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what doesn't kill you makes you stronger [kharisma] - Printable Version

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what doesn't kill you makes you stronger [kharisma] - Kharisma - 10-31-2020

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[div style="text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 4px black; font-family: andale mono; font-size: 36pt; color: #00316E; margin-top: -16px;"]KHARISMA!
full name. khasrisma cipher
nicknames. n/a

sex. cis female
gender. cis female

physical age. 13 months
mental age. 50 months
spiritual age. 40 months

group. coalition of the condemned
rank. wanderer
titles. loyalist

species smilodon populator // sabertooth cat
appearance. a stretch of bluish-gray overlaps areas of a baby blue underbelly. partnered alongside various navy-blue stripes, crosses, and teeny spots she truly does stand out among the crowd. a thick, velveteen navy stripe runs up her nose, then splits off to connect with her soft yellow eyes. her upper jaw allows for a protrusion of the elongated fangs typical of a sabre.
modifications, scars, permanent injuries, etc. various scars

discovered powers. n/a
mastered powers. n/a
future powers. ehh? prolly nothing

deep inside.
personality type. ISTJ - The Inspector
positive traits. devoted — willing — obedient
neutral traits. hot-headed — judgmental — low self-confidence
negative traits. cantankerous — sadistic — haughty
personality description. kharisma wants nothing but the best for COTC, despite the fact they held her hostage for a decent while and eventually forced her into their ranks. she is undoubtedly loyal, every grain of her leftover morals directed toward defending her group. a certain sadistic nerve veins through her, and when she wants or thinks it necessary she won't be afraid to dive head-on into a fight and try and decapitate the opponent - it's simply in her nature. her lineage of relatives which she holds dearly but oh so furiously has molded her into a fierce, combative monster who'll stop at nothing to get simply what she wants.

mental disorders. potentially RAD [reactive attachment disorder.]
emotional disorders. low esteem
quirks. n/a

goals/dreams. answer
fears. fear of abandonment

history. kharisma was born a frail and measly cub to her parents. throughout the initial point of her life she was the most fragile of her litter, and her natural persona hated herself for this. so, once she was old enough to pad around, kharisma began independently teaching herself battle tactics, despite the low amount of faith she had in herself. yet nevertheless she bypassed her thin confidence, bulking herself up and eventually building herself into the ferocious beast she is today. a couple months passed when kharisma had been wandering the territory, only to stumble upon a troop of coalition loyalists and be brought into their camp as a new member. but now, considering the abuse and internal torment she had soldiered through as a young cub, kharisma would take the condemned over her pathetic parents anyday, thus resulting in a fierce devotion and savage bloodlust.

generation. three
parents. aphra cipher x npc
siblings. unknown

romantic orientation. biromantic
sexual orientation. bisexual
crushes. most likely stryker
love interests. n/a

romantic partner. n/a
children. none
best friend. tba
mentor. n/a
apprentice. n/a
enemies. probably a few.

basket case by green day
violet by hole