Beasts of Beyond
to the olde - open; joining - Printable Version

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to the olde - open; joining - rhosmari - 11-01-2020

[Image: kadxxPS.gif]
What a sad sight it was to lose a home he never felt comfortable in. But then again that had been such a long time ago and on top of that who would have seen it that it would be his own little cub of a brother putting the final nail in the coffin. A strange turn of events but he personally had done nothing to save Snowbound. No he had simply watched as the flames jumped and leapt into he air, consuming a home he had once found so near and dear to his heart. They had lost everything hadn't they. A home, a family, and he was the one to blame as he was always pushed to the shadows. He had never truly thought like a Snowbounder and perhaps that was what made him so shunned, so easily pushed to the back of the crowd. He didn't cope well through the attacks, never could and he only grew more ill tempered and maybe even down right vicious as the attacks continued. He wanted to be the one attacking first, wanted to put the fear in their eyes. But that was not Snowbound's way. He despised the preachy talk that things would get better if only they hunkered down and defended themselves. Like weak cattle to the slaughter. Perhaps the finally straw that broke the both of them was their parents death. But they were none alike. Corvus had little love for his brother that was continously praised while he watched. The only thing he found joy in was the game, the manipulation. The scenes of disarray that only he could make. After all chaos had no master.

A toothy grin was upon his grey black features as he walked, listening to the splashing of water as it rocked beneath his paws. The whole landscape was water, an ocean but he easily traversed it. Strength and power mirrored in his regal form. Walking on the surface of the water was rather easy, the ocean simply a slave to the elements and he the master of it. He had heard of sinister tidings, the Pitt changing and then following that tune as well. It led him here. Here to the place where he understood his darling brother to be housed. A new group in the mist of an island. Muttered rumors and some thinking it was merely a joke and that there was nothing out here. But he knew better that that. Flicking his tail the scarred behemoth would finally place his paws upon sandy beaches and with a grin flashing sharp teeth he would give out a unyielding roar that rumbled from deep in his chest. Yes, all eyes on him. "I'm here to join you. Though I don't know the name of your new found group. A pity. Where is that eyesore of a brother of mine?"

Re: to the olde - open; joining - SirDio - 11-01-2020

Stheno really didn't know what Stryker did before this shit show - she didn't care to ask. But she knew that she had things before the coalition - a life if it was even called that. Forced under study, given a sibling, dropped off, breaking away from Medusa, wandering, finding this rundown joint. She had no blood siblings; she ate them the moment she was able to see. Medusa was the closest to a sister she ever had, and even then she wanted her gone the moment she proved weak.

In any case, the roar from the lion was what drew the hybrid to him. Oo, was his brother Stryker? That had to give drama - and Stheno, even though not one for drama, loved it when trifling happened. Silver eyes set upon the dark lion, and she gave a little bow. "Hello there. Welcome to the Coalition - a shit show, really. I'm Stheno. Stryker will be here soon - He's the ringleader, so-to-speak." This guy was certainly interesting. Flicking her tongue and scenting a python nearby, she had to hold herself down as to not go and catch it. Introductions first, food later.

Re: to the olde - open; joining - rhosmari - 11-01-2020

[Image: kadxxPS.gif]
An emotionless expanse his eyes became, shimmering green and yellow as he looked at the individual that had come forth to speak to him. He looked down upon the woman before a warmth seemed to spread across his features. Yet it almost seemed cold with its appearance but it was genuine at least. Here he stood on the precipice of a new chaos and he wondered who would break first. He or him? Still he was intrigued by the look of this one and with a light chuckle the black lion would lift a sheathed paw. "Sounds like a perfect show for that little cub." Focusing more he would drop his paw then, casually as he turned slightly to give the island a once over. It looked sneaky to him, a place where secrets could be maintained and he wondered what his brother was hiding here. Still he drew his gaze back to the snake hybrid with now a glimmer of interest sparking in his two toned gaze. "Now you, it is certainly a pleasure to meet. Since you gave me your name, dear, I'll give you mine. Call me Corvus." Gently he dipped his head and shifted his body in what was to be assumed a bow as he slowly sat down, regality in the way that he held himself. He took pride in his looks after all despite the scars that adorned his body. The Coalition,  a name that tried for formidable but all he saw was a banned of misfits trying so eagerly to fit into a world that they didn't belong in.

Re: to the olde - open; joining - SirDio - 11-01-2020

Ah, so he was Stryker's brother. This guy looked way better than Stryker in Stheno's eyes. Her tongue flicked out again as she quietly giggled. God, she stooped so low as to giggle instead of chuckle. "You're his older brother, then?" She inquired, tilting her head slowly.

"Ah, you flatter," She hummed softly. "Your name is as powerful as your appearance, Corvus. Certainly a pleasure to meet you too." She craned her head to look behind her, getting up onto her hind legs to get a better view. Stryker really should be a tiny bit more attentive, like how he was when she joined. Turning back to face Corvus and lowering down back onto all fours, she sighed. "When I joined, Stryker gave me quite the greeting. Not a good one, but impactful."

Re: to the olde - open; joining - ninazu - 11-01-2020

The lioness pushed a carnivorous pitcher plant to the side. The overgrown pitcher plant moved away at the light touch, and its leaves arched towards her. Ninazu, used to the odd behavior of her creations, paid it no notice. Instead, her attention fixed on the dark lion who walked from the ocean onto their shore.

“Corvus, was it? I’m Ninazu.” The fire licked up her ears, dancing against her solitary gasoline earring. She tilted her head and added, “I am Stryker’s partner. I suppose that makes us honorary siblings.” She shrugged; family ties, even to her own siblings, barley interested her.

“Is there a reason why you’re here now?” The lioness found it odd that he appeared looking for Stryker with an almost blank emotional expression. If he bothered to come all this way, she would’ve assumed he’d be ecstatic to finally find his brother. Unless, of course, he wasn’t here under happy circumstances. “If you’re here to congratulate our relationship, we’ve been together too long for that.”

Re: to the olde - open; joining - Stryker - 11-01-2020

At the roar, Stryker's expression grew sour. That voice was all too familiar. He even debated ignoring their annoying screech, noting their high-pitched tone. Nevertheless, he was Kingpin. There were standards for him to uphold. With a grunt, the lion rose from his spot within the sunlight and shook out the sand from his light fur. Neon eyes focused on the silhouette in the distance as he sauntered confidently over. His gaze looked the younger lion up and down, noting their subtle changes over time. Luckily, his cocky attitude hadn't changed. That was one thing they had in common at least, along with their distaste for pacifism.

Coming to a pause next to Ninazu, he offered a snort. "Why, look what the cat dragged in," he cooed. His head craned off to the side, eyes narrowing in interest. "It's been a long time, little brother. I thought you'd died off in Snowbound's fire or perhaps ran off to a into mouse trap." A smirk met his lips. Surely, he was only playing, but Stryker partially meant it too.

Two years, was it? Time had passed by gracefully passed by since he'd last seen his brother. Corvus, to him, was a mere afterthought at this point. Stryker merely assumed he'd passed away, fallen into nothingness, or died during Snowbound's vicious fire. He rarely expected the dark lion to show up on his doorstep. Though, it seemed, time brought many surprises. The Kingpin wasn't exactly sure if this miracle was positive just yet...

A hum left the Kingpin. Seeing that Ninazu had already asked why he was here, the lion offered up his own question. He doubted his brother was here looking for anything good. "You've come a long way," Stryker continued. "You must be here for something, correct?" The Kingpin hoped to reunite with his family somewhat, but he held his tongue. His partner and children were his only true connections at the moment.

Re: to the olde - open; joining - rhosmari - 11-01-2020

[Image: kadxxPS.gif]
The giggle caught his attention, gentle sound on soft breeze and he pulled his rounded ears forward to listen to it. How cute. But the notion of him being thr older brother made him frown slightly. The tale of being born a few minutes after Stryker. One in which doomed him it would seem but he brushed it off and merely shook his head. Lighting another with hisnshowmans smile. "Unfortunately no. I'm the younger and more competent brother." In turn he would tilt his head to her next words, a little rumbling chuckle leaving his throat. Honesty got him a long way, but he also knew how to sway the masses. He had always been good at that after he grew and learned the hearts of others. Always the same but sometimes there was a spark. "Oh, Miss Stheno, I just say things as I see them. As honest as the sky is blue, dear. But thank you for complimenting my name. It does have a ring to it, much like your own, hmm?" He enjoyed the ego boast. He saw himself as a powerful beast and one who was something to he reckoned with if his scars told any tales. The Raven, a dark blight and he casually looked away as she began to talk about Stryker, snorting gently. He hadn't seen him in so long. What had changed? "Same old, Stryker. Maybe."

The next one to arrive made him cock a fictitious brow as he looked at the woman, her flaming mane rather eye catching yet the hybrid seemed more exotic to him. But the magic of these lands were not lost on him. Certainly not. A humored look flashed across his face at her words. The name being Ninazu. "Not likely, doll. I don't just pick up siblings. But who knows, I might just end up liking you. But, the pleasure is all mine, Ninazu." His tone was mildly neutral as he watched her, glancing at the large pitcher plant that she pushed aside. "Simply to catch up of course. We have been apart for quite some time. But sure regardless of being late I'm so happy for you and his relationship." He could feel the bile rising in his throat at his own words but the pleasant mask he wore never changed. Then the one whom he had come to see had finally showed up. A shift in his own demeanor yet a playful glimmer pulled through his duel toned eyes. The want to be king. A pauper more like. "Your little bonfire was flashy but not really my taste in demises. I'm sure the mouse trap is more your speed of things. Or maybe it is falling into pits." He shrugged his shoulders though keeping the banter light but there was that edge of tension. "Of course I'm here for something. To spend time with my only and dearest big brother and to see what his group has to offer."

Re: to the olde - open; joining - SirDio - 11-01-2020

"Tch.. you look like you would be the eldest. But where's my point to say, I killed my siblings." She rolled her shoulders in a shrug. A smile graced her face. "You're quite welcome. Names like ours seem to have a certain gravity to some. There was a naming scheme with mine." She said nonchalantly.

Silver eyes looked to Ninazu, dipping her head in greeting. While she was quiet and listened, she kept feeling the urge to stare at Corvus. It wasn't as if she could close her eyes - She had no eyelids. So she looked down at a leaf nearby.
This was an odd behavior.

Then Stryker himself made his appearance. She leaned forward with his words, a smirk on her face and a dark attention in her eyes. This was certainly an interesting scene, with the actors playing their best. And here Stheno was, an audience to this play.

Re: to the olde - open; joining - Stryker - 11-01-2020

Let him think that. The lion's smirk widened as Corvus mentioned being the 'more competent brother,' a tall tale for all to hear. He could talk all he wanted, but Stryker knew that those that spoke about their greatness were never as good as they spoke of. Jervis was the same way. Eventually Corvus would learn his lesson. Nonetheless, Stryker would let him talk big. The members of the Coalition of the Condemned had already entered into his playing field and were well into his game. Their hearts and minds were already encapsulated in his grip. Any attempt to release his subjects would result in disdain and his removal, especially after his younger brother's signature false truths. The Kingpin would let him run rampant though. He liked watching him scramble.

A snort echoed out from Stryker's throat. "Well, you can blame Caesar for his lack of flare. It was rather... disappointing." His head momentarily shifted behind him. Neon orbs searched for a glint of bright yellow in the distance, but was met with nothing. Unsatisfied, the Kingpin's gaze returned to his brother. "I merely worked behind the scenes." A well-earned end for Snowbound, but not how he would have imagined it. Although Stryker had managed to spill some blood, it was never as much as he liked. The clan that let his parents die without a fight due to their pacifist culture deserved to suffer. Luckily, he had Atbash on his paws currently. Vigenere was an added bonus too. Their time would come, just like the rest. Fate worked in mysterious ways, especially after his prolonged absence.  "Your presumed taste would involve a lot more impulse and unintelligible plots, so I wouldn't be the one to speak." A light hearted wink came Corvus' way. To note, his attempts would be miscalcuated too. His unorganized web of lies would bite him in the ass, especially during pressing times. If his brother had changed over time, he would have given him the benefit of the doubt, but Stryker still saw his younger brother from years ago. Unlike Corvus though, Stryker could string a web of lies and get away with it over time. The black lion was too impatient, wasn't he? At least he thought so, especially since Corvus always had a distasteful agenda. Perhaps he was doubting his capabilities though.

A hum left Stryker nevertheless. Another animal to their dwindling numbers was always welcome. "Then so be it," he declared. "Welcome to the Coalition of the Condemned, brother of mine."