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There are few who deny -- Singing - Printable Version

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There are few who deny -- Singing - SirDio - 11-02-2020

The moon was large and bright, full against the starting night. Stheno again found herself awake, and as she wandered the island, she found herself more restless. In the mood to sing. Would Caesar come and get mad? It was definitely a chance - the damned feline would always show up at the thought of him. But she didn't care for his words anymore. He was a pissant thing. As she wandered toward the eastern shore, she let out a huff. Who else would decide to ruin this early night for her?

Stretching her head to meet the moon, she began to sing, quietly, gently on the wind. Something she made up. It felt more like a poem.

"Oh, you're precious, pretty.
You have everyone on their knees.
You have a devilish beauty,
and they have made their deals.
You have your wits about you,
And Everything you've wanted.
You're devilish, darling."

Eugh. English. As much as she hated to sing in such a boring language, she found herself unable to properly sing the words in Japanese. She began to hum the tune she made, swaying her head with it. Such a lovely little tune. A petite, lovely tune.

"Yes, you're devilish.
you hold no punches.
and you reel them like they're fish.
with your baits of freedom.

This choir is in tune with you,
But you're no angel.
You're devilish, darling."

Re: There are few who deny -- Singing - rhosmari - 11-02-2020

[Image: kadxxPS.gif]
Since being accepted by his less than equal darling brother he had been stalking the perimeter,  taking his time to get to know this island. The fact that it had been torn asunder was not exciting for him. Things happened to land many many times over and what he wished to do here was a lot more sinister in tone. Still for the moment he had a purpose here that would not be divulged too soon. No he wished to wait and watch the denizens. After all one had already given quite the entertaining thought and picture of who they were. A shitshow. Laughter left his maw but was quickly to fade when he came across the soft voice upon the wind. His ears pulled forward and the ravenesque king made his way toward the sound, emerging from the darkness that seemed to pull at his very pelt. His dual toned eyes found her and he listened with hooded eyes before her voice faded into silence. "The beauty has a voice. Bravo. Singing is definitely not one of my many talents." He spoke with humor as he allowed his figure to settle upon the sands and his eyes to cast up to look upon the night sky and the moon itself. Calm night it was. One worth a trilling of music if he had anything to say about it. Would continue for him?

Re: There are few who deny -- Singing - SirDio - 11-02-2020

She turned her head slightly, not quite facing the dark lion, but just enough to let him know she heard him. With a flick of her tongue, she smiled warmly. "You can always practice, you know." She hummed lowly, tail coiled around her legs tightly. While she wracked her mind to find a song to sing, her lips visibly twitched. Medusa. God, she had better be dead. With a flick of her ears, she huffed. The song that came to mind was a nice homage to her past.

"Long, long time ago, I had my own little show.
Was a beautiful, loveable, angel.
Then she took the spotlight,
Shining so bright,
Left me to fade away.

Well, honey, now the turn is mine~
A devil made from heaven, sent from above,
Looks like Med's got a little date -- lets have some fun.
We've got lots to do, little errand girl,
Come to me at cloud nine!

To be the perfect angel,
Some sin must be done.
They told us what to do,
and what to say.
We couldn't escape.

They got to choose the endings of our fate,
They put us astray.
But not anymore,
We're in control!
We have the stage
They can't turn the page!

All eyes on me!"

She would be glad to expand upon what happened in her youth, if only to Corvus. He could do with it as he wished, it wouldn't matter to her. All that she cared about was making sure Medusa wasn't around anymore. But she could never be sure until she got off the island and explored more inland.

Re: There are few who deny -- Singing - Maka - 11-04-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Maka often had an irregular sleep schedule. She was unable to perceive light due to her blindness, and thus had no way of telling night from day. She slept at odd hours, and was awake at odd hours. That night she happened to be awake, exploring the territory aimlessly. She wanted to feel independent. She hated being watched over by Argus, or anyone else for that matter.

The dragon couldn't help but smile when she heard someone singing. She relied on hearing for many things, so she found the sound of singing quite enjoyable. She followed the sweet sound, until the scent of Stheno and Corvus filled her nostrils. She paused when she considered herself close enough to the two, or at least what she considered to be close based on the strength of their scents. "I like your singing," She remarked. A compliment, but also a suggestion to keep singing.