboard carton of cherry tomatoes and the tupperware of olives. bobbing her head to the song once more, she dropped her phone back on the counter, busying herself with tossing toppings onto the salad.

(rushed, kill me smh)

Re: a body like you — private - Beatles. - 05-20-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family:arial;"]Elias, before he could focus on doing something else productive, felt his phone vibrate once more. He whipped out the device, eyes scanning over the new message. Bianca must have been bored or something, because this conversation was completely out-of-the-blue and random. Idk Elias texted back before adding, I guess I do

If aliens were real, they were being awfully quiet. It would be cool for an invasion, Eli supposed. Maybe they could go to another planet, where things were just like Earth before everything went to shit.

Re: a body like you — private - tinsel - 05-20-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; line-height: 20px;"]
in fact, that was along the blonde's own line of thinking. how cool it would be, to be plucked off of this damned planet and brought to some sort of eden. somewhere beautiful and green, where people didn't hurt other people and they all sang kumbaya. then again, what use would she be in a place without war? it was all she really knew, and the blonde understood that the only thing she really had to offer any one person or society was her ability to throw a pretty solid punch. still, maybe she could just get the aliens to find matteo and khalid and take them, leave her here.

[u]i watched this documentary last night, apparently people used to be kidnapped and brought back by aliens? she typed back, quickly hitting send. she didn't entirely understand the issue conspiracy theories and hoaxes were back before the world went to shit and there were bigger problems than ufo's. returning the containers, she'd quickly retrieve the ranch dressing, drenching the salad in it before placing it back in the fridge. of all of the beautiful things that existed in the modern world, she was the most thankful for ranch dressing. and cows, which she'd decided were her favorite animals.