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thoughts and feedback on palmclan? - Printable Version

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thoughts and feedback on palmclan? - stilly. - 10-31-2020

so, hello! if you aren't aware of who I am, then I'll just tell you that I'm Stilly, and I play the current leader of Palmclan, Rhinestonestar. In addition to this, I also founded the group, and have been immensely proud to see how much it has grown as a whole! However, I never wanna get caught in a feedback loop of my own ideas and payoff of those ideas without some outside input, which is why I'm making this thread!

so, whether you are in Palmclan, aren't in Palmclan, or were just thinking of joining and haven't yet, I'd be delighted to see what you all have to say about the group as a whole! and apologies that my own activity as of late has been very spotty because of work / school, but it should hopefully be picking up soon!

Re: thoughts and feedback on palmclan? - SirDio - 10-31-2020

Honestly? I feel like there's nothing wrong with Palmclan as of right now! I mean, I only have like... 3 characters in and Medusa joined sometime earlier... September? I'm proud of you, my guy! I'm proud of everyone who has joined in the development of Palmclan, as well! It's all just a lovely flash from the past, especially with how the entire clan is set up. Bottom line, I love it!

Re: thoughts and feedback on palmclan? - Whisper - 10-31-2020

Heyo! I've joined w Vaas September... 10th I think. Since then it has been since bronze to silver status in such a short time, there isn't much doubt how active everyone is on the clan, and how motivated everyone has been in the clan is amazing. I'm so proud to be a part of the clan and see it grow so much since I've joined and how the clan has grown just... all good vibes first of all and how relaxed and welcoming the clan is in general not only IC but OOC (in discord especially) as well!

There isn't much I would want to change of the inclusiveness? i mean hear me out- Being a subclan we don't have our own ooc board, but i know a few people (especially in the past) don't like using discord, and there should be an open ooc master post for all the clan plots, and just a general plotting channel for the ooc with other's who haven't seen the discord / refuse to join as well.

Re: thoughts and feedback on palmclan? - stilly. - 11-01-2020

Admittedly, I often forget that there are people on-site who either don't have discord, or aren't entirely comfortable in group discords, just because it is so convenient for me. You do bring up a good point though Wisker, so I have opted to create an official palmclan plot and chat thread, as well as a clanwide plot directory and overview thread, for convenience!