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TWIN PINES // prisoner - Printable Version

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TWIN PINES // prisoner - ATBASH CIPHER. - 11-01-2020

why, why does fate make us suffer ?
Everything after Stryker attacked her had been a blur; the Kingpin caused her to be knocked out by blocking her airflow. When Atbash woke up however, she was alone in a cave, chained up against the wall. Her whole body ached and the wounds that Stryker caused were sore. It made it hard to breathe and suddenly, the she-cat remembered the snapping sound she heard when Stryker pinned her down. Atbash grit her teeth whenever she moved, her whole body aching as she tried to pull against the chains, clearly trying to see if she could slip out of them.

Gods, she was a fucking idiot, wasn't she? Trusting Caesar despite everything he had done to her. This would be, what, the third time he hurt her? The fourth? Honestly, Atbash was losing track at this point and that was awful. Atbash continued to pull at her chains, trying to ignore the pain she felt from her wounds.
bio | female | loner, no group
© madi

Re: TWIN PINES // prisoner - Kharisma - 11-01-2020

[Image: tenor.gif]
[div style="background-color: #00316E; color: #091217; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]After having experienced a long and tireless night, Kharisma Cipher had made the final decision to go down and visit the prison. She'd heard some banging, the inclusion of metal being yanked doused in as well. Ugh, dear lord, wouldn't that nuisance ever just... give up? Relent? Really wasn't too difficult to understand and follow suit with. Good god.

She rounded the lineage of cells, pearly claws tapping against the flooring as she came to stand eventually before their jailbird. Her nostrils flared in a snort of false irritation - just one look at the feline's wildly flailing physique and Kharisma knew she was going to rather enjoy this.

"Stop writhing around there, would ya', kitten?" Her head twisted in a couple of renewing circles, the veins in her throat stretching themselves wearily. How pathetic. While she for the sake of god despised her mother, the saber knew well enough she at one point or another met with the savannah in the family tree. How literally pathetic. The mere sight of her relative's struggling body alone was just... awfully depressing.

[align=center]coding by psy

Re: TWIN PINES // prisoner - ARGUS - 11-04-2020

Argus heard more the younger cipher than Atbash, the annoyance malice dripping from her tone called to Argus like no other. The story of such a vivid reaction called like nothing else, Argus was nothing else if interested, but the sight alone- the familiar sight of atbash, caught them before anything else.

Argus knew this prisoner. Snowbound was a long distant memory. It had faded to obscurity long ago, and it appears the cipher leader wouldn't be dead, but rather here, Argus wondered for how long. "Oh, what an interesting reunion, this is. Two ex leader's taken prisoner before the might of our clan" Argus' voice was teetering on the edge of laughter. Their voice rang with the amusement as ten swirling eyes looked down, the masked head cocked slightly as they watched, leaning ever so slightly closer.

"Caesar has been busy, or should we blame you for the fall of your other brother, dear Atbash?" Argus crooned, their voice taking an edge of malice as they watched the other, their struggles vain, but the brief moment of amusement was there, ever presently riding the high of it before they faded back to apathy. After all, what was another prisoner? Snowbound was gone, The tanglewood was crumbling, all of the typhoon's greatest allies were succumbing to them sooner or later, they would have goldenluxury here too.
[Image: kbDRDDJ.gif]
"Standing in the afterimage of who you used to be graceless fumbling rage, standing within the eye's of the storm and an itch from the edges of a storm. Argus is painted in mercy and her lack of action; the only thing kept their enemies out of dragons breath is care. Sonder painting the mask of a monster; does not change what they are at the core. ruthless"

Re: TWIN PINES // prisoner - ATBASH CIPHER. - 11-06-2020

you laugh and smile at me, but you don't see a thing !
The sound of footsteps made Atbash stop in her attempt to free herself, her body tensing up as if to prepare herself for someone lashing out at her. Glaring at the saber-toothed tiger in front of her with her good eye, baring her teeth at Kharisma at first - that is, until Argus approached. Atbash pressed herself against the wall, peering up at the dragon that had decided to mock her. "You have Vigenere?" Fuck, of course they did. Stryker got information from her, after all, she was a fucking idiot for thinking he would actually leave her eldest brother alone.

Argus's next question offended her, however, and Atbash's head shot up to look at the dragon better in clear act of anger. Is that what Caesar was telling them? That his siblings were the reason for his own personal downfall? But... on the other hand, wasn't it true? Despite her best efforts to ease Caesar, it was clear that Atbash hadn't done enough; she hadn't been there enough for him, or they wouldn't be here. Shaking off that thought (or at least trying to), Atbash hissed, "Caesar only has himself to blame!"
bio | female | loner, no group
© madi

Re: TWIN PINES // prisoner - Kharisma - 11-06-2020

[Image: tenor.gif]
[div style="background-color: #00316E; color: #091217; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Kharisma craned her head over her shoulder to watch as Argus stepped into the cavern. A smirk carved its way across her features and she redirected her attention back on Atbash upon the infuriated gnash of the kitten's teeth. "Oh, shut up there, would ya'? Disrespecting one with a higher rank than yours ain't gonna get you nowhere." Haha, stubborn little bitch. Well, whatever. It wasn't as if the kitty-cat was going to suddenly break free of her chains and come hurling at the sabertooth or some shit. Pssht.

She nodded alongside Argus' words, little gestures of eager agreement. Her teeth clenched and she straightened to whisper something into the dragon's ear, that grin still spread like butter across her muzzle. "Be careful, hehe. You don't wanna anger the kitten even more!" Not that she was being serious, of course. Kharisma, personally, thought this all a silly little joke, and nothing but.

She liked seeing others suffer.

[align=center]coding by psy

Re: TWIN PINES // prisoner - summer. - 11-09-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #536ea9; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px;"]HERE [color=#7489a9]COM[color=#8497aa]ES A [color=#94a4aa]THOU[color=#a4b2aa]GHT
Summer felt... Disillusioned.  Lingering by the shore all night, letting the waves wash of her paws as she thought.  Listened.  The ocean soothed her more often than not, but she felt more turbulent than usual.  Restless.

Voices drifted.  Enough to drive her curiosity, small paws moving to follow.

Whoever the chained cat was, Argus and Kharisma seemed to know her.  Or at least enjoyed taunting her.  Summer's tail twitched, a faint frown sitting on her maw.  How unnecessary.  Cruel.

Was this the same group who took her in when she washed up on shore?  Seeming kind then... Aside from Caesar of course.  Her ear flicked, head falling to a puzzled side.  The Coalition's prisoners were related to Caesar?

What sort of brother... Just let his siblings sit in chains?  "[color=#eef2af]... A family feud?" Quiet, but honest, her curiosity buzzes.  Hooked.  Wanting to know the why.  Any kind of reason.